Plecarea pe mare este ceva ce nu facem cu ușurință. Am mai spus acest lucru, dar Siguranța, apoi Confortul (adică somnul) și în cele din urmă Viteza sunt prioritățile noastre principale în larg. Această „remediere” ocupă locul 1. Îți plac videoclipurile? Cel mai bun mod de a susține acest canal: Catamaranul de expediție NAHOA 55: ABONAȚI-VĂ LA NEWSLETTERUL NOSTRU LUNAR: URMĂȚI-NE PE INSTAGRAM: URMĂȚI-NE PE FACEBOOK: Stay Wild, Stay Free, Ben. Ashley. Willa. Bodhi.
acest defect mortal ne va scufunda barca

42 thoughts on “acest defect mortal ne va scufunda barca”
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Understand all, you need to do all as a family.
(supporting each other & your children) > every other thing. You cannot go wrong.
This channel is so much more than a “Sailing Channel”. This is a life channel, camping channel, adventure channel and so much much more! I will watch your channel no matter the content you make. If your children need something that will put the sailing part on hold please do it. We will all wait for the return of the sailing part. Your health and well being is the most important thing in life.
Nice fix, see your already on the move, save travels, cant wait for the vids.
I said when the boy was born that this was the beginning of the end cause babies takes a whole new look at protocols
if your gut feeling telling you not to go better not go.
The sailboat stuff can wait, we will watch the home / taking care of children stuff too
Tuff choice especially with crime up everywhere mhh idk don't worry about your viewers
Wish you a lot of wisdom and strength in making the decisions.
That was always the stupidest thing I ever saw, jamming that escape hatch on the under side of the bridge deck.. why wasn't it ever put on the outside of the hulls where it would of had more free-board….
Please do some pop filter on the microphone for voiceovers
Ashley and Ben, you guys are amazing. Of course this is a huge life decision, and with kids it's that much harder. Keep your chin up, we are all rooting for you.
You seem tired of YT and lost total focus. Maybe it’s time to invest in the future of your kiddos and get back to Canada?
Your YT channel has been on a plato for quite a while views are low compared to before. And that is a positive way of saying it.
In short: Your channel lacks on exciting content, contiguity, general story telling and editing skills (why do I never see a time lapse of a sunrise/-set…) You post cut scenes over and over again, really bad audio voice over quality (even in the trailer) and for years now you highlight the challenges you are facing. Your hardcore fans (~100 patreons) might like that but your potential main viewer (target group?) that is stuck in the normal life with a lot of rainy weather…? At the moment I doubt it and your views confirm it.
Here comes the OR part…
Or invest in the future of your kids on board Nahoa and build a professional content creator business. Basically show us the beautiful adventures life of blue sailing and of course with a pinch of real life problems! But if there are problems show us that you tackle them not get swamped by (People want to see the success story to use as motivation..) You both had a professional life before. Why not make use of those skills to plan and conceptualize your content?
Your USP is the authenticity, the “I want to grab a beer with both of them” vibe and the can do mental you guys emit.
For the videos:
Why do we never see an entire day on the boat? (From getting up till going to bed)
Why do we never see more deep dives on certain topics as a part 1,2,3 series? (Fishing, cooking, breakfast prep, cleaning, sports activities, maintenance, teaching, playing, sailing theory Know-how, sailing hands on experience, on-shore activities, farming on a sailboat, diving, how to stay fit and healthy, mental tips for resilience)
Why is there never a proper video schedule? (Post Wed when ppl are fed up with their workweek a deep dive video and post Sat a “day on board” video when ppl having breakfast?)
Why can’t you give us your top 5 of places you have been including coordinates or links to the restaurants/museums/supermarket etc.
Why is there no second channel where you post entire sailing passage/trips including KPIs like course, speed, radio conversation, etc. for ASMR
Look at itchy boot for simplicity, outdoor boys for how to integrate family or 4xoverland for how to educational/know how.
Just in this video… Why didn’t you grab a gopro and quickly snorkel to the beach and show us the beach (I mean the vast majority of the viewers will most likely only see a beach like that once every ten years), why isn’t there a video how you receive guest (Monday never or everyday Saturday) or how you board your friends boat and hanging out. Why not interviewing/talking with them about a crazy sailing story…yadi yadi yada
Second last thing: We know it’s a business no need to mention it. I don’t want to be your customer. I want to be your guest on Nahoa.
