Alăturați-vă mie într-un tur al acestui iaht Lazzara de vârf care a fost construit în Statele Unite. Acest superyacht de 116′ poate găzdui până la 10 oaspeți în 5 cabine. Mi-a plăcut foarte mult designul podurilor din traversă, care găzduiesc două moto-jet-uri într-un mod foarte elegant. Flybridge-ul a fost, de asemenea, un spațiu imens, cu spațiu pentru a se bucura toată lumea! Acest iaht este prezentat de Worth Avenue Yachts: Acest canal nu ar fi posibil fără VOI! Fiecare comentariu, like și distribuire ajută canalul să se dezvolte. Aboneaza-te daca iti place si te prindem data viitoare! Urmăriți următorul: Cel mai recent și mai bun de la Lazzara, UHV 87: Despre Yacht Addiction: Hei, I’m Tony. Vă mulțumim că ați verificat Yacht Addiction pe Youtube! Dacă îți plac iahturile, acesta este locul potrivit pentru tine! Noi tururi cu iahturi sunt disponibile în fiecare miercuri. Nu lucrez în industria de iahturi și nu am experiență în navigație. Sunt doar un tip obsedat de iahturi. Alăturați-vă în această călătorie în timp ce explorez cât mai multe bărci. Croaziere, traulere, superyacht-uri, pescuit sportiv și bărci cu pânze.. Vreau să le fac tur pe toate! Urmărește-mă pe instagram: My Gear: Camera – Backup Camera – Microfon – https://amzn. to/3CTkWkA Backup Mic – Gimbal – Card SD – Unele linkuri din descriere pot fi link-uri afiliate. Dacă achiziționați un produs cu link-urile pe care le furnizez, s-ar putea să primesc un mic comision. Nu există nicio taxă suplimentară pentru tine! Acest lucru mă ajută să continui canalul Yacht Addiction cu noi tururi în fiecare săptămână! SPECIFICAȚII: Preț: listat pentru 6.000.000 USD Lungime: 116′ / 35.36m Lungime: 23′ 1″ / 7.04m Pescaj: 5’6″ / 1.68m An: 2009 Refit: 2022 Constructor: Lazzara Model: GRP16 2) MTU 2000 CP fiecare Viteză maximă: 26 kt Viteză de croazieră: 20 kt Raza de acțiune: 1800 nm la 12 noduri Cabine: 5 Oaspeți: 10 Echipaj: 4-6 #SuperYacht #SuperyachtTour #YachtTour
6.000.000 USD 116′ Lazzara SuperYacht Tour | Iaht Charter de lux

24 thoughts on “6.000.000 USD 116′ Lazzara SuperYacht Tour | Iaht Charter de lux”
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Put the mother in-law in that storage at back of boat.
Very nice , happy to have a dark bedroom , after all it's for sleeping , nice to see there are not too many televisions around , prefer to enjoy the view , thanks Tony another excellent tour and yes a shout out to the crew for a fantastic job
Tony I was never really keen on yachts with country kitchens and raised pilots,but I have two categories in yachts,if mega rich and I had mansions and cars etc this Lazzara wouldn't be my choice, but if all I could afford was to buy a yacht and run it then I would live on it full time ,. The country kitchen style is growing on me for the full-time live abroad, it's more like a home, now this Lazzara would definitely be on my list for that,. I like this Lazzara all around really,very impressed with the pilot house,but for it age it looks great. Nice find Tony and tour sir, envious of you getting to look around these yachts in the flesh as it were but keep up the good work ,all the best from Cornwall

For an older yacht, it looks very up to date. Looks very well cared for over the years. Thanks Tony for giving us a nice tour of this yacht.
how do they make money from charter yachts? i just can't see someone making their 5-15M back within the lifespan of the boat, from my math, they'd need a full occupancy at something like $25k/wk, or something like that, can't remember, but I just couldn't see it happening…


Did anybody else see what I thought I seen..?
These were made close to where I live in Tampa. The factory next door to them still makes boats, mainly for foriegn military units. A friend of mine owns that company and he absorbed a lot of Lazzara's workers when the comoany shut down. They did an aweso e job on these with the pods for skis, that was the James Bond pod we called them.
Riva is not a jetski manufacturer, they are an aftermarket tuning company. There are only three PWC manufacturers, Sea Doo (BRP), Yamaha, and Kawasaki. There is also one other called Belassi but they are a boutique manufacturer and they cost $60,000 or about 3 times what the big threes comparable supercharged skis cost.
You're getting better Tony; you only used the word "so" around 28 times, give or take a couple…
Perfect ambiance throughout this yacht, so beautifully put together!
I am blown away that a 116' yacht has an engine room that large AND has two V16 MTU's! At 26 knots, she must be close to planing!
Ken Griffin is a modern-day Berine Madof .
Great tour as always. Not a fan of country kitchen but would definitely charter this beauty.
Love this one great tour to keep up gud work
The whole yacht is impressive. But the mastet cabin wow. Its the most beautiful one ive ever seen. It still amazes me how the can mame them so amazing on the inside.Thank you Tony anotber splendid tour.
Wow what a beautiful yacht, I love the dark wood I think it looks really classy and timeless, they have done a great job on the refit. It as a great layout and good specification and looks great for its age. Great tour Tony thank you.
Super yacht! Great job.
You really have to slow down Tony with your videos. Regards, Shannon
Where is the tender? Or do the jet skis function as the tender?
What a great ship. I love the ability to rearrange the furniture for different situations and uses too.The crew certainly do great work. I do wonder what was under the steps going up from the pilot house though.
TY Tony, and the crew for a wonderful tour.
Thanks for the tour, Tony. I've gotta say, I love the idea of a country kitchen, but I would take a main deck owner suite over it.