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TOTUL ESTE DESPRE ECHILIBRUL! linistea dinaintea furtunii! Ep 348

25 thoughts on “TOTUL ESTE DESPRE ECHILIBRUL! linistea dinaintea furtunii! Ep 348”
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640 and if not, you missed some
1,111 screws in the bottle
Bonita, you look amazing after what you went through, well done. Enjoy enjoy.
My guess 1000 +/-800
Watching Tallulah stomping around in the sandcastle – I can just feel my toes in the cool sand of a morning beach
Watching Tallulah play and laugh made my day. You are wonderful parents with a warm, intelligent, inquisitive child. You should be so proud.

I guess 712 screws. I'm excited to see it once you've sanded
Doing good! Did you think of removing the teak deck? Great to see the family enjoying the beautiful beaches.
Hey guys, just watching another episode and noticed you having lunch at Kamala beach, I love it there and will be back in April for a month, safe travels from the Sunshine Coast

Hi from San Diego California. Love your journey. I think there’s 833 screws.
1000 screw
I would guess that are 436 screws
1,049 screws in bottle
Hey guy's thanks for another great episode
i say roughly 396 screws! Cheers
Wow that is a lot of screws! Good work yosh. I think there is 998 screws in that bottle
Loved sailing round there and 952 screws in that bottle me thinks!!!
1176 screws in the bottle me mayte, 1176. You take one out and toss it about, …
317 screws!
Just love your videos.
I guess 1113 in the bottle. Lovely episode!