A încercat să se scufunde!!! Oarecum. Hahah! Chevy-ul Big Block a trebuit să iasă să găsească TRANSOM ROTTEN!! Acum să-l repar! Arătați-vă sprijinul și luați niște echipamente minunate pentru Flying Sparks Garage AICI: https://flying-sparks-garage-6458.myshopify.com/ Vă mulțumim pentru susținerea companiilor care fac ca seria noastră să se întâmple! Mândră să fim #OReillyPowered PEAK Auto pentru tot FACTORUL COOL de care avem nevoie!!! Alăturați-vă echipei #PEAKsquad pentru beneficii gratuite și sentimentul de fam de mașină! https://www.owi.com/retail/brands/peak-auto CRC Auto pentru MULTE dintre produsele noastre preferate precum Brakleen! https://www.crcindustries.com/products/automotive.html Chicago Pneumatic atât pentru impacturi electrice, compresoare, cât și instrumente pneumatice! https://tools.cp.com/en-us/our-stories/sponsorship/flying-sparks-garage Bateriile care ne țin PUMPATI- https://www.optimabatteries.com/ PARTENER OFICIAL ANVELOPE: Continental Tire! Link-ul nostru de mai jos! https://bit.ly/3h8Maa5 Site-ul oficial Flying Sparks Garage: http://flyingsparksgarage.com/ •INSTAGRAM și TikTok• •@flyingsparksgarage •@imemilyreeves •@pilotreeves FACEBOOK! •Flying Sparks Garage •Emily Williams Reeves
5k dolari Yacht TRANSOM ROT!!!

50 thoughts on “5k dolari Yacht TRANSOM ROT!!!”
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Started watching your channel with the boat content
I’m excited to see you get her ship shape again.
May I suggest you replace the rear engine rubber bushing mounts since you have the engine out, it will make the engine and drive alignment so much easier when you reassemble everything, love the video

While you have the engine out replace the fuel pump if it has never been changed. It is really hard to do when the engine is in the engine bay. Did this project on my boat two years ago. Looks like you guys are doing well!!
Good stuff, I look forward to see your progress.
Wishing you guys luck on the boat! It looks pretty bad but worth fixing! You guys do awesome work and you will make sure it’s done right! Don’t give up on her because she deserves to sail again! You guys do such good work! The guy who had it last time ran that motor up on something that’s why it’s like that! By looking at the wood it was leaking for a long time before you purchased it. But now it’s owned by responsible owners that will take care of it. YOU GUYS ROCK!
And yes, you are crazy! But in an awesome way!

I wish my wife was as involved as yours. She has no interest in fixing stuff up. All these projects are less daunting when you have a partner to work with. Just so many times where you just need a second set of hands. Love watching what you guys do. Look forward to watching this patch process even though I've seen a few YT videos on this before. Do a search there are plenty on here.
Swm 50 just like Aaron, iso swf like Emily. Hmu
U got the motor out go do some upgrades to it
Just make sure you guys seal it up good and wear a respirator when playing with that glass. You guys got this I've seen you guys do way harder project's, good luck ya'll.
As a glass guy, I wound have probably cut the outside. Replace bad wood, then vacuum bag the outside back on. You definely want to "bag" as we call it. This assures no air between glass and what ever your using for structure.whatever you use. You can use an AC pump to bag it down. There are composite guys on YouTube that show you how to do it.
Replace the Boat It’s a Bayliner it’s not worth it
Remember to replace the steering bolt in the transom. Number one culprit for water leakage in Mercruiser transoms.
Bayliner does not have the best reputation for build quality, but Im still surprised at the diagnosis here. Really unacceptable for this transom to rot like this on such a relatively young boat. Thats a frightening repair challenge to take on, but Im sure you'll get through it.
That is one STRONG LADY those bravo 3 sterndrives are heavy and awkward to move around you go girl. I have the same boat so I love this video. Oh, make sure you check the stub shaft for the steering that's in the transon housing they get dry and wear the bushing.
Hmmmm Definition Boat a hole in the waterin which to pour money ……..
Your first problem never buy a Bayliner!!!
I wanted to buy that boat when it was anchored at the Causeway marina,
seems to me yall have this handled . yall can do this
You need to put the shifter in forward to remove the drive
Big job! When you go to reinstall the outdrive, drop the tongue of the trailer so the ground isn't fighting you and check to make sure the shifter is in the correct position–I believe forward(could be wrong, so check). Good luck and we will follow along
This transit build is cool as hell that you’re helping your husband wonderful wonderful wonderful Kuzia is a way to go. Might want to think about putting an outboard on it. Love you guys and stuff.
Love u guys yall are awesome
Is it just me or is Emily's booty growing

