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PĂRĂSCĂ Mexic, ALLO ????? – Stil de viață la bord ep.287

32 thoughts on “PĂRĂSCĂ Mexic, ALLO ????? – Stil de viață la bord ep.287”
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You could recoat the dingy to seal small leaks and seams. Maybe get you some more life out of it.
how many vaccin compass get ? how many time the same one? poor dog.
made a similar trip on the eastern coast many years back. diesel was 32 cents a gallon in isla mujeris. did the canal in a large aluminum sailboat and took the train back to the eastern end. good memories. fair winds. k
FINALLY! You gonna test that boat and do a crossing?
It's great to hear all the planning details (pros and cons). Poor Dingy. If we ever get to boat/traveling – I'm sure we'll end up with a pet (dog or cat we'll see) so always interesting in the amount of pet related things you have to deal with between countries. Checked out, now leave. love it.
Donate for a Dream
Smart decision to avoid Bahia Del Sol Marina. I know your videos are a few weeks (months?) behind but on March 7 , 2024 at high tide, 2.5 foot seas and with the "pilot" Rum Truffle" a 50 foot sail broached and was grounded and lost on the bar. The boat was then stripped of all valuables. The so called pilot boat is a panga with only an outboard and a handheld vhf radio. No GPS or depth finder aboard. The boat's keel hit the bar and broached and sunk.
Go to Belize.
Just think how much weight you are saving by emptying the dingy pontoons before you sail
safe sailing
Over $ 5.00 a Gallon?
Quite the check out process
Great episode guys
See you next time.

"In light of everything that happened in Panama…" Whats been going on in Panama? A quick search just tells me there is a drought, and something about Iranian tankers…
Poor dogs
You should stay put Puerto Vallarta is a prime location to watch it from
What I mean by staying put in Puerto Vallarta is to stay put and watch the solar eclipse it's a perfect vantage point.
Great video. We are in Salvador, Brazil, sailed from Mindelo, Cape Verde, being a good stop. You are going to regret not crossing the equator, respectfully suggesting an early January departure from Mindelo, making it to Salvador in time for Carnival in February.
I watch video I see all the past projects…. this boat is pure FARKLED out (Functional Sparkle).
Love you guys! Safe travels
Skip El Salvador, . Marina del Sol bay entrance, good grief, the swells were monster, plus shallow… what could go wrong? Compass talked to me, he said ROUGH ROUGH. Be safe, great decision Captains. Conditions not right they are not right. Caution is warranted.
Everyone have a safe adventure and see you later. Your dingy is "dingy" when it comes to staying inflated. Teal is good with fiberglass, "Thickened Epoxy" !!!, maybe he should build a new dingy. LOL Have a safe voyage and God Bless.
Do you guys have a locking system for your dingy? I always wondered that
great job repairing the dingy
Re the Tender deflating. I watched the repairs you have already done. You can try as a termp fix a bottle of Latex. Used in carpet laying or tyre repair milk. Poor into the tube, then tip the boat to cover all the leaking areas.Inflate enough to push latex through leak. Its good for those smaller pesky leaks. Not good if you continually deflate the tubes as they can stick the layers together, but as you do not, it may work. Drying time is about 20 mins depending on temp so you have to work fast. Another method is a Vynal seam sealer. Use a small needle and inject it in the area with about 8kpa in the tube. Again, rock the boat to cover the areas. The sealer is a more permanent fix, but harder to get it in the right areas. You can use the sealer on the outside as well. It works suprisingly well. https://kevmor.com.au/vinyl-seam-sealer/3654-werner-muller-type-t-pvc-cold-welding-paste-44gm.html I'm not an inflatable repairer. I have flooring stores and used these methods on an older tender to keep it going till I bought a new one as I have those products in stock.
What is the date of this video .?
The Jupiter crew is looking at a new aluminum dingy manufacturer in Florida…small start up.
See you in Australia one day guys