După un început fals, mă întorc în sfârșit pe mare. Vă mulțumim pentru vizionarea acestui episod, vă rugăm să ne dați un degetul mare și să vă abonați. Nu uitați să dați clic pe clopoțelul de lângă butonul de abonare pentru a vă anunța cu privire la fiecare episod nou, astfel nu veți rata nicio aventură!! Cumpărați muzica mea descărcată aici (link preferat) Bandcamp https://barryseadogperrins.bandcamp.com/track/halfway Canalul meu YouTube Music aici (vă rugăm să vă abonați)Barry Seadog Perrins YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkjayyjK3MjCXbevrQRMDCw Altele locuri pentru a-mi găsi muzica. (căutați „Barry Seadog Perrins”) Apple https://music.apple.com/gb/album/halfway-single/1719882752 Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CPKKNNVR/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=Halfway +Barry+Seadog+Perrins&qid=1702186385&s=dmusic&sr=1-2 Pe Facebook pagina noastră este „Aventurile unui vechi Seadog” și acolo puteți găsi actualizări și știri în „în timp real”. Facebook https://www.facebook.com/adventuresofanoldseadog/ Dacă doriți să-l ajutați pe Old Seadog, vă rugăm să verificați pagina noastră Patreon pe linkul de mai jos. https://www.patreon.com/Adventuresofanoldseadog Contribuțiile la proiect pot fi făcute la paypal.me/seadogadventures Instagram https://www.instagram.com/adventuresofanoldseadog/ Twitter https://twitter.com/barryperrins Mulțumesc mult pentru sprijinul tău, Aventura continuă. Navigare în siguranță. Barcă: White Shadow este un Van De Stadt „Seal” 36 (11 metri). Este realizată manual din oțel, 2004, cu o santină rotundă (cocă) și un acoperiș de vagon modificat. Acest lucru o face „unică” și, după părerea mea, cel mai frumos Van De Stadt 36 construit vreodată. Echipamentul camerei: Camera principală este un Panasonic Hc-V700 cu un microfon extern Rode cu un burete și un pisoi mort atașat. Acțiunea, scenele subacvatice și blogging-ul mic se realizează cu două camere de acțiune Osmo. Unele fotografii cu barca sunt realizate cu o cameră Dji gimbal. Editare: Final cut pro pe un Macbook. Majoritatea materialului pentru fiecare videoclip este filmat pe o perioadă de câteva săptămâni sau cam asa ceva, iar editarea fiecărui episod se face, în mod normal, pe parcursul unei zile. Acest proces poate dura mai mult dacă se folosește muzica originală sau dacă sunt necesare permisiuni pentru materialele protejate prin drepturi de autor etc. Se petrece mult timp rezolvând problemele tehnice. În acest caz, în mod normal, primesc ajutorul unei persoane mai tinere care înțelege chestii informatice! Există, de asemenea, momente în care filmarea, editarea și încărcarea nu sunt posibile din cauza faptului că sunteți pe mare sau în locații fără acces la internet. Conținut: am descoperit că filmarea și lansarea de materiale într-o perioadă de timp este mai bună decât să faci videoclipuri în stil „vlog” și să încerci să faci episoade din ceea ce s-a întâmplat într-o săptămână, indiferent dacă este un conținut bun sau nu. Filmând pe o perioadă de timp, pot fi mai selectiv în ceea ce privește fiecare videoclip. Scopul meu este să evit „fail și banal” și să am cel puțin unul sau două evenimente interesante și interesante în fiecare videoclip. Fiecare videoclip trebuie să fie distractiv. Comentarii și a fi pe mare: Îmi place să citesc comentariile voastre. Cele mai multe săptămâni sunt în stare să citesc pe toată lumea. Nu pot răspunde tuturor, dar le citesc și îmi place. Tine-i sa vina! Sunt momente în care s-ar putea părea că nu sunt pe internet pentru anumite perioade, în mod normal, acesta este atunci când sunt pe mare în trecere. În timp ce sunt pe Ocean, nu am absolut nicio comunicare cu lumea exterioară. Declinări de răspundere și drepturi de autor: Tot conținutul video de pe acest canal/pagină are drepturi de autor și nu trebuie utilizat fără permisiune. Toată muzica folosită în această serie este originală sau, folosită gratuit, fără drepturi de autor, folosită cu permisiune. Fără încălcări ale drepturilor de autor. Toate afirmațiile sunt opinii personale și nu trebuie să reprezinte neapărat fapte. Persoanele care iau măsuri din sfaturi, instrucțiuni sau informații de pe acest canal fac acest lucru pe propriul risc
Navigare spre Insulele Keppel
49 thoughts on “Navigare spre Insulele Keppel”
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What the heck would our lives be without you, Barry Perrins ??
13:26, I had exactly the same thought of green flash running in my mind and then you suddenly started talking about it 😊
Mate you need to get rid of that shity old Perkins and repower before it cost u your home !!
Just shows it’s not only the boat that has to be right, the Old Seadog has to be firing on all cylinders too. Good decision to go back, and you were rewarded with a good sail to Keppel Island. What a well deserved anchor beer! Enjoy, and looking forward to your next video Barry! 🍺🍕⛵️💙
Nice one Barry, those hills and bays look like the SW coming out of Plymouth towards Dartmouth, if you take some Hawthorn it will help circulation, when you can get it, 🎉🎉
Blaming the engine for lack of skilled attention… Shame on you.
Good luck with the rest of the voyage.
Awesome shades of "Barry of old": on display, at his finest "whinging"…Excellent work Barry! Ok I have a sick sense of humour but if you have watched since the beginning you might remember Barry telling of his families criticism about his whinging in his early episodes.
come on Berry Shaddy has sailed over the same rough seas as you have she has been good to you,,she will get you home were ever that may be.
