Informații și contact Reina Boats: Deveniți membru NAUTI: Urmărește-ne Construirea unui iaht explorator @NautiGuys Astăzi facem un turneu Prima noastră casă-iaht adevărată. Care este diferența dintre un HouseBoat și un House-Yacht? Ei bine, va trebui doar să vizionați videoclipul pentru a afla. Conceptul și filosofia Reina Boats ne-au intrigat cu adevărat și ne-a plăcut foarte mult să cunoaștem Echipa din spatele acestui vas unic. Abia așteptăm să vedem unde îi va duce această călătorie de construire a Casei-Yahturi de lux! Te poți vedea trăind cu una dintre acestea cu normă întreagă? Prețul de pornire este de 975.000 USD. Bucurați-vă de Tur! Spuneți-mi ce părere aveți despre acesta, băieți, în comentarii #HouseBoat #YachtTour #womenofyoutube Luxury Tiny Home on the Water: $975,000+ Reina Live L44 House-Yacht Tour //ALĂTURĂ-TE ECHIPULUI NOSTRU NAUTI: https://www.patreon .com/NautiStyles De la început, am decis să ne păstrăm independența și integritatea, așa că nu acceptăm plăți pentru Tururi cu iahturi și nu „lucrem pentru închiriere”, astfel putem alege și doar Tur navele pentru care ni se pare interesante publicul nostru. Suntem aici pentru a ne distra în timp ce verificăm cele mai tari iahturi de pe piață și nu ne luăm prea în serios! MULȚUMESC PENTRU LIKE-URI, COMENTARII, COMENTARII ȘI SUB-UNĂRI! ACESTE 4 CLICURI SIMPLE FAC ACEST CANAL POSIBIL!!!
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Casă minusculă de lux pe apă: 2024 Reina Live L44 House-Yacht Tour

36 thoughts on “Casă minusculă de lux pe apă: 2024 Reina Live L44 House-Yacht Tour”
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Maybe just me…. but why do they not do the pocket doors?
Would love to see this move.
Great video on something different. The options are boundless for people who want to float & nothing is cheap about boats, yachts, houseboats, or canoes so be prepared to spend if that is what floats your boat. Thanks guys as always.

BOAT NAME: Epic-Style
Is this becoming more popular in coastal areas, or are these new companies joining the industry? Houseboats over 50ft, even over 100ft, are popular on lakes around us. The ones that size are on an actual hull (not pontoons), and most have inboard engines along with the generators, a/c, full kitchens, living rooms, etc.
Never heard of a house yacht. Googled it. Couldn't find anything using that name except 1 website which used quotations for the name to describe luxury houseboats. It's a houseboat, just a more expensive one. Many houseboats have water tanks etc and all that. There's a company in my country that only sells houseboats, and they have full hulls even with a "floor" that goes bellow the water level. But it's still a houseboat. Sorry, this is the first time a disagree with NautiStyles. It's not called a Houseyacht.
Can it do haulover ?
More interesting than expected
I think a half or full enclosure on the top deck would work. Good, for colder weather. Otherwise, you have to remove the pillows, when it rains. The ocean can get wavy. So, probably best to use it, in calmer waters
Interesting concept! Would have to have a small bow thruster and where is the anchor chain stored? I noticed the new hair style in many of your shorts but never commented! Looks wonderful.
This would be perfect for river cruising or docked in a protected bay – awesome for living on the water in a city like Melbourne, Sydney, Singapore, HCM, Florida keys etc…
My only worry is the size of that small galley fridge/freezer. I've seen towable RV's that have a bigger double-door fridge inside. My ideal floorplan would convert that 2nd bedroom into an open office space with dual monitors, office recliner, All-In-One printer and a proper desk. A very practical home on the water that can also be a work-from-home solution.
As for the top deck, depending on the weight it can support, I'd install a small jacuzzi in the front, or use that space for a treadmill + bike
The biggest downside of a boat like this is it's limited ability to handle rough water and/or open sea. You want to be leaving any protected enclave only when the waters are "dead calm".
As far apart as those outboards are, I bet this would be relatively easy to maneuver.
An interesting concept for a home afloat with the ability to move around. For some people that's important after work going on holiday, you can be taking your boat with you. Or on inland lake or a very wide river not so sure about canals or bridges how tall is she. But s very versatile boat.
FYI…this vessel is built in Istanbul, Türkiye.
What a cool concept, but a lot of compromises apparently to accomodate the (narrow) hallway on the main deck.
I sometimes refer to my cruising cat as a floating condo but this takes it to another level
Well, about two dozen changes I would initially make. It’s a good start but not ready for prime time in the industry in my opinion.
I would like to see more house yachts
I wonder if this can navigate The Great Loop?
Hate to be a "Debbie Downer", but those awning arms will snap when the win blows. The Santa Anna's snapped ours
Beautiful boat but unfortunately, that fishy lens effect in this particular video is really distracting and kind of hurts my heart
it's like a class A motorcoach for the water
Hi guys thanks for another great video
I wanted to let yall know I watched a video the other day on a channel I forget which one but he was showing a yacht that has the set up that yall are going to have on yalls bridge with the owners suite up there with it and I finally saw kinda what yall are aiming for and it look awesome and that yacht didn't have as much room as yall are going to have I can't wait to see yalls boat.
I would love one of those-not big on racing around in a boat or going offshore..been there, done that. But this would be lovely. A million bucks is a bit pricey though
Is this too tall for the great loop?
I don’t see any scuppers on the upper deck, anywhere. How would rainwater escape??
Love the variety! Would you ever consider doing a tour like this? I love the sleek modern look however this would be so fun to see – the way only the two of you show. I would love to check out storage and see if there is any smell I was curious as there is potporri and incense sticks.
My only problem is I don't have an extra million dollars to buy this Houseboat?????. Nice video tour though
Not even Family Dollar Stores can stay afloat with Bidenomics but let's buy a Yatch?
Love you guys!
A house Yacht Cost more because they added the word 'Yacht"…. LOL
U 2 guys r the best
That's a perfect retirement vessel for a couple wanting to simply follow the sun. I love it Great video.
Cool boat. I don't get why these guys have the cameraman talking in there videos. Its bewildering.
Family Dollar cannot even stay afloat with Bidenomics so stop pimping these money pits