Retragerea mea de post de detoxifiere de 7 zile (rezultate INCREDIBILE!)

Retragerea mea de post de detoxifiere de 7 zile (rezultate INCREDIBILE!)

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26 thoughts on “Retragerea mea de post de detoxifiere de 7 zile (rezultate INCREDIBILE!)

  1. Great vid, love the benefits of fasting, the good wife and I just come off a five day fast last week. The western diet is now in my opinion, poison in a packet, processed crap everywhere, you guys are setting great example in good health and lifestyle choices, good work ❤

  2. The amount of time and energy ppl spend on things they don’t like or think is “wrong” says enough.
    Beautiful video as always. Thank you for sharing your journey and all the facets of your beings. 💗

  3. I thought you guys were a sailing channel… not pushing this bs… is eating healthy food important? yes! however there are so many false claims in this video

  4. Pretty harsh comments… I thought it was a great video 🫶🏽 and that you both handled the subject very well. If it makes Elayna feel good then who cares? They’re not claiming that this is scientifically proven or that everyone should do it, they’re just documenting their lives and the things they get up to. Cut them some slack! I think it’s great that they are so multifaceted, so many figures on the internet these days are totally binary with their opinions and content, this is a much more open and healthy way of living life

  5. Good on you for taking some chill out time for you to do what you want …. good to see that you have looked into the pro's and cons and made your own minds up and what it does for you …… hope it refreshed you for your upcoming travels 😎😎👍

  6. You would be hard put to find any reputable medical doctor agree that enemas are good for the body. Shocking to see this on this channel. Enemas in fact can harm the natural bacteria etc in our bodies. This is pseudoscience. Its like saying carrot juice squirted into the eyes will improve your vision. Sounds like it would work eh? After all carrots are good for our eyes.

  7. Well done y'all. Don't know about the woowoo 🙂 Love me a good Devil's advocate.I'm not sure parasites work that way…but, hey.

  8. Great video. I'm a mental health therapist in Florida and I advocate for wellness. It's on my bucket list to be able to experience this type of wellness retreat. Such a beautiful and relaxing environment. Devils advocate truly rocked!

  9. Poor form on this video guys. Have been a supporter for years but this video is the icing on the cake for the misinformation you’ve been spreading recently. Unfollowing.

  10. What a load of rubbish. We waited a long time for the next video . . . for this? What did these charlatans charge you for this elaborate con job?

  11. I'm curious why this is called fasting when there is ingesting of liquids that will incur insulin and other metabolic processes from nutrients to digest? Fasting is generally nothing but water and electrolytes, nothing that triggers the above mentioned processes. The book you showed at the beginning explains it better than I am! I get what you're doing is still a healthy process, just a little misleading to call it fasting.

  12. I genuinely don’t understand people’s needs to be negative in the comment section when they not only have disclaimers in the video but also give the benefits and the doubts of trying fasting. They work hard to create content for us to enjoy weekly, but one “controversial” video they post and everyone nitpicks… grow up…

  13. Great info for anyone curious about fasting. I did a 7 day fast in Koh Phangan Thailand when I was having some marital troubles and I loved the experience overall. I don’t think it is good for my body type even though it was very refreshing. Anyone trying it, be extremely cautious what you eat post detox for a few days. 🥕

  14. After 6 days with no food, your body switches from using the glucose in your blood stream for energy, it switches over to the stored fat you have for energy. On the 7th day, your body will start to normalize using the fat for energy and the inability to focus and euphoria perceived will subside and you will start to feel more energetic and less reliant on food for energy. I once went 12 days without eating and was able to function normally after day 6….

  15. Well this didn't go to well ! After reading many comments I don't think people like the fasting resort lol. Not for me & I think some of it is kooky…but it's your body & life to do as you please. I think both of you look very healthy as is !!!!!!!!

  16. The christian-ish cult I was in for 8 years regularly practiced fasting for all members (often even children and infants) with no food or fluids at all. The ones everyone did was 12 hours, but more committed members would often do 1,3 or even 5 days. Dangerouso. The purpose was lamentation about how bad and evil we were. So many people end up with health issues in that group, because this practise is in addition to general sleep depravation and control.

    However, I loved this video and this healthy, purposeful, healing fasting journey looks beautiful ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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