Un filantrop din California ar fi amenințat că va ucide un muncitor porc în timpul unei certuri aprinse de pe iahtul său de milioane de dolari, înainte de a-și lăsa pantalonii jos și de a-i face mai multe gesturi de amenințare angajatului. Ajay Thakore, un antreprenor local din zona San Diego, a încercat să-și andocheze iahtul Lamborghini la portul privat Marriot Marquis pentru a-și ridica unul dintre angajații, dar a fost oprit de lucrătorul Joseph Holt pe 10 martie. Citiți mai multe pe https://nypost. .com/video/businessman-allegedly-threatens-to-ruin-dock-worker-drops-his-pants-in-heated-dispute-over-yacht-parking/ #yacht #ajaythakore #dock #caughtoncamera The New York Post este sursa ta pentru știri de ultimă oră, știri despre New York, sport, afaceri, divertisment, opinie, imobiliare, cultură, modă și multe altele. Abonați-vă la New York Post Sports: https://www.youtube.com/c/nypostsports Urmăriți cele mai recente știri aici: https://nypost.com/ Urmărește The New York Post pe: Twitter – https://twitter.com /nypost Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/NYPost
Bărbat ar fi amenințat că „distruge” muncitorul de andocare, „își lasă pantalonii” în dispută cu privire la parcarea iahtului

18 thoughts on “Bărbat ar fi amenințat că „distruge” muncitorul de andocare, „își lasă pantalonii” în dispută cu privire la parcarea iahtului”
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Rich people behavior
Indians are class and caste indoctrinated.
It’s kinda wild out here in Biden’s America. We have grown adults showing their brown eye to people in disputes now.

What does the world's largest retailer know what we don't know.Unusual insider trade alert
The Walton family just sold $4.5 billion
worth of Walmart SWMT
Each sibling (Jim, Alice, and Rob) sold $1.5
billion, the trades were reported after
market close Friday – most likely to avoid
media coverage
What don't they want us to know?
Ticker Date & Time
Filing Details
Avp Prlice
*.or Moldings
WMT 19:38:29,
WALTON S ROBSON (directo, 10 percent owner) sold 8,823,856 shares of 'Common Stock' (WMTY $173.51
for $1,545,743,763
WMT 1936.39,
WALTON ALICE L (10 percent owner) sold 8,823,856 shares of 'Common Stock' (WMT) for
2024-02-23 $1,545,743,763
WMT 191,34-38,
WALTON JIM C (10 percent owner) seld 8,823,856 shares of 'Common Stock' (WMT) for
2024-02-23 $1,544,825,949
WMT 16 19-48,
MeMlion C Douglas (President and CEO) sold 9,708 shares of 'Common Stock' (WMT) for
2024-02-23 $1,687,250
O0033 Fling
Chojnowski David (Senior Vice President) sold 3,650 shares of
Ban that boat from all docks. lol. Bye Felicia. Nowhere to put your boat now.

Well it’s a fact that wht people are not the wealthiest it’s been that way for a while but gets all the hate it’s only the 1% that are worst
Hay look at his white privilege making minimum wage stop that guy
Why does the NYP use very fast print story information one cannot fully read?
But hes rich dont ya know.
What do you expect from republicans
I'm like this and I'm poor. If I wanna park my canoe here, who's gonna stop me?
He said more than “ruin”. Fake news.
hope he recovered the bills…why is it he couldnt park there? terrible story
Independent exposure. Littering. Threatening behaviour. You would think he would grow up .
Best part is there is literally a public dock on the other side about 3mins away and way easier to dock a big boat . Feel sorry for the 3 legged dog having to live with that physco