@boatfools #classicsailboat #woodenboat #beautifulboats Această barca cu pânze ICONIC este de vânzare! Vezi această descoperire incredibilă! Am dat peste un iconic Friendship Sloop, ascuns într-un hambar, și este disponibil la doar 15.000 USD. Dacă sunteți un pasionat de bărci din lemn sau ați admirat vreodată eleganța unui Friendship Sloop sub vele, nu veți dori să ratați acest lucru. Friendship Sloops ocupă un loc special în istoria maritimă, având originea ca bărci cu homari și bărci de lucru la sfârșitul anilor 1800, înainte de a trece la îndrăgite crucișătoare de coastă pentru uz recreațional. Cu arcurile lor distinctive de tuns și dispozitivele clasice de gaff, acestea sunt o priveliște adevărată de văzut de-a lungul coastei Maine și dincolo. Acest sloop special, proiectat de Eldredge-McInnis și construit în 1978 de J Phillips Ham în Connecticut, are o poveste de fundal fascinantă. Cândva a fost deținută de fostul senator Chris Dodd, căruia îi plăcea să o navigheze cu prietenul său Ted Kennedy, ea s-a trezit mai târziu în Boothbay Harbor, ME, slujind ca o excursie turistică de o zi. Și într-un ciudat Six Degrees of Canadian Ken, am descoperit că este rudă cu unul dintre foștii proprietari… Acum, după 15 ani în grija actualului ei proprietar, ea caută o nouă casă. În timp ce s-a odihnit în hambar în ultimii 5 ani, totul, inclusiv motorul Westerbeke de 25 CP, era în stare perfectă de funcționare ultima dată când a navigat. Prețul de 15.000 de dolari reflectă nevoia de TLC, dar iată veștile bune: proprietarul este dispus să o lase în hambar până în această vară sau până când casa lui se vinde, oferindu-ți suficient timp pentru a-și lua nava. Pentru întrebări, contactați Les Taylor la les@waterfrontpropertiesofmaine.com. Și amintiți-vă, BoatFools Sailing nu are niciun interes financiar în această barcă – suntem doar încântați să vă împărtășim această oportunitate incredibilă. Multumesc pentru vizionare!
Această barcă cu pânze ICONIC este de vânzare! O descoperire uimitoare de hambar de 15.000 USD – TUR COMPLET!
28 thoughts on “Această barcă cu pânze ICONIC este de vânzare! O descoperire uimitoare de hambar de 15.000 USD – TUR COMPLET!”
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I'll take it!
If I had 15k laying around, I'd have another wooden boat. Wow. What an awesome boat for a screaming deal. Great find, guys. Kinda makes me want to build a clipper bow for Maverick, seeing as I'm going to be rebuilding her rotten stem anyway.
Such a find,a Weekend and day sailor . With three head sails it doesnt get any more beautiful than this . My word id give my eye teeth for her.
Come on over to Southwest Harbor this summer and go out on the Alice E operated by Sail Acadia. Alice E is the oldest sailing Friendship sloop. She sails every day all summer unless the weather is terrible. You can also take a look at Seaquestor sailed by that YouTube star Todd Dunn that sits two slips over from Alice E at Dysarts Marina.
A person could not build such a classic Wooden boat for that price these days, I bet with 10-15 grand someone could get this boat looking pretty snazzy. Id love to have it.
Just want to suggest you NOT use a pressure washer on any boat on the topsides. I know boat yards are doing this but that does not make that right. You will drive the dirt deeper and possibly damage the wood. I see folks using them a lot. Fiberglass boats basically get sanded everytime you use a pressure washer as gelcoat is must softer than most folks think. Last time I was had the inflatable boat repair shop there was a stack of discarded boats–they had been cleaned with a pressure washer and had developed leaks through the fabric that could not be repaired. Pressure washers are great for cleaning the bottom, but that is it. If you buy this boat please get an experienced wooden boat person to help you launch it. It needs a week or two of soaking before you put it in the water or it will immediately go to the bottom.
A wood boat needs to breathe, that’s why it’s open ( in the barn)
Slick seam below the water line and just have them hold it in the slings (wood boats first in last out) with a small pump she will swell up in 24 hours. My first boat was a wood boat from Maine.
Another great episode. Thanks!
The documentation (USCG) number and tonnage was visible on the deck beam, if it was kept in the Federal documentation the ownership history may also be there. The hailing port name can be any place not necessarily where the owner resides.
Great history. The mast looks rather bowed, and that might be pricey to replace. Needs an owner that has the heart to care deeply for her. Hate to think that a speculator picks her up.
A real beautiful example of woodwork that's been Protected and cared for. Wish I was a bit younger of I'd hop on this part of HISTORY! FWCS fair winds….⛵️⛵️
You guys didn't say where it is other than 10 miles from Rockland? I am on Deer Isle and need a project. Seems like the centerline is pretty dried out and needs a whole set of tech,rigging, plumbing and lots of paint and varnish but what boat doesn't.
Donate it to a wooden boat building school.
What is the contact name,and phone number,as I really like this boat,and her history.she deserves to be brought back
WOW, I never realized how tight the interior is on a Friendship Sloop. They always look so big with all of the sails and the long bowsprit, and the large cockpit always seems to be full of people. Very nice boat for the price, but I think it might be a bit too small for me on the inside.
I recon that is quite a bargain, a great little boat for weekend racing. I think three months work for two people would see her straight. A question for all. In the boating world we come across all sorts that would appear misnamed. So can anyone explain why these gaff cutter rigged boats are called sloops.??
a lot of work owning a wooden boat . 15 grand is way too much for that project . I can get a lot more and better sailboat for 15 grand . I love the wooden boats but it needs a lot..
any particulars? maybe discussed in video
LOA , beam, draft? life long great lakes sailor, one of my dream boats is a Friendship sloop so pretty underway
great retirement project….
"belay" that question just heard the particulars
I would be a major rebuilt job – they should give it away.
I’ve have never refurbished a boat but I couldn’t imagine paying for the privilege of rebuilding it. beautiful boat but why not find a motivated family and gift it?
Beautiful lines in this boat! Too bad some maritime museum could not buy it.
Simpson Boats, is working on Tally Ho!
Could you ever really get the stench, out of that boat? She is beautiful. Going to make someone very happy.
Just found your channel, looks pretty good, now subscribed.
A good indicator the boat isn't a mouse hotel is the toilet paper in the head. Over the years that would've been totally shredded.
This looks to be a great find.
Captain Q never made it too Canada's east coast (that I'm aware off) looking at reasonable finds so hopefully you will?
Cheers, Geoff
It is a gem . 6 years out of the water is a long time. Lot of caulking and she will probably leak for 2 months , so have some good reliable pumps on it . Yes , a project but 15 k is not to much.
Do people ever coat these old wooden painted hulls with fiberglass? Sacrelige?