S2E15 mare actualizare privind stadiul proiectelor de ambarcațiuni (Republica Dominicană)

S2E15 mare actualizare privind stadiul proiectelor de ambarcațiuni (Republica Dominicană)

Iată o defalcare a bugetului meu și a proiectelor cu barca: Cheltuieli cu barca: Cocă: 1461 USD Cârmă: 200 USD Tachelaj: 5000 USD Diesel: 1577 USD Instalații sanitare: 1574 USD Electrice: 5768 USD Instrumente: 583 USD Altele: 1156 USD Transport: 1440 USD TOTAL: 18 USD, 800 USD Finanțare: 800 USD , care a acoperit 3/5 din cheltuielile mele electrice de 5500 USD de la un donator anonim, care a acoperit noua mea pungă pentru vezică diesel, noul tachelaj incluzând învelișul cu role, plus o parte din stratul epoxidic și 5500 USD din vânzarea bărcii mele vechi, care a acoperit toaleta cu compost, Coppercoat, Honda Chaly (pe care o voi vinde mai târziu), Starlink, achiziții legate de motoare și taxe de expediere 1400 USD asistență de la părinții mei pentru a obține echipamentul de catarg rămas în timp ce catargul este scos TOTAL: 14.000 USD pe care îl câștig aproximativ 1500 USD de la Patreon și YouTube. Cheltuiesc aproximativ 500 USD/lună pentru mine (mâncare, rufe, apă, facturi, mese, diverse). Cheltuiesc aproximativ 600 USD pe taxele de curte și plata bărcii. Restul de 400 de dolari merge către barcă și, în ultimele șase luni, s-a ridicat la aproximativ 2800 de dolari. Am făcut și niște proiecte de cusut, care mi-au adus încă 700 de dolari. Acest lucru aduce cei 14.000 USD la aproximativ 17.500 USD. Plată pentru barca – preț de achiziție de 25.000 USD (negociat în scădere de la 45.000 USD) Am primit 3700 USD de la GoFundMe pe care prietenul meu l-a înființat, care a acoperit avansul ambarcațiunii. Din iulie, am plătit încă ~1580 USD, ducând împrumutul la sub 20.000 USD. Cheltuieli anticipate: poate încă 5.000 USD? Încă trebuie să acopăr costul reparațiilor cu forța de muncă pentru cârmă, plus materialele și reparațiile forței de muncă la bompres și bumpkin, precum și costul de funcționare a tacheliului. Și cine știe ce mai apare 🙂


48 thoughts on “S2E15 mare actualizare privind stadiul proiectelor de ambarcațiuni (Republica Dominicană)

  1. Hi Nicole enjoying the process of watching you upgrade your boat. I’m curious though regarding the works needed and the price you’re paying to the previous owner. I would hope they would in site of how much work is needed re evaluate the boat and adjust its costs to help you cover the repairs. You’ll have a wonderful ocean going home once finished and many adventures Im sure await you. Keep up the good work can’t wait to see the boat finished and back in the water. Best wishes from England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿.

  2. Well organized work. You'd be a great engineer. You know what you can't do and arrange for it to be done. Glad to see you aren't getting down. It's so easy to get overwhelmed with the work to be done. We are all very proud of you. Did you do this video prior to getting Kaijin? What a companion to have. Another day closer to the big float. Christopher Cross had the best sailing song. Enya ranks right up there with Caribbean Blue.

  3. Nicole, you are one level headed, young, beautiful woman who is killing it! Luv your video’s, you and your whole dream for the future! All the best!

  4. Putting things back together is so motivating, seeing the work start coming to fruition after all these months. Hope your time off has been rejuvinating. Looking forward to watching you Untie the Lines

  5. The fact that you have learned so much is inspiring. Thanks for taking us long in your journey. I’m looking forward to your accounting for costs.

  6. I was heartened to learn that the project has actually drawn you and your folks closer. You have chosen an extremely complicated rabbit hole to go down in the repair and restoration of this beautiful boat. I know a bit about boats and you are going about it with such intelligence and grit. Your folks should deservedly be very proud of you.

  7. 👍Nicole..have you FARED the hull yet ? I liked your unintended pun about making some of that worm ridden timber into something ARTHY !
    Glad you are getting support from your family…as families are just so important in our lives ! …Will be so good to see you sailing again. Be careful with those tools of yours…Hope you know what I mean SUPERGLUE !
    Love from Australia ⛵🦘🇦🇺🌹

  8. Having been through a similar restoration project on my previously neglected 1971 33ft Hallberg-Rassy, i totally relate to you feeling like you're making it much worse while breaking it down. I've had nearly identical issues with the hull blisters, mast cracked, wood rotten, wires corroded, teak deck leaking… the list goes on and on… But i fell in love with the soul of my beautiful boat and was able to see it through in about 2 years time. I aso see a beautiful soul in your boat and your's is being linked with her through this repair/love dance you two are going through. Very soon you'll be putting her together and dressing her up, and then splash, and then you'll start your journey together. By than, both of you will go through a re-birth for each other and you'll become forever connected by the magic of souls, sweat, tears, blood, generosity, uncertainty, faith and love. I'm so happy for your success ⛵️

  9. Love seeing You smile, You are an incredible person, Love your can do attitude, You work your butt off doing everything you can . Thank You for taking us along

  10. I don't know about working with composites, but the way I eliminated the mast intrusion into the living space was to distribute the mast forces through the roof by using an arc port to starboard,one mast to bow and one that splits to the stern to accommodate the entrance. This distributes the forces around the perimeter of the hull to the keel. This allows for a stronger roof, and a stronger mast because I always hear of freak waves 🌊⛵️ splitting roofs and smashing rigging.

  11. ASTM pressure vessel nautical architecture. Its a 7075, 6061 or titanium upper bolted to like a hy100 hull. The water witch 🧙‍♀️ 🌊 is beautiful but crazy and I won't allow her to tear up my stuff. ☠️

  12. girl, i love your video's, but most of all, i love seeing you.. yes.. you.. you being you.. you put yourself out there, and truck on alone, and its inspiring. so much so, that i have purchased my own sailboat, and am working towards getting out there.. and i hope one day to meet you in person so that i can thank you! or hate you, i dont know which yet, because i have yet to set sail. but i have a feeling that i'm gonna love it, so i'll likely be thanking you. when we meet, either way, drinks are on me!

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