Bilete pentru Concertul Come-Back-And-Leave al lui Andy aici!!! Lucrăm foarte mult acum la ambele ambarcațiuni pentru ca Steel Melody să fie gata de vânzare și Ocean Melody pentru ca noi să plecăm de la navigație în aprilie. Dacă sunteți interesat să cumpărați STEEL MELODY, trimiteți un e-mail la Pentru a obține 5% din încălzitorul dvs. Autoterm, vă rugăm să accesați și să utilizați codul promoțional sailingmelody5% ____________________________________________________________ Nostru Sponsori și parteneri Pânze personalizate. Asigurare ambarcațiunilor pentru ambarcațiuni. Autodirecție Hydrovane. Ancore Mantus. Încălzitoare plane Autoterm. Pro Marine Store Chandlery online. Cum să ne susțineți. NICIODATĂ nu cerem nimănui să ne ajute, dar mai multe persoane au cerut modalități de a face acest lucru, așa că iată modalitățile prin care puteți contribui la acest proiect: PATREON: Deveniți un Patron și obțineți lansări timpurii și filmări bonus și actualizări în timp real pentru cât mai puțin 3 USD pe lună sau puteți face și donații o singură dată. Sprijină-ne pe Patreon: KO-FI: Ko-fi este un pic ca Patron, dar nu are o donație obișnuită decât dacă alegi să înființezi una. Avantajul Ko-fi este că primim mai mulți bani, așa că ne este luat mai puțin decât Patron. Pay-pal: Dacă faci o donație „prieteni și familie” prin Paypal, atunci vedem fiecare bănuț din donația ta, deoarece nu primesc deloc comision. Lecții de chitară și produse Pentru lecțiile de chitară cu Andy, vă rugăm să trimiteți un e-mail la: Tricourile și cănile sunt disponibile aici: Verificați Lista noastră de dorințe de pe site-ul PRO MARINE STORE Card cadou Lista de dorințe https://www. Vrem să le mulțumim HUUUUUUUGE tuturor celor care au contribuit în orice fel și iată link-urile dacă doriți să ne ajutați deloc în această călătorie uimitoare. ___________________________________________________________________________ Echipamentul nostru Sony a6400 Feiyutech a1000 Gimbal GoPro Hero 11 Creator Edition GoPro 7 Hero GoPro 3 Hero Rode Wireless Go II Rode Studiomic pro Rode Studiomic mini
Este imposibil!!! O treabă critică înainte să plecăm! BĂRCI VECHI SUNT DEZGUSTĂTOARE!!

50 thoughts on “Este imposibil!!! O treabă critică înainte să plecăm! BĂRCI VECHI SUNT DEZGUSTĂTOARE!!”
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Is it any wonder why everything is behind schedule? Andy, you´re pick´n the six string just to keep it up! Can´t be much rust on your fingers if you´re planning a show you know!
might be like talor swift 10 million rased
to bad they didn't install a large bung hole with a removable cap on the bottom to flush the tank. just say`in, a sidewalk engineer.
That is a good singer machine..
You are correct. You are no Aladino.
You have done some amazing work in this episode. I hope the tank is not leaking and you achieve the result you want. Melissa great work on that sewing machine. The cockpit cover is looking good now. I am so pleased for you all that things are coming together. Your hard work deserves to give you success. Kepp well and safe. James.
Re: the nasty tank with limited access, can you rub it down with acetone on a mop head then coat the inside with epoxy and call it a day?
Nice job Andy, Your doing a Brilliant job of the Keel Box.
Love how the accent creeps back with Ian's presence!!!
Wow! you both worked really hard on this one. Great results too. Fingers crossed for the tank. NB. Andy, check your fly zip before filming…..
On the project list, chop open the top of that keel tank so you can get to everything. Fit a smaller poly tank ? Right bastard of a shape though…. Suppose bags are no good for fuel if they slop about can chafe and burst… ? Cracking vid. Currently looking at a pass out to Sutton Coldfield to see ye play
(edit, now reads the 1000000 comments to same effect
Great jobs loved I will show you this at the end. Hope you put a addative in the tank the first few fills, just in case a bit of diesel bug in there.
Amazing video but you seem to have developed a strong brummy accent Andy. I look forward every week to my sailing melody videos. Im trying to persuade my dad its not to far to travel for your concert. We are from South Wales and both play guitar and have been following your channel from the beginning,
Can you not throw an old room heater in the tank to dry and use a rubberised insert to guarantee clean fuel. All going swimingly.
Dear Andy.
Before I even watch the video till the end, I simply have to comment already. Please kindly allow me to suggest that you don't try to use the old main tank again. It's way too dirty inside. Maybe two bladder tanks can be fitted inside the old tank as a temporary solution until you have the money to get 2 new stainless main tanks. I say two because I suggest that you do how viewer redshifttrucking suggested. But instead of plastic tanks I would use stainless steel (see for instance the problems Tally Ho had with their custom made plastic fuel tanks).
Now I will proceed to watch the video.
What may be impossible for you? Nothing Sir.
Good job as always, good dedication.
P.S. In case everything gets complicated for you, then I will tell Mr. Boris Johnson to help you, he is a specialist in "solutions" in case Boris fails then I will send you to Mr. Rishi Sunak is a good real snake charmer, he plays the fluye well.
Suggest put a LP air pressure test on the tank, use fitting points. Then soap solution on access cover flange will reveal any (bubble) leaks..,QED
fantastic jobs done !!!
Great funny and informative this video. Milissa well done on repairing Singer sowing machine Will you be taking it with you onto Melody for your sail? Andy's alot of jobs done over 3 weeks in this video you said? well done. Hope big fuel tank doesn't end up being a HUGE job.
Looking forward to next video
On that plate with the pipe for the cable. That extra fitting looks like it may take a steel rod. Most if not all lifting keels have this feature to free a stuck keel. A hose is fitted to the outside of the nipple or ball valve and taken above the water line, the steel rod is inserted and with a little persuasive effort moves a stuck keel.
Your getting a brummy accent half way through the vid !
As in comments id cut the top off the tank and slid another tank in . Mabe large removable plastic tank
Cces machines a coudre singer sont une HORREUR a régler correctement. Bon courage a toi Melissa …
Andy there is a product called barnacle buster that just may be the right stuff for cleaning the tank.
Mole grips are your friend for those tight areas, you can use them at an angle if you've got enough purchase on the nut.
Congratulations Milissa for mending the sewing machine, did you blush ? I am sorry but I though that was funny.
You need a crow's foot spanner.
Pressure test it. I mean like 5 psi.
Can you not completely remove the tank and fit a new one? You may never get the end of that rust
Well done

