Scânduri, gândaci, delfini, pelicani, bikini, creveți, vin, mucuri și multe altele. Am fost atacați de bug-uri mici. A fost dezgustător! Am încercat un zapper, o panglică lipicioasă și un aspirator, fără niciun rezultat. Am plecat în croazieră în căutarea vieții sălbatice. Am văzut câțiva pelicani, pești ac, lamantini și delfini. Karen făcea scânduri în timp ce Steve avea o priveliște frumoasă. Soteți niște anghinare și creveți care au fost destul de gustoși. Karen l-a lăsat pe Steve singur. Ne puteți urmări și pe: Atribute muzicale: Howard Harper-Barnes – Prescient Addie Horner – We Said We Would
Iubito, o să mă îngenunchez Ep137

39 thoughts on “Iubito, o să mă îngenunchez Ep137”
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Very sexy Karen… You are a lucky man !!
ship shape and Bristol fashion

Looking good you two!!!
Karen looked amazing in her red swimsuit Wish all the women had to wear that type of swimwear.
Karen…….you should be doing those exercises minus that red bikini……how much more delicious that would be …..lucky Steve. All the best to you both.
Happy Saturday morning
So happy to see you both
Steve your wife looks great in that blue dress
Have a great weekend
Beautiful stuff
The shrimp must smell good
I meant to ask you guys before, where is your boat docked?
Man, y’all are doing it right! Hats off to you cool cats….
Shrimp looked good too, not sure if you guys like garlic, but Costco has really good fresh garlic and avocado oils to use with sauté type stuff.
6:19 i love her
Nice dinner, guys. Good job on your planking, Karen. Cutting some of my first sheet of plywood. I'm cutting 4" strips that will form the toekick part.
My parents used to have bugs like that coming off the farmers fields every year, they used to close everything as anything left open led to an invasion. Over here we call shrimps that size prawns, our shrimps are tiny. And so much wildlife in the States that's happy to be filmed all our birds are camera shy. Enjoy the trip.
Hot Wife , Enjoying Retirement ..That Lucky Bastard !
Extremely impressed with Karen’s “ planking skills “ Hope to see more of it , especially in “ slow mo “
Karen, Karen , Karen.

Wow Karen you look amazing in your little white outfit
Jekyll Island
I’m Truly Speechless

Karen you lookin beautiful as usual !

Steve you must be good with your hands those shrimp and artichokes are lookin great
Thanks for another great episode
Another great video from you two. Great planking Karen. And a nice meal from Steve. Looking forward to your next video. Take care from accross the pond
The food looks delicious! Karen you are amazing with your planking abilities! Kinda nice to look at while you are doing it also

Wow Karen. You’re looking amazing as always!
That meal of artichokes and shrimp reminded me of the first time I tasted artichokes in Italy. They were deep fried and became one of my favorite appetizers while over there. And shrimp is one of my staples all the time.
And seeing and hearing you speaking again, Karen, was great.
Great photography. I enjoyed the video. Karen, safe travels, and I am sure Steve will behave himself? Take care.
She really needs to work on her Truckers Tan! Like WTF is wrong with you Two? Sailors don't have any Tan Lines…They have ALL OVER Tans! You also really need to STOP, with your attempts at Dancing! You give WHITE people, and OLD People… a really bad Name! You have ZERO Rhythm……ZERO!
fantastic video, how do you keep in shape like that Karen,wish we were there,love Debbie and Dean xx
your wife is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sexy
Hi Steve!!! That Karen is so silly!!! She scared me at the start of the episode popping in like that.
I think you either bring that out in her, or you're rubbing off on her. … Wait, … Uhm
that didn't come out right
or did it, Steve?
Karen, with that obvious green thumb from seeing all the plants, isn't there one that will repel those bugs? Or is Steve the gardener?
Let me know what they were, and I'll research it. Karen, that planking session, very nice, yet I'm wondering why Steve didn't crack a joke about being on the hardwood floor
No, I'm not feeding his innuendoes of dialect, just wondering.
I sure did appreciate that dancing, adore that dress Karen, it looked rather soft, no wonder Steve pulled you close, to which I noticed you 'stayed' his hands from travel by covering them.
Atta boy Steve!!! I hope you have a good trip and visit Karen. Oh, and that episode end banter of the party and which was going to good …
the classic banter of you two is priceless!!! Thank you for the smiles and chuckles – Your friend, Jerry
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!
Very nice Karen you look great !
Another great vid! Lovely lady! Have fun
Nice view while planking hot Karen hunnie ♥️

Nice boat! Delicious dinner!
Your videos are always a pleasure. Thank you for sharing. Steve you have a great eye for using the camera, you get the best views!!
Great planking skill Karen, you look amazing.
Nice guys, thank you ♥♥
Watch out if your blouse gets wet, Steve will get more excited again.
It is difficult to open your YouTube page and having you lay on the floor with that beautiful skin in the picture. Tell Steve to keep rubbing that sun block on.