V-ați întrebat vreodată cum arată interiorul MSC Yacht Club de pe malul mării? Cum arată o suită de lux cu balcon? Ce este inclus în apartamente? Ei bine, atunci acest videoclip este pentru tine! O vedere reală necenzurată a ceea ce este Yacht Club. Dacă i-ați urmărit vreodată pe YouTuberi Ben și David, atunci s-ar putea să le fi văzut episodul în care au fost „cenzurați” pentru a afișa spațiile care sunt incluse în Yacht Club. #msc #mscyachtclub #roomtour Muzica: – Summer Walking de Young Rich Pixies – Air de Magiksolo – Asuna de Magiksolo –––––––––- ––––––––– Alăturați-vă acestui canal pentru a avea acces la beneficii: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnkztsMrwCAAkF9wXneQPmg/join —————————————————— Marfa găsită la: https://live-a-little-5.creator -spring.com/ Urmărește-ne pe Social Media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lindsayslivealittle/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lindsayslivealittle TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@live_a_little_travel Contactați-ne la: livealittlelindsays@gmail.com ———————————————— —— Despre noi: suntem cei de la Lindsay, Emma, Jack și Poppy. (și uneori câinele nostru Mezi) Iubim călătoriile și scopul nostru este să luăm experiențele noastre pentru a vă ajuta să vă planificați următoarea călătorie. Indiferent dacă este o excursie mare o dată în viață sau o escapadă distractivă de weekend… vrem să ajutăm! Sper că vă bucurați de cât de mici experiențe vă pot ajuta să trăiți viața la maximum. Vino cu noi și ieși și trăiește puțin! DECLINAREA RESPONSABILITĂȚII: Linkurile incluse în această descriere pot fi link-uri afiliate. Dacă achiziționați un produs sau serviciu cu link-urile pe care le furnizez, s-ar putea să primesc un mic comision. Nu există nicio taxă suplimentară pentru dvs. Vă mulțumim pentru susținerea canalului nostru.
O vedere COMPLETĂ asupra MSC Yacht Club & Deluxe Suite 18043 de pe malul mării

21 thoughts on “O vedere COMPLETĂ asupra MSC Yacht Club & Deluxe Suite 18043 de pe malul mării”
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Love the thumbnail! Lol
Loved the yacht 😊
What happened to your hand?
Looks great guys.
Will you be sharing a longer review of your experience?
We board the Seascape YC Saturday… Can't wait!
Looks like it was a lovely suite.
Nice video. Due to watching your previous videos about the MSC Yacht Club, I've booked the Duplex Suite with whirlpool on the MSC World Europe in the Med for next year. Can't wait, especially since the suite is going to be a complete surprise for my wife, because I haven't told her what I've booked, just that we're going on a cruise. We normally go in The Retreat on Celebrity, but an Edge Villa (which we've always wanted to stay in) is about 4 times the price of the Duplex Suite.
How is the hair dryer
I am on the fence about MSC, would only consider YC. I like Celebrity Edge ships in the Retreat the best. I am tempted to try YC on MSC due to lower prices but even those have been rising lately
Looks really nice! MSC doesn't do Alaska do they?
You two seem like fun to cruise with. Great video.
At 8:58 you said YC gives you one day access to the Thermal Suite – we've been on MSC YC several times – the Thermal Suite access is unlimited, everyday of the cruise, or were you told something different?.
Ben and David had a positive experience in Yacht Club up until staff recognized them as having a negative experience with MSC in the past and they were censored as a result-
You can get a lounger for your balcony; just ask your butler.
Weather permitting: the breakfast at the bar & grill up on the Yacht Club pool deck is better than the restaurant.
Pro tip: on embarkation day, you'll be escorted to the Top Sail Lounge where you'll meet your butler. After the introduction (and if you embark aboard before lunch), the bar & grill on the Yacht Club pool deck is a great place to grab lunch! Pack the swimming attire in your carry on bag so you can enjoy the pool too.
Looks like not much shaded space to lie down on the sun deck.
You mentioned a charge for chips & nuts. Did they tell you in advance or after you ate them? Also, does YC have ice cream available?
Wow this is so amazing ❤❤❤❤❤
Soo.. How did you end up getting a balcony room!? I am excited because we have this exact room booked.. But we paid for an interior YC room. Just random luck?
I thoroughly enjoyed my Yacht Club experience. Probably the best overall experience in a cruise ship in over twenty journeys. The best 3:25 perk was no waiting in any line for anything. It took less than 15 minutes to board and even less to disembark. One question: Why only one Toberlone?
I'm booked Yacht Club next year and your video got me so hyped.
Does the sofa pull out?