RUTINE DE NAVIGARE: În sfârșit am reușit!

RUTINE DE NAVIGARE: În sfârșit am reușit!

Acum suntem în Panama City, partea Pacificului! Să fim blocați de mașinile închiriate, să terminăm un proiect care a durat opt ​​luni și să ne luăm rămas bun de la prietenii noștri. 〰️〰️〰️〰️ Episodul 103 I Capitolul 4: Un ocean complet nou [Pacific]
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20 thoughts on “RUTINE DE NAVIGARE: În sfârșit am reușit!

  1. We are now in the PACIFIC. Can you believe it? (We can't). It's really interesting to stop and think about the journey, the goal, our happiness and others.

    Whats the reason you travel?

  2. some might say that you can always go back to places…. but there is an interesting comment in the Dove where Robin comments that when he returned to places they were never the same, the lacked that brightness, that excitement, that something special.

  3. Thank you for keeping it real. I think u will find it hard to settle when u get back. Please enjoy every moment now, until you have a couple kids, u will be always looking for the next adventure. Congrats on living life to the fullest. You guys are great, long live your partnership. Happy days to u both. 😅

  4. Interesting subject…the "journey"…
    Lao Tse says that the purpose of a Journey is the journey, not the goal.
    Because when you reach a place, there's always another place to see.
    By being focused on the "goals", we have two counterpit:
    1) we live in the future, not in the present time…
    2) we oblige our mind to find something "missing" to be able to set a goal.
    This is, obviously, umproductively stressful 🙂
    Plus I suggest you wach yourself as we did FROM THE BEGINNING! can you hold all together what youìve done ever since?
    Time does not exist and there is no "way to happiness: happiness is THE Way!" (this is Buddha🙂)
    Keep soaring your delighful, yet challenging dream!
    We're with you!

  5. Your goal to enjoy what you are doing: that’s your goal to go for. I envy you for that. Greetings John (excuse any spelling mistakes as I am Dutch)

  6. I've loved your journey so far. We've followed you guys from the very start and just love how normal and down to earth you are. ❤
    My wife and i have just bought an HR 38 in Australia and are planning to sail her home to Scotland. People like you are what inspires us !!

  7. We felt exactly the same as you about San Blas. We hope, if we do make it around as you said, that we can possibly settle there. It is an amazing place. But there is so much of the world to explore, so who knows, right?

  8. Maybe I missed it but did you find dye for your sheet line, saw the black line. Concerned about the dye effect on the rope depending on the chemicals in it. Not much load on it though. Surprised they didn’t tell you the breaking strength. Any case google is your friend for future lines of which I and others usually have at least 3-4 extra, like oil and fuel filters! Hope the rest of the prep goes well.

  9. Gongrats. Count yourself as one of the few who have travelled to the other side of the world. Think about it. You are now an ocean AND an entire continent away from home. Now the adventure changes gears. Oh, and another fun video. Keep it up.

  10. Another great vlog – thanks both! Great to see around the city and markets too. Nice job sorting the lines out there Zach – it's good to see the technical side of your maintenance.

    As for the journey – sure can't fault you for having an open/flexible plan. Being tied to a specific plan and timings just gets stressful for everyone in the end.

    Looking forward to seeing the new sail in action 🙂

    Happy sailing team Teulu.

  11. You didn't get this far to only come this far. Always strive for the next adventure because soon it will never come. Venture on, enjoy and educate. Great job in doing life. Cheers

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