Bine ați revenit la Boneheaded Boaters of the Week! Ca de obicei, trecem în revistă câteva clipuri cu niște oameni care fac niște prostii pe o barcă, amestecați cu oameni care fac lucruri incredibile pe bărci. Avem câteva bune săptămâna aceasta, inclusiv unele persoane care fac unele greșeli. Asigurați-vă că verificați produsele noastre pentru a vă arăta reprezentanții mafiei dopurilor de scurgere. De asemenea, dacă vedeți ceva nebunesc care se întâmplă pe căile dvs. navigabile, asigurați-vă că ne contactați pentru a ne anunța și s-ar putea să vă vedeți și aici videoclipul. De asemenea, am înființat un nou grup de navigație pe FB numit Drain Plug Mafia, asigurați-vă că vă alăturați pentru a participa la tot ce este plimbat cu barca.
12 momente cu barca cu capul osoasă surprinse de aparatul de fotografiat | Boaters cu cap osoasă ai săptămânii | Broncos Guru

26 thoughts on “12 momente cu barca cu capul osoasă surprinse de aparatul de fotografiat | Boaters cu cap osoasă ai săptămânii | Broncos Guru”
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1:25 That one hurt
Lekker man lekker
Tis an excellent spring time reminder, as ill too have to pre launch inspection my 26foot caper ,
Why are all the clips on your videos filmed with a potato? Can't people send their content to you with better quality?
seen one vehicle in the water… seen 'em all. I fast frwrd thru sunken cars/trucks.
0:42 This is not the first time he has done this, note the tag at the start already bent to sh!t.
this is epic
It’s been chilly this winter in FL, So while we usually use our waverunners all winter, we haven’t used them since December. Cleaning them & checking the batteries, etc…and guess what we found! Neither of us had replaced the drain plugs after the last rinse in December. We looked at each other and said “Drain Plug Mafia!!”
Motor ran bad on the last trip. Pulled the carbs because it's usually a clogged jet. Broke the composite nipple. So that stopped the first trip of the year this weekend.
If I'd filmed it y'all could be laughing at me.
0:16 ffff that gives me anxiety
When money can't buy brains
You DO realize that all the common sense you just said falls on the deaf ears of the morons in the world. Right?
Thanks for the tips!
There are two things Americans should never be allowed to own or operate. Guns and boats.
In the one where he was pushing the boat down the launch ramp with the trailer is in Long Beach. California launch my boat there a 100 times
U talk to much. I'm just saying..
Federal AMSA issued regulations last year restricting the transport of battery powered EVs. Some Austealian Govt Depts are aware of this problem.
Check your equipment!
I know a certain youtuber removes drainplugs from boaters that don't like and subscribe to his videos!
When your boat is losing a wheel ..
Can't hold the camera still?
Sometimes the motion of the ocean is too much for your dingy!
My ears
Thanks BG
Dude, come up for air!
Your voice is abrasive and horrendous. Couldn't take it. High pitched little boy
Reminding people of community guidelines and you call boaters, 'boneheads"'?