Dear Melissa, Andy, Oliver and captain Jack,
There’s a lot done with Melody as well as with Ocean Melody. The Keelbox in Melody looks perfect now and the diesel tank in Ocean Melody is recovered as a working diesel tank again. We love to see how the Bennington-Turner family is working so hard to leave for sailing with Ocean Melody over the world’s oceans. We look forward to your next vlog and send you love from the Netherlands
I thought day tanks are of a capacity to last for a day of running ?
I was laughing at the fiddling with the fuel tank. I think that’s been one of the hardest jobs except painting the other day. Uggg. Why not cut the tank hole bigger and make it easier to clean would save hrs of work and get the job done so it’s a safe tank? Would be easy enough to get a new lid made.
Fantastic what a great couple who both work very hard love it
Maybe pour several litres of bilge cleaner into the tank, add water and go sailing for a while so it sloshes around. Then pump out. Did an amazing job cleaning our bilge with diesel spills.
I agree with bigger opening, epoxy coat and suitable paint. You would lose lots of capacity inserting new tanks into the keel.
Great team effort, so much progress all round, must feel great. Wish I could think of a better way to clean I side that tank. Would be amazing if you could have painted it out but that's going to be hard to do. Andy UK
Is the concert online to warch?
I am in awe of the pace of your work across the two boats, and even more so the lack of any visible swearing particularly when you drop a spanner into the bilge…….or is that just good editing?
look are you sure you are ready to go to sea ?? don`t use adjustable spanners, please.
Well done both

just as a possibility when you remake the fuel pickup lines keep one line a small bit off the bottom, usually that is where the crud and any water are going to collect and with the line off the bottom it will not get drawn up. then set your 2nd pick up at around 3/4 deep, now you have a normal and reserve setup much like a motorbike.
Andy, you Sir are magic. How you manage to be at multiple locations on your boat simultaneously, I’ll never know.
Redoing the fiberglass truly gave you the results you were looking for.
Melissa has the patience of a fine Swiss clockmaker and is repairing the tiny bits and pieces of the sewing machine – that is totally cool.
All the very best, wish I could see your music performance…
Im so impressed with all the attention to detail you give to all your work. I wish to offer one point from this video. When you were sanding off the bad fibreglass. I noticed the extension cord caddy still had a lot of cord still on it. This would act as if it was a transformer when you ran an appliance from it as the sander. This can do several things,
1. Create a magnetic field around it.
2. Cause heat around the "coil"
3. Reduce voltage to the appliance being used. This can damage the applance from increased current to run it.
Hope this makes sence to you. I write this as a positive note of advice.
We can wait to see you sail away to Rod Stewarts song " sailing away "
Ian (not the Ian on the video!)
New Zealand
Andy and Melissa: We can't get over the amount of work accomplished in this episode. I gather the race is on towards your departure. We are so happy for the Family. Melissa, your smile is priceless and we are assured your new Singer will be the ticket on future sewing projects. Andy, wondering if either a bladder or new stainless tank may be a solution? Carry on, truly worth the price of admission, your editing, cinematography and music is amazing.
With the beard you look good. But with the beard you remind me of the "old man and the sea". good luck mate.
your time lapse music is the same as Cleetus McFarland's time lapse music…
The four pipes into the tank: I’m not sure why there should be two pickups unless one was for a generator, which Bowman I think would have made pick up from higher in the tank. Another possibility was that it might have been a water pickup pipe, from the bottom of the tank. Later Bowman’s I have seen have drains from the bottom of the fuel tanks, so you can drain a little off and check for water. As that would obviously be impossible in a keel tank, maybe it was so you could sample through the second pickup.
Hi Andy and Ian, have you tried CLR that might help moving all that rubbish? Anyway, just a thought give up the good work Cliff from Logan City Queensland Australia on the big island
Man where do you get the time. For the tank in the mean time (ya can always put insert in later) is have water seperator a clear one so you can actually see if water is present in the engine room and a over size pump in suction to top of header tank all in engine bay. That way keeps everything central.
. Ya gonna need to go sailing after all this as ya gonna be knackered. Brilliant ya both can turn ya hands to anything. Bet Mel didn t think she would be servicing a sewing machine 
. Steel Melody looking real good who ever buys her gonna get a great Ship 
. Especially as she can sit on her Bum 
. Keep at it Team.
can i suggest that you remove the cushions when working instead of using them as a work bench would be good practice
Andy, I know you worked very hard on this diesel tank but I’m just not liking the inside.
I would consider opening it up like a can opener and putting a bladder or equivalent inside the old tank.