„TREBUIE SĂ PLECĂM ACUM”. | Sailing Sitka Ep 107

„TREBUIE SĂ PLECĂM ACUM”.  |  Sailing Sitka Ep 107

Trebuie să plecăm acum! În acest episod al navigării sitka, navigăm de la Isla Coronados la Loreto, astfel încât să putem asigura alimente, apă, motorină etc. Făcând acest lucru, lucrurile s-au înrăutățit și a trebuit să renunțăm la ancorajul nostru deja neprotejat din Loreto și să-l îndreptăm spre Puerto Ballandra, care a ajuns să fie o velă noduroasă… Vă rugăm să vă abonați dacă vă place și vă mulțumim pentru vizionare.


17 thoughts on “„TREBUIE SĂ PLECĂM ACUM”. | Sailing Sitka Ep 107

  1. Looked like a bit of a sporty sail at the start, but better than no wind, motoring. Getting itchy waiting for the start of your major journey, you too probably if your not so over worked you can't think lol. Hope your remaining time goes well and you aren't played out to start.

  2. seems like being on a Carnival ride, but you could die. yep looks like fun where do I sign up. tickets please….ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ

  3. On the plus side, a little provisioning at Loreto. But yeah, what a ride ! Sitka seems to take it all in stride; good for her. So happy for you two to have the ability to be flexible in schedule and adaptable to situations. I think that will enable you to conquer all you face as long as you always respect the sea and take care of your crewmember ! Happy sailing you two and be safe…..

  4. Loreto channel crossing can get VERY sporty, but you managed. When snorkeling for the Chocolate (pronounced chocolatay) clams look for two little pencil eraser looking things and then scoop them up into your hands (put them in a mesh bag) and let them purge the sand inside them overnight and then they’re great eating 👍🏼👊🏻

  5. Take care young ones… You're doing great, but please, get to less difficult places…
    This was like watching a scary movie for me…

  6. You guys just have over 4K subscribers. I am wondering why. Should be much more. You two are real. Maybe that's causing people not to like and subscribe as they are not real. Just my assumption. Last words on Pedro. He was the guy that drove you with his truck. He didn't ask for anything but you gave him 100 pesos. That's the spirit. Three great humans.

  7. Maybe in 2 years you will use the fishing rod i gave you and let your freaking ball of fishing line 😂
    Btw i bought a boat today 🤭
    On the dark side of course

  8. I have been following you for a while and I am currently anchored near Isla Espirutu Santo going north. I second that going shopping with a dinghy is an adventure, you are lucky if your grocery bags and items are still dry!!! I hope to see you somewhere on the road!

  9. Ummmm this momma was on the edge of her seat!!!😮 on the other hand I absolutely loved the episode❤!!! I want to ride in the back of the truck with you Boo!!!

  10. THAT WAS INSANE !!!! So sad the anchorage was so horrible in Loreto because the town is so cute 😢 BUT so happy y’all found peace and solitude at the next stop 💙💙💙

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