Noul nostru vlog video Sailing are totul, niște știri devastatoare cu sănătatea lui Jackson, noua barcă de câmp și marele salt prin ICW care navighează spre Bahamas! VEZI MAI MULT: Site: Magazin online: Donații de salvare: https://www.paypal .me/jacksonstreats Patreon: SOCIAL MEDIA: Conturi Instagram @sailing_sunday @brittnimoffatt @ryanweepers @jacksontheshepherdx @animalrescueyachtclub Facebook TikTok @animalr-escueyacht ––- 0:00 Introducere 0:46 Carolina de Sud 2:36 Florida 4:23 Patul nou 8:31 Marinarii eșuează 11:34 Chaos 12:54 Jacksons Health 16:21 New Dinghy 18:46 Bahamas Baby !
Navigare spre Bahamas!!! | Duminica de navigație – Vlog 240

27 thoughts on “Navigare spre Bahamas!!! | Duminica de navigație – Vlog 240”
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Sorry to hear about the hairy one Jackson, lost three last year two dogs one annoying cat. Three months between the lot but 18 and 19 years old.
Enjoyed, you'll video keep up the good work.
OMG, I love this video! Too funny about the boats in FL. Welcome to the inconsiderate Americans

So sad about Jackson’s diagnosis. I am going to make a donation to Jackson’s Treats now but it is definitely to use for his vet bills whenever you may need it. Love you guys! Sending prayers for Jackson’s recovery
Well that's not good news, sounds like it was caught early and it should be relatively easy to keep Jackson from overdoing it… only so much movement on a boat and when you take him to the beach for a walk, well maybe less off leash running, just some nice walks…2 months should fly by and he can get a clean bill of health again! No 2 better people for the job, I'm sure of that!!
I had to laugh out loud “you’re such a wanker”
Love Jackson and you guys. Shepherds are the best. Be safe. Totally a mentor for a 53 year old sailor.
What’s the brand of mattress you bought? I need to do the same – thx

I loved the video but you got me all emotional when you described Jackson's problem.
Welcome back to the tropics! Does this end the Northwest passage conversation??

Take care of that puppy.
Love the videos!
So sorry. I am sure he will be ok. No more runs on the beach for awhile.
Hugs and kisses to Jackson.
Oh no it's the first time I had coffee again, again,… again…
Wait what?
How many times has that old trick worked? again….
Sending up healing prayers for Jackson, big hugs to him too.

Jackson will be in my prayers and so will both of you
Saying a prayer for Jackson, I love that guy! Of course he's your baby and I'll be praying for you all, positive thoughts coming your way!!

I hope you are enjoying your new bed. I will keep Jackson in my prayers as well as you guys. Stay safe and enjoy the Bahamas. Please keep us up to date on all of your health.
Thanks guys, Get well soon Jackson..
Prayers for Jackson, and btw, you are way more beautiful than beyonce! I said what I said.
Another groovy episode. Much love for Jackson, and wishes for a speedy recovery. God bless you all.
I am not a religious man, nor able to donate. However, I will try to pray and keep my fingers crossed for Jackson.
Just a little story for encouragement. Several years ago a stray Labrador found me at a Fourth of July party at the lake. We bonded immediately. I took her home and then to the vet to see if she had a chip. There was no chip but she had heartworms. We treated her, I took her home and walked her on a leash to control her activity, and then… the heartworms were no more. At that first visit, the vet estimated she was one year old. She passed away at home last year at the age of 15. GO JACKSON!
Which mattress did you get. TIA
Hope Jackson is okay! ♥️.
Hay guys what model is that dingy