Renunțați la linii, navigam spre Spania! Avem o fereastră de vreme minusculă, așa că alergăm pentru ea! Prima zi la mare poate fi grea, deoarece cu toții ne obișnuim să fim în curs de desfășurare, mai ales când este plin de zgomot. Puțină mâncare, puțină odihnă și în curând vom intra în ritmul de a fi la mare. Dacă ți-a plăcut acest videoclip, atunci dă-i bine, face un comentariu, distribuie-l sau susține acest documentar pe Patreon sau prin Paypal cu linkurile de mai jos. Patreon: Consultați pagina noastră Patreon pentru cele mai recente știri, anticipări ale filmărilor actuale, filmări și filmări din culise și videoclipuri gratuite! Paypal: Orice sumă ne ajută cu cheltuielile noastre de producție video și este foarte apreciată!¤cy_code=PPF%&dDonations 3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: _________________________________ Vezi întreaga serie North Atlantic Adventure cu linkurile de mai jos! Sezonul 1: din Carolina de Nord până la New York Sezonul 2: De la New York până la Boston Din SUA către Newfoundland, Canada Sezonul 4: Newfoundland, Canada către Groenlanda Greenland // Sezonul 6: Islanda la Insulele Feroe Consultați linkul de mai jos pentru o listă completă! #ireland #offshore #sailboatlife
Navigare din Irlanda în Spania: Prima zi | DrakeParagon Sailing

21 thoughts on “Navigare din Irlanda în Spania: Prima zi | DrakeParagon Sailing”
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Hi Guys! Monique, if Drake could do a video on how he plans meals and buys all the food, we would live that. I've always struggled with this and would love to see a technique that makes nutritious meal planning less time consuming and easier. Hope to see you sometime in the near future, Christina
At the beginning of a trip I often like to hand steer, especially if I've been on the beach for a prolonged period of time before setting out. I'm a bit prone to seasick if I haven't been to sea in a long while, and hand steering helps keep my mind focused on something besides the rolls for a bit. A busy mind followed by a nice meal and a good nap always seems to do the trick for me!
Iontach (wonderful) to see Éanna back. You three make a great team
Thanks for sharing Drake and MO, good to see ol' E, the social butterfly, back on board.
Drake, Monique & Éanna – thanks for this great video. You’ve been my favourite sailing channel ever since the drone crashed into the Fastnet, and the good work of Irish Lights and sailors up the coast made sure the memory card returned to you! That lighthouse kept me awake every five seconds when I was a teenager on Sherkin in the 1970s
Love seeing your son back aboard…..great bonding time
Fair Winds guys, great to see you all on board together again.
This dinner discussion sounds like you ordering by UBER drone
Wonderful to see you guys having so much fun on board all together.
fair winds
Ty Drake great video n channel. Subscribed cheers from squamish bc Canada
It's so great to see the three of you back together again! Eanna, you've been greatly missed…I hope there's lots and lots of footage of this passage with which to make as many videos of it as possible! I loved it.
Wow, one minute your boat is in Ireland and the next minute it appears in Portugal amazing
Keeping it simple. Amazing guys, thankyou so much for sharing with us.
Amazing to see how the real experts do it!
If he falls overboard with those boots he’s not coming back up lol
I adore me mum's potatoes. The potato pancake with heavy onion, salt, and pepper served with apple sauce is a damn fine meal. Mum could pan fry em up soft, tender, and steamy in the middle and lightly golden crispy on the outside. Now we have the ninja air fryer

It feels like I’m sitting in the cockpit with all of you. What a fantastic way to film. Thank you.
Menu planning is quite impressive, such a variety, healthy, multi-course.
Good to see you guys on the move again