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Funcționarea motorului și service pe traulerul nostru istoric al celui de-al doilea război mondial!
24 thoughts on “Funcționarea motorului și service pe traulerul nostru istoric al celui de-al doilea război mondial!”
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Can someone tell John to start his own yt channel? He’s a really interesting guy I’d love to listen to for hours about engines!
A really enjoyable episode. John was clearly a great help. I hope others can help.
I am a long ago US Navy veteran. Worked on most everything as well a sailed across the Pacific Ocean on a genuine Liberty ship (USS Tutuila ARG-4). You have learned to do the basic maintenance. Just keep it up and most machinery will last nearly forever.
Sunshine and following seas. Have fun.
Well done John what a lovely sound to the engine purrs lovely 😊😊
I would make a compression test to asess the valves & piston ring conditions, depending on the results maybe a leakdown test to determine eventual cause of origin. While doing the compression test, have the injectors serviced, and go from there, The condition of the injectors will give you an idea about the injection pump condition. I would clean the Separ fuel filter / water separator between the storage tanks and the daytanks and eventually drain and clean the storage tanks, but no rush in this. It helps to recirculate & filter modern fuel in storage every 2-3weeks to eliminate stratification and moisture, as well as add some storage additives… I'll probably write you an email with more details if you're interested. Keep up the good work!!!
🎉🎉🎉 I been waiting all week for this video!!!!
Woohoo the engine starts and doesn't seem to have any major problems good news all around, well done John, and great news for Daniel & Barbra
Duidelijke uitleg voor onderhoud van de motor. 👍🏻👍🏻
Dear Barbara and Daniël,
Willeke and I always love to see how you both are restoring Flying Coney with a lot of dedication, precision and love for this tall ship. We therefore look forward to your next vlog and send you love
That man is a legend. Great work John and go team!!!
I have a question, do the people in Europe have the same problem as Americans? That problem is whenever we work on almost anything we need Metric and Imperial systems of tools. Do you guys run into that same issue? Please Respond ! Watching from Panama City Florida, USA. 🇺🇸🦅
it would be cool to use the old oil for heating the cony
Tell John he should start his own YouTube channel. What a delightful man, thoroughly enjoyed all the information he shared with us.
Look at the injectors before the valves. Good Injectors are a big part of a smooth running diesel engine. Cheers
In Australia we have a product called Fuel Doctor. It's essential for any diesel system. You may find a similar product
I would have warmed the engine before changing the oil. You had it running before and a warm engine oil will come out easier. This new oil may need changing after flushing the system and new replacements oil put in after an hour of flush running.
Bit of advice if you'd like to hear it:
––- It's a good idea to have your batteries isolated from the metal framing that they're sitting on.
For two reasons:
1. The battery charge can slowly be drained via external contact with the hull ground, &
2. If you have a slow grounding drain on the charge, it can lead to further corrosion across the hull structure.
This is easily fixed by sitting the batteries in a small wooden tray/open-topped box.
And even better if you line the tray/box with rubber.
If you have a securing metal strap, line the under-side of that with rubber also.
Will you please stop the " huge " " massive" nonsense. It's just a 6cyl truck engine. If my memory serves me right it's actually a Leyland 680.
John is an old school and damn good engineers.
What year is the engine from?
You're a good man, John. I only wish I had some skills that would help, sadly that is not the case. I hope others who do have the skills step forward to ensure this lovely old boat gets a new lease on life. Thank for sahring.
what year brand and engine hours is your main engine , total est
HP ?
Have you a wish list on amazon? If so how do i get to this, engine sounds great, after the TLC you have given it,