SailGP se întoarce la uimitorul Whakaraupō, Lyttelton Harbour și totul începe aici! Abonați-vă astăzi Înscrieți-vă la programul de fidelizare a fanilor SailGP, The Dock la Urmărește SailGP pe TikTok, Instagram, Facebook și Twitter: @sailgp Fii la curent cu buletinul informativ SailGP: SailGP este de mare viteză, de înaltă tehnologie și de mare impact. Acest campionat mondial de sport combină tehnologia de ultimă oră, locații emblematice la nivel mondial, sportivi de elită și viteze record pentru a crea cele mai interesante curse pe apă. Echipe rivale din SUA, Australia, Noua Zeelandă, Marea Britanie, Canada, Franța, Danemarca, Germania, Elveția și Spania se luptă în locații emblematice din întreaga lume în curse scurte și intense pentru un premiu total de 5 milioane de dolari. Echipele concurează în catamarane F50 cu hidrofoiling identice care zboară deasupra apei cu viteze electrizante care se apropie de 100 km/h. Centrat pe fan și aproape de țărm, fiecare campionat SailGP culminează cu o mare finală de un milion de dolari, cu trei bărci, câștigătorul ia totul. #SailGP #PoweredbyNature
2024 ITM New Zealand Sail Grand Prix | Ziua 1
30 thoughts on “2024 ITM New Zealand Sail Grand Prix | Ziua 1”
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Typical NZ the voices of a few rule over many. Surely there's dolphins potentially in all sail GPS race tracks!!! Better not hurt the plankton either
For anyone else…. there's no racing on this broadcast, the start was perpetually delayed for a dolphin on the course
What a joke! Don’t come back to NZ we are too woke…the dolphins will move!
Unbelievable. What a farce.
This is a sport powered by nature and nature is unpredictable. Sometimes we have no wind, sometimes we have too much to race, and here we had an animal delay just like we’ve had animal delays in the past. It’s part of the experience and I believe that SailGP did the right thing by having the monitoring system in place and delaying racing to protect the endangered dolphins.
Tonight wasn’t the best RACING outcome, but it was infinitely preferable to seeing a dolphin killed by an F-50 on worldwide TV. What kind of an image of SailGP and Christchurch do you think THAT would have sent to the world?
Dolphins laughing about this one.
A joke of a sport. A dolphin stops a multi million dollar event…
Only in Woke Old Zealand.
8:am pdst
What absolut bollocks. Dolphins are astute enough to stay out of the way. Pathetic.
What complete and utter BS , don’t go to this wine country again , the dolphins would soon clear off . NZ is so full of bs , but what do you expect from a country that had Adherne as its premier . This series is becoming a joke with windless venues , islands in the course , now dolphins , while all the time virtue signalling about how a massive logistical circus can move around the world while being carbon friendly.
Yea disappointing this could not have been handled better. The current approach is not sustainable, but they aren't coming back to Lyttelton again, so a select few in Chch will be pleased about thats.
Unfortunate for so many people, how can some dolphins (and not millions of other sea life critters) that are in the sea be halted by some narrowed thinking humans that sound like a minuscule minority…
You have to wonder how much carnage thousands of future foiling craft will wreck on our ocean's critters. Time to ban foils and go back to safer sailing.
Dolphins are pretty smart. They track ships, speed boats and more?
Dolphins and sailing since when they cant RACE together? LETS NOT BE RIDICULOUS
what a pointless waste of time
Don't waste my time.
I see why the west is finished…….
The care y'all have taken for a mammal on the course makes me love Sail GP even more.
Sail Grand Prix is getting strange a location for each course is disappointing- this could have been handled better. Typical NZ .This series is becoming a joke with windless venues , islands in the course, now dolphins, while all the time virtue signaling about how a massive logistical circus can move around the world while being carbon friendly.🤮
Waste of time that was.
1:31:40 We’ve known about the possibility of dolphins disrupting the racing for months, so why attempt to race here?
What complete nonsense. It's a fucking dolphin, they know how to move out of the way.
Imagine actually buying a ticket and showing up to this 😂 disappointing waste of time and money
Woke Liberals are destroying the planet faster than anything else could. Pretty sad.
Of course i dont want to see a dolphin get harmed, but it seems like a lot of wasted resources (flights, shipping, repairs, electricity, food etc) on the off chance a dolphin doesn't get out of the way. I am asumming the restaurants at the site where vegan right🤔.
Any dead heads floating around?
What an embarrassment. Imagine Usain Bolt's race being called off because an ant was walking on the racetrack.