great video guys! See you out on CCL this summer!!
It’s always something with a boat. Glad you guys know his to fix it.
Real interesting to watch Most never do this by themselves.
You guys certainly aren't afraid to take it on! I thought the engine compartment on my boat was cramped and a pain to work in, but that looks even worse. Being a little younger is sure to help. Good luck!
Wow !!! I did this exact repair 35 years ago on my ski boat with a out drive
boats r cool
I hade a very knowledgeable man in the industry help me with all the tricks and because of boat problems Ive been married to his daughter for 35 years
Why is it always sunny where you live
I hate the cold damp weather in the UK
I bet ol' Merlon "Cummins Guru" Johnson has some ideas about diesel boats.
"You can tell… because of the way that it is… " Derek Bieri
Stellar job and video you kids are gorgeous and fun to watch
How in Gods name do you put that thing back togather again??????
I just seen you guys on tv cool
Love the videp
I have done this outdrive and engine removal with a small block 5.7 liter engine and an alpha drive. There is nothing easy about this job.
Wear a mask when cutting into fiberglass. That fiberglass dust will wreck your lungs.
Thanks you two
The floor and seats have wood in them, which when WET, adds WEIGHT and slows the boat down. If it wasnt kept under cover all its life, this rot happens. Keep Bow higher when storing and keep plug out. Good luck..
B. O. A. T. Break out another thousand!
Love the old truck
Gimble housing. Exterior piece. Looks good keep the old boat going!
Get er fixed up and keep er under cover. Beautiful boat.
hi there! wath rims do you got on garfield ,whats the name? they are awsomme!!!
Glad you're putting the boat back on. It seems like forever since I've watched the channel because of the absence of the boat content.
This is not a recommendation but what I have experienced with over 45 years in the fiberglass boat building industry.
Everyone keeps stating Kings Starboard is not right for a transom re-construction, which i sort of agree .
BUT I have done 3 of my sons boats "ONLY" using Starboard and from my experience, if you bond it correctly it will work for 5-10 times longer than plywood. Fiberglass will not stick to it as we know, but if you encapsulate it before, your KS will work.
It is an amazing product, EXPENSIVE=Yeah> But it should work perfectly with a bit more flex than plywood depending on how you reinforce it and install it.
But future rot is negated. Just saying.
Not sure why so many are saying not to do this as we have done it 3 times with no issues.
Max HP 225 with no issues.
Be great if you went this way to show people the better way
I just completed a complete boat haul rebuid on my 16 foot bow rider. did the transum, stringers and complete floor. I used marine plywood and douglus fur stringers polyester resin is cheaper but really smelly and it does not stick to anything that is wet or not prepped well. Epoxy resin is better if you have any questionable or not perfect wood to bond too
I'd ask Colin from the Parlay Revival channel how he would handle it.
Lotta work, not an easy job but it can surely be done. Fun part is realigning the engine & gimbal housing/outdrive upon reassembly, do not lose any shims under motor mounts! You can find an alignment tool online fairly easy for Merc stern drives. Doing the bellows is also a barrel of fun as you already know…….end result is your boat will give you many years of great service and enjoyment.
Thanks for the cool video, look forward to future episodes on this boat and its repairs. God bless you all!
I thought the motor would have been a bit larger. Not sure what I expected mind you!