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Superyacht „Secret” spionat! | Echipajul unui iaht la sol avertizat | SY News Ep308
32 thoughts on “Superyacht „Secret” spionat! | Echipajul unui iaht la sol avertizat | SY News Ep308”
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Thankyou for starting the corrections segment 🤠
Will be interesting to see the various topics/items covered, and the actual research-light shon upon such.
Love the way you balance the search for excellence with fun presentation skills.
I would've thought those big yachts could handle the bigger waves. Looks like I was wrong?
So the claim is that the yacht can be operate for 2 days without aux or shore power? I would be curious to know what is powered up and down to get that result. And would love to know the capacity of that battery. But a net zero emissions coming soon to a yacht near you? Doubt it.
These builders can claim anything now. It's not like anyone without a NDA can confirm or deny it. The future claims are a much taller tale. And I suspect that they do this at the urging of their client. Clients then get to wrap themselves in virtue to avoid getting paint thrown on your boat by zealots.
There is only one date format … ISO 8601 … all the others are fake date formats 😀
I’m excited for the correcting corrections portion. I’ve been subscriber since the beginning and I can tell you expect high quality reporting.
So this new segment is like a “I know what am doing, you’re wrong, now shut up” is enjoyable. 😅
It's nice to see skilled trades making money even if the product is a bauble of purest ostentatious waste.
1:46 Diesel electric yacht with solar and batteries that can run 3 days? I'd buy one.
Can a helicopter pad with solar panels work?
Thanks! Sail on, Cheers to your Health and ridding cold.
Looks like tight obstacle course onto or out of Marina with waves.
There is nothing environmentally friendly about any super yacht and that doesn’t bother me.
Who knew? The US Navy has at least one fort. Lol
Great Story on Fort Story.
Don’t read comments. It will destroy your faith in human intelligence. 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣
Hey can you share with your billionaire friends to buy the USS America and restore her to an awesome super yatch ?
I love the tongue in cheek Correcting Corrections segment ❤. It’s difficult get it right without coming across as a pedantic doughnut, and you got it spot on.
You aren't missing anything in Key West. As a lifelong Floridian, you couldn't pay me to go back there again.
More sailing yachts, please !!!!
Great vid… don't forget climate change is a major cause of super yachts running aground…
Love the vintage gulf livery shirt.
O love liva o
More coral reefs in waiting.
I've always seen your channel as honest as possible. I've viewed videos that were corrections of previous reporting and you have always been pretty up front.
I enjoy your viewpoint and content. Thanks.
Great video eSysman. The corrections are fun, for those of us who don't get overwrought by such stuff, at least. And know darned well that you do your research. Feel better 100 percent soon.
Hey is that thee Dallas Ashley being credited?
Dallas "Puddles" Ashley. (Mooney Formator) 😃
aSo the helicopter picked them up and dropped them two feet away on the dry earthy bit.
Hugely entertaining and full of great information – thank you for sharing 😊👍
"Net zero" and "carbon neutral" are such a myth it's laughable. And a black hulled yacht in Mexican waters is insanity. You can probably boil eggs in every stateroom in the summer.
I wintered in Port Ginesta in 1991-2 and can verify that the swells can be horrible even inside the marina. I was on a relatively small boat of 120’ but we were the biggest one in there. We were tied stern to, and during several storms, we dragged the anchoring blocks on the bottom, significantly. It was a mess. All of the boats on both sides were no where near 90 degrees to the dock.
I would hazard to guess that the final paint job on the new SY is yet to be done, but that solid white is really striking to me. "Snow White" would be an appropriate moniker for this vessel as it currently is.
My small Boston Whaler could handle those swells. Operator error.
The spy network is functional.
Typos are regular on this channel, but the overall reporting is top notch. So correcting corrections is going to be quite the feature. 🙂