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4 ani pentru a construi o barcă frumoasă

46 thoughts on “4 ani pentru a construi o barcă frumoasă”
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Inside and outside that boat is shaping up. You call it a refit. I call it a new boat.
Will the eyebrow be painted or something it looks a bit rugged?
Wow, another wonderful vid. Love how Maya incorporates music and building, although her eyes were busy, produced a great track. Thanks for sharing
How could you not build something beautiful listening to her?
I think someone likes being back in Canada love your playing again.
Love your boat stuff and your music. Thank you.
Please where can I find her music? So beautiful I want to play it when I watch my autistic grandson. He loves what u play.. ok Sunday morning. Thank you thank you!
Thank you for a great episode. It's getting exciting now isn't it. Your boat is looking so beautiful
Congratulations to you both 

You say the structural work is dun but you still have a motor to install, aren't you afraid of messing up the paint job when you install the motor?
Husband & wife (should I say) wife & husband got great voices, in addition to your perfectionist boat building. Most enjoyable.. Cheers!
Triplets … beautiful. Boat … beautiful. Teamwork … beautiful

More more more ! XOXO
Maya, what amazing music. It is really beautiful!
graying teak only means that the natural oils in the wood are drying out and the wood will degrade slowly
Awesome job. looks amazing
Great work Aladino & Maya! I love seeing this progress. You're nearly there!
Maya, I don’t know why but hearing (and seeing) you play brings me to tears every time… in absolutely the best way. Something about it connects so deeply in my soul that emotion just wells out. Bless you and your talent. Keep sharing it with the world.

I am Alex from Corfu Greece a follower of your journey for years and a fellow musician (i play the flute). Well I just wanted to thank you for sharing your journey and to congratulate you on your extremely hard work. I believe that is going to be fun from now on so keep at it and God bless you! PS I cannot wait for the splash and the new round of world exploration

Nice to see your sisters. Thank you Maya, Looking good Aladino.
Thankyou Maya .
You should do your own music channel! Sounds great!
Three Maya’s and beautiful music, be still my heart! The cockpit design and a perfect paint job is beautiful. Aladino is a creative genius, not to mention a perfectionist. Well done.
Boat looks stunning wont be long now till the mast ,boom and rig goes up and you can cast off and get her sailing congrats well done cheers from Australia
So wonderful and beutyful. Lovely couple. Beutyful violin playing. You are both artists! Thank you for all you hard work capturing this art for us to enjoy. I have been watching from the very start years ago. Bruce in Boise Idaho.
I have watched every episode for five years and look forward to every Friday. You guys are just so amazing and talented. I look forward to your launch this summer if things go as planned.
The violin was over the top!!!!!
Lookin good!
Great work on the boat , excellent music as always Thanks for sharing with us !
Now you’re adding paint your workmanship and persistence is paying dividends. Looking absolutely spectacular. Well done A & M
I've watched quite a few sailing related channels for many years and over time I've kind of moved on from most of them except this one and two others. Sailing Magic Carpet, The Duracell Project and Tally Ho all demonstrate a level of commitment and craftsmanship far and away beyond any other channels out there. Thank you, my life is better for your exemplary work and dedication to your craft.
you guys have done a awesome job .
Hi both, back with another idea to keep you floating. In the future, the video recorded ups and downs of this highly successful refit might make a great ongoing feature film, interspliced with your first year's sailing in exotic places. Perhaps shown at speaking engagements at boating clubs you stop at around the world.
It's moving along fast now. Can't wait.
You guys are just getting better and better ..hi from the land down under
Amazing what paint and teak can do. Im sure you needed this for a boost of motivation as you near the finish line. Beautiful song Maya
I cannot wait for the episode (or two) when you get Kirsten to come and visit you on the finished MCII !!
Sounded like you are thinking of leaving the teak untreated. I would highly recommend to give it a protection to prolong life and keep it looking like its just been sanded. I have a 25 year old 40 footer that has teak in the cockpit and I have been using Snappy Teak Seal with a thin coat and a thorough clean once every season. That teak still looks like new. People I meet regurarely think my boat is a few years old (Ok, I do a lot of things to the rest of the boat to keep it in top shape but that teak is what really makes the difference). Just a thought. Loved the music btw.
So good to see you have re found yourself and are back in harmony with your life Love & kindness to you both
Just a quick question. When it comes to the finish coats, are you going to roll, roll and tip or spray?
Art And Craft becoming indistinguishable…pretty amazing 2 craftsmen at work..visual,audio,wood and fiberglass,,eyebrows..
Many thanks to you Maia and your sisters for the music part

The boat is looking good.., can't wait to see it in water!