#superyacht #superyachts #yachts #boats Un iaht cu vele s-a prăbușit duminică în reciful de pe celebra plajă Waikiki din Hawaii. Iahtul, un iaht de 27 de metri sau 90 de picioare, numit Criterion, a eșuat pe un recif la aproximativ 450 de metri în largul țărmului Fort DeRussy. Abonați-vă la canalul nostru Podacast @yachtreportpodcast https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/theyachtreport Alăturați-vă eSysman Superyacht Club pe Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/esysman Obțineți acces exclusiv la videoclipuri nemaivăzute până acum, la fragmente de locații filmate în întreaga lume în timp ce filmați superyacht-uri și multe altele. De asemenea, discutați direct cu noi și puneți întrebări pentru întrebări și răspunsuri viitoare și sugerați subiecte pentru videoclipurile viitoare. Canalul de știri SuperYacht | Alatura-te aici! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXuvvrj1tZ5oFYMRrFXhwFw Link către canalul de știri! 3 Minute de Maritime https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV1dJufuBCnn0H8h_PEJoDQ Aboneaza-te acum! https://youtube.com/esysmansuperyachts Urmărește-mă pe: Instagram – http://instagram.com/esysman_superyachts Twitter – https://twitter.com/eSysman Facebook – www.facebook.com/eSysman NOTIFICARE DE PRESĂ Toate imaginile sunt drepturi de autor al canalului de Youtube eSysman Superyachts. Nicio imagine nu poate fi reprodusă sau reutilizată fără permisiunea expresă. Dacă utilizați orice informație din acest videoclip, vă rugăm să creditați canalul eSysman SuperYachts. Dacă doriți să utilizați fotografii preluate din videoclip, contactați-ne în avans. Trebuie acordat și creditul canalului de youtube. Dacă doriți fotografii sau videoclipuri pentru utilizare sau sindicare, vă rugăm să ne contactați. Muzică de – Epidemic Sounds https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/arptj5/
Yacht cu pânze rupt după ce a eșuat în Hawaii | SYN Scurt
25 thoughts on “Yacht cu pânze rupt după ce a eșuat în Hawaii | SYN Scurt”
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Self taught dinghy captain in charge.
I've ben sailing since I was in nappies so maybe I have some insight and a worthy opinion on this wrecking. One of the fundamental rules of sailing is; Know the waters you are in, and if not to stay well clear of the coastline, and I mean well clear. For a yacht of this size and draft to be so close to the shoreline in an area known to have breaking waves is pure idiocy and flagrant negligence. The captain of this vessel needs to have his skippers and certainly any chartering licensing cancelled!
Is Hawaii uniquely blessed with bad sailors, or is this going on worldwide but not in front of the cameras?
Wow we had same view in Marina Rubicon
How many of these will occur until `Captains` have to have qualifications? Here in the UK we do require skippers to be competent, and for boats to have insurance for at least third party liability… This crew was utterly knob-like, too close to shore and reefs, and broadside on to waves. They should ALL be arrested and charged..!
Why didn't they tow the boat off the reef before it got ripped apart???
how could a Capt. be so stupid?
This video needs a soundtrack: 🎶What shall we do with the drunken sailor…
I don't think, that somebody wo is sober, would make such a stupid thing!
As a cruiser I hate to say it, but it sounds like ALL yachts entering Hawaiian waters MUST have third person insurance.
Several things to say here.
1: It’s your home waters. How does a tour boat operator not have a chart of where his captains can and cannot take the boat? As a captain, how do you not know your home waters like the back of your hand?
2: It appears there was a urinating contest between the powers that be and the operator as to who was responsible for dealing with the grounded boat. The Coast Guard should have called a Sea Tow company, I’m sure they weren’t very far away, put a line on that boat and gotten it off the reef and into a marina saving a massive clean up operation. Sent the tow bill to the operator who can argue it later with his insurance company. Instead, the public is left with this debris washing ashore for quite some time.
If anyone from that area has info on why the boat wasn’t towed off the reef, let me know. I’d be interested to hear it. Heck, I might even learn something.
Sad and stupid end to a nice Yawl from 1960s.
"You need a captain for your sailboat today? I'm your man."
"Of course I know how to sail, just watch me."
ultra stupid people
Yacht owner blamed the crash on "operator error". Why can't they just admit they screwed up…..big time?
I hope they get fined to failure. Crashing into a REEF in Hawaii!?!
Francesco Schettino syndrome?
27 metres of yacht and not a clue.
So superyacht news are becoming
– Yacht ran aground in Hawaii
– Super rich person bought yacht
– Some Russian tries to keep his yacht
– Another yacht ran aground in Hawaii
– Super rich…
Skipper!!! What do you want Gilligan? Skipper, I think we're in trouble.
What an idiot
I wouldn’t blame the owners as poor interviewers. Hired crews more often come from agencies. My cousin crewed out of one for some of the big famous yachts. The skipper’s CV could have been clean and references checked. What happened in the skippers mind between cast off and grounding is unknown. Whatever it was, it wasn’t good. Crying shame that boat was lost. No one hurt though.
Oh Dear, what a complete idiot. Posing along . 😂😂👍
Everyone’s an expert when someone else screws up.