Pentru trecerea mea de la nordul la insulele de sud ale Noii Zeelande, am avut șansa să testez una dintre saltelele de camping ale lui Hest în dana mea. Înainte de acest pasaj de 400 NM, finalizasem 5 pasaje oceanice cu suporturi ieftine din spumă pentru saltea și spatele mă ucide întotdeauna după câteva zile. Văzusem aceste rulouri Hest Mattress online și le-am contactat pentru a vedea dacă ar dori să lucreze împreună și mi-au trimis două rulouri și două perne. Această rolă de saltea de la Hest a fost de fapt mai confortabilă decât chiar și V-Berth-ul meu! Parca dormeam pe un nor!!! Acest rol de saltea Hest este o schimbare absolută pentru navigarea pe ocean și chiar pentru a se întinde pe puntea din față și a privi stele. Mergeți pe pentru a verifica lucrurile lor și pentru a vă ridica propriul rol de saltea. Dacă vă place canalul, vă rugăm să „Like” videoclipurilor și să vă abonați pentru a nu pierde niciun episod viitor. Dacă vi se pare că videoclipurile sunt utile sau distractive și doriți să contribui, puteți deveni Patron la: Alte modalități de a susține canalul: PayPal: Aplicație Cash:$triteia Bitcoin:$triteia Fair Winds, James Website: Tracker: tracking/display/Triteia Instagram: #solosailing #hest #campingmatress #oceansailing #campingear #review
Punerea la încercare a unei role de saltea HEST pe My 400NM Solo Sail South. A Passage Berth Game Changer!!

28 thoughts on “Punerea la încercare a unei role de saltea HEST pe My 400NM Solo Sail South. A Passage Berth Game Changer!!”
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James. I've had a rough day. You calm my soul. Thank you.
HEST is a good choice. I'm going to get one for van camping. Anything foam is expensive but for comfort and durability it's worth the splurge for a good mattress.
Sleep is very inportant and when you sleep for 10 to 12 hours a day, you want that bedroll to be as comfortable as posible.
Gerard livaboard,
Ah! Be Hest.
We been camping more going to check that mattress out the little cheap foam pad haven’t been cutting it
Looks very comfortable and thick! Nice to get a comfortable rest after all it takes to make your voyages.
I'd never heard of HEST until your video today. Just out curiosity, what Hest mattress do you have there? I went to their site and I figured it was the "foamy"? Is that right?
Looks comfortable don't know about the zipper on the pillow though could be a little sore.
James is! making a nest , with his new Hest. He will cruise, and after sleeping ,he will not fall ,and bruise . He is a good mate, so life will take care of his good fate.!
Mattress is one of the best investments you can make for you personal self. Nothing beats good sleep.
Your vids never get old James , keep em coming. From Wellington.
Hi James, wow that looks so much more comfortable looks fantastic. Absolutely well-made. I think you’re going to be a lot more comfortable going on these long trips. Keep up the good work always love the videos from Australia
That pad is the BOMB!!! Hest here I come!!!
Bro that bed roll looks legit. Its the little things that are game changers. Glad you got it man. Stay safe on your trip. cant wait to see the video. Ive been binge watching this channel for a few days. Ive accepted I live vicariously through you. lol PEACE!!
A comfy bunk , Nearly as good as dry socks .
Steinbeck is great reading
it’s always appreciated any little extra comfort. good set up
Good on you James, living your best life. More adventure than money could buy.
Interesting, informative and enjoyable as usual. I'm learning heaps about my own country! Kiwi Tim
Most people don't realize how important sleep is until they can't for some reason. Lack of sleep can destroy you.
Looks like a nice bed . Wife and I are looking for our 27 foot for weekend trips
It's not just any ordinary Nest, it's a Hest Nest now.
What the… I have been looking for such and here it is! What is going on in the universe? It seems affordable for a berth also.
Noice nest! Hopefully you’ll be able to wake up, coz it so comfy!!
Hopefully u hook up w Josh James n he can show where n how to catch Kai Moana down the west coast
You won't find me…:)
I was curious how you handled sleeping, myself on those cushions, just for a night anchored, I'm sore, those would be cool for that as well