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46 thoughts on “RĂMÂNȚI LEVĂRI DE SUBMARINI | Navigați prin Norfolk”
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You guys are bold, lots of the ICW is really narrow, no tacking at all!
They are called Navy ships not war ship
Just wanted to thank you.
You inspired me when I had a moment of doubt …just before pulling the 3ym20s out of our catamaran. Had to make way for the electric motors!
As of today my wife and I have carried both engines and an 8kw generator off the boat (yes, she is wicked strong, but we couldn’t put it over our shoulder like Beau!
We’d love to give you a tour next time you’re in Oriental, NC. If not, we’ll see you “out there” in a year or so.
Hoping to get the electric motor mounts fitted this week.
Btw…our last electric conversion was a 1974 Pearson 36. We loved that boat! Your videos bring back wonderful memories.
Thank you!
Shiver me timbers.
That's a perdy anchor.
Hi guys! We recently sailed from Norfolk to St Augustine Florida. We froze our butts off too until we finally made it to Florida. Nice and warm now. We are continuing south down to Key West. Hope we run into you guys at some point, not literally. Great video. Thank you.
Ahhh, the boat life…. Great job guys.
You two have been sailing Saoirse for some time now. Have you ever considered a project like Ship Happens or Flying Coney ?…
"Don't cut in front of a sub"!!!!!

weather.. race to the sun again.
Iced Taco salad? OMG, you guys need a thick Irish Stew with dumplings
Looks like the belt on the autopilot is misaligned on the motor side. Might cause some issues.
Loved your video – cute & comforting. Do stay safe & warm.
Keep it pointed to the south. Just kidding
Greetings from the Manistee National Forest
Stow the anchor to put away. Anchor away to drop.
Very cool to see Norfolk from another vantage point. My ship was home-ported there and I made more trips in and out of that channel than I can remember. Always dolphins. You guys had some serious chop in there! Showing some love to your sponsors in this video. Lanex is missing out!
so cool seeing all the Navy ships and hearing them talk on your radio…..safe sailing friends
Why professionals have to have to patience of saints with yachties who have not checked and understood the rules for the area they are transiting.
I need to send you guys a can of stainless steel polish! It's driving me nuts!
Y’all will luv the roller furling system! U can have ur sails modified 4 furling way cheaper than new sails! I saved $1,000’s over cost of new sails!

What an adventure!
It is so cool to see Youtubers anchored in my town, I hope Hampton was good to you!
One of your best episodes! The Navy ships really were cool!
Lay those panals down and get a good portion of1 knot of speed i believe…blessings…m
Did you ever write a statment of purpose or a mission statement? For your sailing journey?…bendiciones…m
Heave to.
Very cool to see the ships and sharing the same proximity with a sub. Busy place for sure. Hopefully you’ve found warmer water.
'Love you, Highest Blessings
I spent ten years going to sea on the submarines right there in Norfolk. I still get all puffy traveling through that entrance..
Wow Sailor great episode,
More likes please!
Thank you
Sauerkraut & Eggs???? Should toss in a Budweiser or two…..You may get to see a few more submarines too, Charleston & Kings Bay….
I hope you both get to warmer temps without any problems. Smooth sailing!!
An interesting video guys. That's a cool area. Seems like the bridge operator was not very good at clear communication.
It is sooo amazing how after a year of watching y'all how much of us think of y'all as family!!! I can speak for alot of folks and say we love y'all and as the Irish say keep the wind on your back the sun on your face and the wings of destiny carry you to dance with the stars!!!
I hate that stretch from Norfolk to Morehead City. We’ll be going outside for our run north in April.
My wife is from Norfolk. You would probably like her.
Love it when you sad; get me south
Thanks for a nice vid.
Thanks for posting. I always enjoy your travels
Well that was an eventful vlog!!

Norfolk is my boat backyard
OMGEEEEEEE We had the same thing happen. They were submerged and calling us on the radio saying to stay clear they were surfacing
You can only imagine my panic
You guys look happier in ybis video. Cheers
Love you guy! Clean-shaven Beau for the WiN. You're not too far from where I live. We Virginians pronounce it, "Norfuck." Really. Safe travels