Will at least you have made a start! I didn't realize you were that long in NZ and Australia. What was the problem with the motor overheating? Did you ever run into the Sailing Brothers? Maybe you are too far ahead? It's always discouraging having trouble. But..thou shall not give up! The 11th commandment! Lol
Stay safe from the east coast of Canada.
How cold was it Barry?
Great to see you out cruising again. Hope you’re well
Great video Barry but could you add a bit of context like you used to do. Leaving Bundaberg was all the info you provided. When did you leave (Time of year) – might explain why it was so cold . What about the passage plan and aim of trip? I have watched all your vids since you nearly caught on fire in the river in Portugal. Give us a bit more context and detail again Barry. 👍
Cold around Keppel, is this July?
Never give up ! I'm 67 and buying a 27 ft Hunter I can't tell you all the crap that is wrong with me
I love your videos. Sailing has always seemed very exciting to me, although I have never done it. Have you ever though about having a cat aboard for companionship?
They're gonna find me on my sailboat who knows where , go Barry don't give up
Look at it this way in 100 years who's going to care 🤣
I'm so happy for you getting back on the sail. On the eastern coast of Australia? Are you planning on possibly leaving Oceania and perhaps heading for Hawaii? Or possibly heading over to the western coast (Melbourne) and then maybe sailing the Indian Ocean?
Always love the new videos Barry!
We hope you had a restful sleep which is a sailors most hoped for luxury. Especially a solo sailor!
I'll tell you what, if you don't have treatment for the erysipelas you contracted, then you're going to be in big trouble, disinfecting the boat is crucial. I see why it got infected….it's painful and attacks the lymphatic system. I don't know how to contradict you, if you have a lot of water consumption IT WILL NOT BE NOTICED. HIS ILLNESS AND HIS BEHAVIOR SAYS IT.
You may ask yourself, is this man challenging me? Not quite the opposite, I tell you the truth so that you avoid consequences. I observed the hostile environment in which it is located, humidity, vaporization and poor ventilation, which BRINGS BACTERIA.
Love your video Barry, thanks ! Wishing you good health and good luck on your sails, mate ! Your heart beats music and freedom; no wonder, even the sound of the engine switch on/off: It's the sound of Beethoven's "Fürr Elise" all though in a higher pitch. Greetings and all the best, Frank
Sailing is fun, once ya get the hang of it. I beleive you got it mastered.
Barry, don't let yourself get cold! Wool hat, good windbreaker! Sleep late, you need it. Good luck my friend!
Shaddie's romping again! So good to see you out at sea, and away from those troubles. God speed, Barry! May the wind be at your back and may Shaddie always know the way.
What is the actual temperature, when you go on about how cold it is? That would be very informative.
It’s interesting how life will throw these curve balls our way
They are not entirely by chance,but looking back you will see they are there to send a message,in times of disparity when you feel utterly helpless and feel like giving up it brings out a resilience which will make you stronger than you ever thought possible.
Many,many times you have faced such challenges but in your sovereignty you rise above them calling back your power and strength.
This is why we love following you ✨💫👏👏🫡
Hello Barry…. do you ever get to Cairns and Cooktown?
Rodney at Port Douglas qld
Run ONE side of your lazy jacks to the gooseneck and secure, then when you go to hoist your main keep the breeze slightly on the opposite side. A much easier way of hoisting mainsail
It is not the boat Barry
..IT'S YOU MATE…you constantly say you forgot to do this and that. Buy a house, sailing is not for you.
Great that you have such good friends in Bundaberg that want to get rid of you. You are a sailor, You are supposed to have a wonky leg and swear a lot. Safe onward journey🙏
I do enjoy always your videos ❤❤
Enjoy your sailing ⛵️ sailboat ⛵️ video! Mike from Missouri
Another great video
Barry, Well done. Sometimes a pivot (although we hate to return to port, oops I almost said pot) is the best choice. Those pesky jack lines.. Breathe and look after your cellulitis. Then onward!!! Be well & Fair winds.
And thats why I love this channel. I live in civilzation, but everything depends on me. If I dont do it, it doesnt get done. Simple. I was in severe pain in my right knee last week, but had to do everything to take cate of me and pets. By God's grace I managed🎉
Be careful of that leg Barry. Cellulitis Is nothing to mess with. I made a comment in one of your videos when you were talking about getting Cellulitis. I said that I had a bad case of Cellulitis in my right foot back in June 2023. Even though it is much better now (3/15/2024), I still have a very tender ankle on the right side. And the foot is still slightly larger than the left one. It seems that it takes forever to fully recover. Hopefully, you won't have a relapse while at sea. Be careful my friend! I'm happy that you are now back at sea and making some great videos.
Ever think about taking on a deck hand? Every Count of Monte Cristo needs a Jacopo. Agentc324 like your music, fellow guitar player.
Every Long John Silver needs a Jim Hawkins.
Nature is neither for you or against you. It just is. Good luck Barry!
Should you have checked its proper work before you left sir?
You might find it easier to lower the Jack's when raising the main single handed.
Looking dapper and debonair.. after the hair and beard trim, Barry! Welcome back to life on the hook…
Lost our Rudder south off Great Keppel Island , Waited 7 days for a Toe back to Gladstone !
Glad you got the undergrowth down a tad, looked like you were letting yourself go towards the end. Enjoy Keppel mate, seeya! Mike, much further down the coast
Brilllllliant Old Sea Dog – Cheers to that anchor ⚓️ beer 🍺
Good one Barry, well done mate, cheers.
Thanks for the video. Life isn't always a bowel of cherries. Best wishes.
Barry, why don't you say something in support of Palestine?