Jordan 4 White And Gold scade în curând! Spune-mi ce crezi! Verificați cel de-al doilea canal al meu: Business Enquires/Contact Email: Găsește-mă pe -Youtube -Instagram TikTok - Muzică fără drepturi de autor pe care o folosesc #jordan4whiteandgold #sneakers #jordan Despre: Astăzi arunc o privire la viitorul Jordan 4 White and Gold sau Jordan 4 Sail. Acest adidași a avut o mulțime de oameni care îl compară cu Jordan 4 Off-White Sail din cauza paletei de culori neutre ale velei, dar, în opinia mea, arată mult mai aproape de Jordan 4 Pure Money. Trec peste dimensiuni, data lansării, calitatea materialelor și multe altele! Ce spune Nike: Echilibrat și sofisticat — AJ4 „White & Gold” pune în lumină jocul tău de încălțăminte. Materialele de lux sunt combinate cu o paletă tonică moale de nuanțe Sail și Light Bone, în timp ce hit-urile strălucitoare de aur metalic adaugă o notă de strălucire aspectului tău. Face semn din cap la original cu detalii de semnătură, cum ar fi marca Jumpman în relief pe limbă. SKU: AQ9129-170
One Thing… Jordan 4 White And Gold (SAIL) Review & On Foot

23 thoughts on “One Thing… Jordan 4 White And Gold (SAIL) Review & On Foot”
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I Was going to pass on these but right now that I've seen it on your feet hell yeah I'm getting them Saturday. Thankx
ELLIOT If you're changing your Gold please do a Video I would like to see the outcome before I fuckup mine.
A gold Rolex would match with these.
Straight L for size 11 gang
I wish the jump man on the back was gold
Can you please drop a video of how both trainers look with the acetone/when you get rid of the gold,.
Best sneaker for gay
If it wasn't WMNS only, I would cop them
Want these so bad I love everything about them including the gold accents but no extended sizes so I’ll never have a pair unfortunately
Dude, where are those cargo's from?
Are those shoes for women or men?
Don’t y’all get bored with the same shit from Jordan brand?
honestly the picture on snkrs make them look pinkish but the actually are not that bad
I’am gonna cop these broooooys
Just won on a raffle and pick mine up Saturday
dope review
such a clean pair, definitely a must have for the personal wear. I feel stupid because I don't understand the size chart lol
I still have my pure moneys, wore tf out of them though so thinking about throwing the chrome from that onto those and replacing the gold
For UK sizing from womens to mens, i'm a mens size 8, what would that be in UK womens?
my big ass feet won’t fit

i understand why u don't like the gold and i don't like it either but at the end of the day it's displayed as a woman's shoe
Please try and get in a pair of those Museum inspired air maxs… a review would be dope, still not sure on if i want to get them or not
I wish they had the pine green shape that would’ve set it off