În acest episod, lăsăm Loch Sunart în ploaie și ne îndreptăm spre Loch Moidart, unde negociem o bară de maree complicată și vă arătăm cum folosim diagrama Antares pentru a face navigarea în ancoraje mult mai sigură. După ce am vizitat Castelul Tioram și o noapte pe ancoră, continuăm navigarea până la Mallaig și vedem o grupă de delfini și mai multe balene minke pe drum. Dacă sunteți interesat de topurile Antares pe care le folosim în videoclip, consultați-le aici: https://www.antarescharts.co.uk/ Toată muzica pentru videoclip a fost furnizată de Josh Woodward. Descărcare gratuită: https://www.joshwoodward.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?… Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/svhiraeth/?… 0:00 Plecare din Loch Sunart 4:17 Tuna Fish 5:12 Antares Charts 7:26 Loch Moidart 8:08 Castle Tioram 14:22 Delfinii și Balenele Minke 21:24 Mallaig
Minke Whales & Antares Charts – Navigare în Scoția: Ep3

17 thoughts on “Minke Whales & Antares Charts – Navigare în Scoția: Ep3”
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Thanks for the heads up on the Antares charts. You just can't go wrong with the west of Scotland….
Nice video guys. Fabulous anchorage and good to see the Antares charts in action as we’ve heard of them but never seen them. Will definitely be downloading those when we get to Scotland. Great info…thank you

Very nice video, as always. Thank you.
Great video. Beautiful part of the world to cruise and explore. I'm well jell!
Beautiful scenery! What time of year was this actually filmed? Thanks.
i came for the dietary advice, and stayed for the tuna. I loved the wildlife!!!
For an further navigational aid to the West Coast of Scotland I recommend The Clyde Cruising Club handbook. Sailing Instuctions to The West Coast of Scotland. It is an excellent pilot book updated annually. I used it before GPS, AIS, Plotters or Radar were used on yachts. Good video, I hope you enjoyed my home waters
So much wildlife in a small area with weather and scenery that is hard to beat, brilliant thanks really enjoyed this video
Epic scenery, thank you.
great video. my favourite so far
Love your channel…….brilliant thanks!
Antares verse Navionics. Careful there lad. You showed a view of a non subscription to navionics. Not exactly a great comparison. For those that want to or have navionics, don’t panic – great detail and then some of west coast of Scotland. Personally, I’d be using Navionics every day as far more options.
What is the story with midges up there then? I have seen people wearing full nets?
Bliss! A great reminder of seasons past and hope for the present one. So lovely to have you back in Stravaiger’s saloon (and you can guess who sat up when she heard your voices…….). I couldn’t agree more about Antares charts – indispensable. I can’t say the same about Miles’ recipe for porridge!