Catamaranul meu oceanic se alimentează! | Sălbatic Sailing

Catamaranul meu oceanic se alimentează!  |  Sălbatic Sailing

Am instalat unul dintre motoarele mele Yamaha 9.9 de mare tracțiune și am primit al doilea. primul se blochează din cauza uleiului în cilindru, iar al doilea este puțin corodat. doar încă un pas în reabilitarea catamaranului meu de 42 de picioare! Instagramul meu: @boat.fella Facebook:… Întrebări de afaceri: Mulțumesc foarte mult oamenilor incredibil de generoși care folosesc linkurile de mai jos PayPal: https:/ / Ko-fi: Patreon: Lista de dorințe Amazon: /hz/wishlist/ls/155FC0QR78BGF?ref_=wl_share Muzica pe care o ascult de fapt:


47 thoughts on “Catamaranul meu oceanic se alimentează! | Sălbatic Sailing

  1. Now might be a good time to get Starlink and save a few quid. They’ve got a discount at the moment. The hardware is reduced to £225. Normally £450. 👍

  2. She's coming around you're doing a good job are at the very least what you can do with the money you have to do it with it'll be cool to see your mom and dad again they should be proud of you for what you together and a lone have done my hats off to you man

  3. Why do you feel the need to have two such powerful engines, Its a sailing boat concentrate on getting the rigging sorted and fit a small lightweight outboard which would be easier to lift on and off

  4. Another great video.

    Please be careful with that nine inch grinder they're deadly bloody things and for that reason they're apparently banned on building sites here in Australia.
    Were you using the correct cutting disc for aluminium they're softer than the mild steel cutting discs and therefore dont clog up as readily though aluminium is a bugger to cut with a grinder.


  5. I was screaming at the screen when you were hitting the wrong battery clamp down on the wrong terminal, then when you bridged the terminals with your ratchet I had an aneurism. 😅

  6. Any line that you want to haul on should be at least 8mm diameter, and preferably more. Thinner cordage may have an ample load capacity but you really need larger stuff for comfort if you are puling it by hand. Cheesewire is strong, but it's not nice to handle!

  7. I certainly hope that when you take that thing near open water you have a boat big enough for rescue because the first serious storm is going to tear it apart before it sinks ….. and you’re to nice of a guy to lose to foolish dreams

  8. What’s the BBQ in the back ground is that a Kamado Joe? Are you smoking food with it? Can you do a review and instructional on it?

  9. After watching a few episodes ive figured out that this is the sequel to another popular amateur sailing vlog – its like the British version of Sam Holmes Sailing

  10. Just a tip, always, always have a safety line on any outboard when playing with them over water. It’s ever so easy to ooops, drop them and have no way to recover the carcass. Also a sacrificial piece of plywood instead of slippery alloy on the inside of the mount for the clamps to bite into otherwise the motor tends to waltz all over the place. Been there, done that.

  11. The wrench on battery can be an explosive and very dangerous reality. The battery can basically put infinite current into a short. This can create a lot of heat and turn that wrench into molten steel. some electrical tape on the wrench can insulate it. Also using an open end wrench instead of a socket is wise.

  12. Mark
    Never bang or put a twisting motion on a battery post! You can break the electrical connection inside the battery. Then when you charge or put a load on the battery it can spark internally. During the use of the battery water is separated into oxygen and hydrogen and these gasses are inside the battery. An internal spark can blow the battery up and spray acid everywhere. This is also why you never take off the charging cables while there is current in the battery cables. The spark can ignite the escaping explosive oxygen and hydrogen gas.
    Nice progress on the boat. Slow and detailed work always wins in the end.

  13. A Yamaha 9.9 has 4 holes in the bracket which allow you to bolt the engine onto the transom (8 mm). Theft is made much more difficult if you do so and it won't fall in the water either . Your second engine has obviously suffered from lack of maintenance. You might want to flush out any salt deposits :remove the thermostat (on top of the engine ), check for salt/corrosion. If present put leg of outboard in a tub of water with some hydrochloric acid . Run engine for 5 minutes and all deposits will dissolve and be pumped out. Run for another 10 minutes in clean fresh water . Carburated 9.9 Yamaha is the best outboard ever. Utterly reliable and if broken always repairable using only basic tools. I have a load of spare parts for this engine . If you want them (free), let me know.

  14. 'This motor is really small compared to the other one' . Yamaha made two different capacity outboards tagged as 9.9 high thrusts. Sounds like you have bought two mismatched motors.

  15. engine: High Trust, is like 1st gear in a car. (out of my head) more revs, 2.9 rotations, engine to 1 rotation prop. As normal is about 2,1 engine rotations to 1 rot. prop. As in a car more power at wheel, allows for bigger prop which moves more water and thus much better control in slow movement. Also as in a car, at the cost of top speed.
    Angle grinder disk. Guess you using sing a diamond disk, nice for stone, unsuitable for metals. Cheapo cutting disks from Action store will do better. Best is to use a circular saw, with a special metal cutting blade. 6mil alu will be cut like butter.
    I all, much respect for your efforts and handeling the encountered problems which always pop up on boats!

    And a big Chapeau for choosing 4-strokes instead of 2 strokes. Maybe some more maintenance, more expensive, but up to 90% less polluting than 2-strokes. Good reason why they are bannend in so many places. Sadly enough sailing youtube cruisers still buy 2-strokes in the carib. Unbelievable and it pisses me off. Because one want to go to unspoiled places so why pollute them at the same time?. The many places and marine life you will visit thank you!!

  16. Ive never seen such bad corrosion on an outboard that new. I'd suggest checking the anodes but it can't be the cause of the corrosion near the cowling

  17. Sucks to run other things off the starter battery and when you need to start the motor ,not enough juice
    Hammering the connector onto the post is a great idea if you want to break your battery
    You have to bolt the motor on, not just use the hand clamps
    Not enough water coming out of the tell tail , put in a new impellor
    Power tilt is a waste of money on those tiny motors, once you get the hang of it, it's effortless and done in seconds
    That corrosion is not bad, a little sanding and paint. Replace the anode's

  18. The part on the carburetor you didn’t know what it was is what controls your choke when you push your key in when cranking.
    Your motor will come loose from being mounted against that aluminum. Put a piece of wood between motor and the aluminum which will let it grab ahold of and sink into it a little.

  19. My advise on the lift for the engine trays would be to move the fixed point aft to the cross support next to the beam. That will get it out of the way of the housing and give a better geometry toward the lift point on the tray..

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