Nu putem rămâne aici pentru totdeauna: Navigație peste noapte de la Fakarava la Moorea, Polinezia Franceză – Episodul 121

Nu putem rămâne aici pentru totdeauna: Navigație peste noapte de la Fakarava la Moorea, Polinezia Franceză - Episodul 121

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28 thoughts on “Nu putem rămâne aici pentru totdeauna: Navigație peste noapte de la Fakarava la Moorea, Polinezia Franceză – Episodul 121

  1. I made the breath hold with you. I’m 70 yo. But did some diving in my 30’s. I miss it and enjoy all your videos. Wish I was there with you guys. Love one life.

  2. OMG 😱 WOW ‼️ 🎉 Lovey episode guys ‼️ 🎉 You have been missed. Y'all look happy and healthy. And that's good. Totally love the underwater footage. See you next time. ✨ 🌊 💨 ⛵️ 🏝️ 👙 🌞 ✨

  3. Love these drift dives through the passes, so much activity in the swift moving water, so much more alive! Was able to hold my breath long enough to get back to the surface, not bad for a 66 yr old who just finished a little 420 celebration… I can understand prepping some meals for long passages like crossing the Pacific, maybe anything that's a week or more… but me personally, I could eat sandwiches, salads, a piece of fruit, cereal… probably 5 out of 7 days, without too much grumbling, but I am a bachelor, so it's not unusual for me to eat like that on land anyway.. Curious, what the plan is when your 90 days is up… will you keep moving, or will you leave French Polynesia for a set time and then return for another 90 day stretch?.. Or have you even thought that far ahead… Be a lot of fun to see you 2 back with Calico Skies and Delos… I think Bill & Grace have applied for the extended stay visa…

  4. I used to lifeguard as a teen and young adult. I was stupid and became a smoker later on. I've been smoke-free for at least 5 years now but I still haven't gotten my full lung capacity back. Don't smoke, kids…you'll never be the same.

  5. Great diving videos. I watch and subscribe to several sailing channels, and you are all different, all doing your own thing and I enjoy you all for your different perspectives. Stay safe and fair winds.

  6. Another great vid, Brooke. Good to see you. Starting to clean up my boat, the birds really enjoyed my mast all winter and have done quite the mess on my deck, so I have my power washer out and ready to go to work. Looking forward to some spring sailing here in OBX. until next time, hope you are having fun!! Ed

  7. Good one! I almost made the breath hold. Those atolls are huge. I've never seen one in person- just maps. I guess they are as big as the island under them. Cool to watch Gary face-timing form the edge of the earth. Some of that sailing was perfect. You could publish an hour long video of just that with no talking for ASMR or whatever. LOL. Do you ever use those lines where you tie yourself to the boat when going up front? I always assumed you did or the proximity alarms. I'm glad you wake each other up though.

  8. Your videos are so well done and interesting – they really capture the sailing life. I find myself smiling through the entire video. Looking forward to the next one!

  9. Brilllllliant One Life – such epic cinematography – true artists. Thanks for sharing ⛵️ 👍 made it 40' down then decided not to pass out. Impressive breath control

  10. Once again – love your videos. You are my favourite YouTube sailing channel. We are curious – what do you keep in that chest at the back half of your boat? Also what is in that PVC tube next to your Bimini?

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