Detalii noi despre un cuplu american deturnat pe un iaht, presupus aruncat peste bord

Detalii noi despre un cuplu american deturnat pe un iaht, presupus aruncat peste bord

Cuplul american Ralph Hendry și Kathy Brandel, despre care poliția presupune că sunt morți, ar fi fost aruncați peste bordul iahtului lor în Caraibe, după deturnarea de către prizonieri evadați. Trei suspecți sunt acum în arest în legătură cu incidentul. Sierra Gillespie de la Law&Crime dezvăluie cele mai recente în cazul tulburător. #TrueCrime #Carribean #LawAndCrime Rămâi la curent cu LAW&CRIME NETWORK: Urmărește Law&Crime Network pe YouTubeTV: Unde poți urmări Law&Crime Network: Înscrie-te pentru Buletinul informativ zilnic al Law&Crime: Citiți articole fascinante de la Law&Crime Network: Pentru întrebări publicitare, vă rugăm să contactați: Pentru întrebări privind licențele, vă rugăm să contactați: licensing@ LAW&CRIME NETWORK SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Twitch: https: // TikTok: PODCASTURI LAW&CRIME NETWORK: ABONAȚI-VĂ LA TOATE CANALELE YOUTUBE LAW&CRIME NETWORK: https://canal principal: :// Law&Crime Shorts: Canalul B: Channel: ://


29 thoughts on “Detalii noi despre un cuplu american deturnat pe un iaht, presupus aruncat peste bord

  1. This maritime attorney states the American court system is the best in the world….lol…..Please….lol. What arrogance.

  2. Gentlemen!!!!!!! PLEASE that's stretching it to call these three gentlemen, individuals, criminals would be more apt but they have yet to be tried

  3. This is an absolute horrible & tragic story, it also doesn't help to hear the host here, with her cadence & diction like that of a yourng teenager.

  4. For the record, they were not docked in a marina. They were anchored off a beach. Also, hard to see why they would be extradited to the US for a crime committed by Grenadians in Grenada. No precedent there as far as I know.

  5. US Flagged vessel? 🇺🇸 Then bring the pirates to a southern state or Gitmo. I bet this story is a million times worse than what's been reported, if you think about it.

  6. For those who are complaining about the attorneys "polite" language as a lawyer he has been trained, and is basically required by his profession, to be impartially objective in his demeanor so to be most effective in his analysis and presentation.

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