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Am luat noile mele vele din Thailanda!

27 thoughts on “Am luat noile mele vele din Thailanda!”
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Memories of Phuket are back! The Rolly Tasker crew helped me ever so much. Getting a 47' yacht ready for an Ocean passage.
Happy sailing. Always enjoy your videos.
Amazing colors and style ! Soon some snorkeling in Norway ?
This was great video. I even learnt lot. Thanks Erik and Silji. I might pop over to your shop and get a tee shirt and spread the love way down under. Matt from Australia.
Less than 8% likes, come on people HIT THAT THUMB UP ,it is free and rewards all that hard work.
Jesus Captain, go back and do a proper biopic of Rolly Tasker sails and make it an hour long. I have had the privilege of visiting the old and new lofts and i spent a few hours shooting the breeze sailor like with the founder. Rolly built either 52 or 54 boats during his life . He sailed the 79 Fastnet race and then sailed back to australia . After the Tsunami Rolly re built the homes of his staff . He was almost embarrassed telling me this . They are to this day an ethical company.
thank you again for this adventure of thailand and see the manufacture of sails, nice sails^^
That was indeed, a different video! A pleasure to watch you work in an ice-free Thai fjord! I enjoyed touring the Rolly Tasker factory with you two. Continue the push for safety first and that includes sleep and using a safety harness on deck. Your prodigious use of your drone adds so much to all your videos and was especially scenic in those out islands of Phuket. Have you considered cruising the Baltic Sea? There's no BS in good cruising!
Love the colour contrast white with orange. I tried to have the same done on my new sails unfortunately orange wasn’t an option which surprises me as it’s a great safety option. Will you be having the spray hood in orange next ????
Heavy at the back, dude, that's your titanium balls…
Erik another great episode! Thanks for taking us with you to see Rolly Tasker factory! What an amazing place!
All the best Richard
All bullshit no sailing
Tessie is looking better than ever ……. bring on Greenland this year !
Looks amazing in orange. Well done!
Loving the bright orange trim on the sails, I first saw this on Excess catamarans and I personally think it is really cool. Then…… I saw the preview of the catamaran sailing in the caribbean and I remember your Cyclades charter. Top tip… don’t let your wife/girlfriend experience catamaran sailing if you really like sailing monohulls. The wasp in your ear will never go away lol
The sails look very good! I really like the video shot of you and the boat sailing away with the new sails working well for you.
NBJS seems to be having some B injected into it!
Great looking sails and edited video. Just one gripe the eternal "music/talking mistake" either music or talking but never both together as so much of your audio was inaudible.
Hei hei Erik… never to disappoint… I don't need new sails but I wish I did… Laff… You and Silja make a great team… Looking forward to the Un-NBJS vid sailing on a what…?: Hobie cat and in the Caribe…?? CU and Fair Winds…
By far one of the coolest videos Eric
The new sails, bag and track system look fantastic Eric. How about a discount code for RollyTasker sails for my little boat?
Great video

Welcome to Thailand krub
Hope you have a great time in Phuket
nice journey