Titanic Sailing La Apus | Animație de ambianță de 1 oră | Fără anunțuri în timpul redării

Titanic Sailing La Apus |  Animație de ambianță de 1 oră |  Fără anunțuri în timpul redării

Titanic Sailing La Apus | Animație de ambianță de 1 oră | Fără reclame la mijlocul redării Animație de: Jack Gibson Model de: Kyle Hudak


44 thoughts on “Titanic Sailing La Apus | Animație de ambianță de 1 oră | Fără anunțuri în timpul redării

  1. That was incredible. To whomever thought of this thank you. Just watching the ship sail. Listen to the engines and see the stacks. People enjoying themselves.

  2. I can just imagine the 2208 souls onboard inside away from cool outdoors that evening enjoying another fine end of day at sea with friends they made on this voyage.

  3. That missing "beat" after the machines fulfilled their engine thing (one rotation?) triggers my autism. Is that realistic? Would drive me insane within hours.

  4. God, what a beautiful ship. Titanic was the epitome of elegance and beauty in ships. The design of this ship was just flawless. Each and every ship before and after Titanic had some sort imperfection in their design, they were either too long, too tall, to bulky, to crammed, had weird aft decks etc. but Titanic's design simply was gorgeous, with no imperfections.

  5. Honor and Glory? Where’s your Honor and Glory? I contributed to this software YEARS ago! When is it coming out? How about a refund?

  6. This is phenomenal work. The light, the sound of the engines, the blue Jack, the water, all perfect. In know History401 loves this. She is one of your Patreon Officers. She can’t stop watching it. Nor I, for that matter. Love the sound of the engines.

  7. You all have such attention to detail that I expect you must have researched this so: is the sun angle right? It seems so far south given what I would think was a fairly westward course.

  8. Correct me if I'm wrong but, i highly doubt we would be able to hear the machines working around it, or on it. Unless we were close to them.
    It would be very frustrating

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