Last thing: Been thinking to write this comment for over a year. You are an amazing crew and one of my favorite channel! And for years I ask myself where are the 1mio+ subs…? I am serious. And to be 100% clear: This comment is not meant to be
mean or to insult you!
Best regards from a German Canadian :-*
Ben, you should have used crew to cross the Pacific. You could have sent the family home to Canada, and then they could have joined you later. I would have gone in a heartbeat.
Go take care of your business… Everything will be there when you get ready.
I wonder how many pulls tweaks strains and possibly breaks a marathon runner will suffer to reach the goal of being a really good runner. There is nearly always a price to pay to reach a goal.
What is the cost of not trying?
how about crossing the panama & turning righr take Wila to vancouver for treatments, produce content & around pacific norhwest??????? til wila is more rough & ready!!!
Keep coming guys. I really love your show and journey and have for years. I really hope everything works out. Best from down under.
Mate kid comes first you ken the mom needs this so go with the flow. By the way those hatches are a death trap, should be stopped putting into cats. There was a guy was a mono lived in his capsized boat bulmore I think. Until rescued out of the wind and weather. If that hatch went chance the boat would sink.
It might be a good idea to cover those screws with something to keep the salt water off of them
Their fun is temporary. Yours is long term. Quick fixes never satisfy for long. Youre livjng the life. We can often look at people who are enjoying a couple of hours partying and think were missing out. Fomo
You could have Willa try immunotherapy in NZ while seeing to your new boat. But whatever you do, you still have to ’live’
Guys, after watching your very emotional video, my impression is that for 6 months delay in crossing the Pacific it might just be worth treating Willa's serious allergy in Canada, as you mentioned. It would be one huge less worry for you in the long run.
Always put family first
I vote for 6 months in Canada. Film local interesting content. Many of my traveler channels are doing other things right now. TRUST YOUR GUT, MAMA!!!!!
You guys are really good at creating content. I think that your viewers are emotionally invested in your story. If you go away for 6 months, we will patiently wait. I hope you do what's right for you and your family.
Our lagoon 410 had the emergency hatches professionally removed. We know of some many that fail. When you weigh up capsize / hatch fail the likely hood is your hatches will cause the most concern.
100% agree with those awful Hatches. These hatches should be solid with a tiny portlight to see if is safe to egress.
Health is always first, absolutely no question!! But perhaps you are able, just in between, to send a little update from you… have a great time and all the best for the future!!
Six months go fast. We will still follow you. Good luck on your decision.
I’ll watch your channel wherever you are! You have always provided great content even when you’re not on Nahoa. Do what you feel is right, I’ll be watching
Family ALWAYS comes first… can wait
Totally agree…your beautiful family comes first. But, if you have to sail to create content, why not sail along the coast close enough to civilization in case of emergency but still in deep waters. You would probably have more content to film. The water and the waves still look the same if you're in the middle of the pacific. It's not what I look for in your videos. It's how you live as a family in the middle of the ocean. You guys will be fine!
I like no hinge escape glass but in addition to a swingable hammer I would add a spring loaded punch incase something is preventing a full swing of the hammer……If the compartment was full of water can you swing hard enough to break the glass?
Just a thought:
In the offshore trimaran world some of the ultra performance enthusiasts consider a saw all the escape hatch.
Glass that thing shut and have one powered option on the boat that cuts fast and two manual fail proof options to make the hole in the hull.
(Your campfire hatchet stored on one side, your camping saw suitably selected on the other. One powered hacksaw where you choose)
You guys might need a year or two off the boat. We have three under 6 and have been sailing for 3 years around the pacific. We have opted for a house life for a bit of a break and give the boys a chance to get a little older. We will likely get back on the boat permanently in three years.
Or you could have the escape hatches on the outside of the hull instead of on the inside where the water compression force is many times greater because water doesn't compress and on the outside, it will push the water away.
Some of your best videos were hanging out in Canada.
for Willa.
We will follow you guys on whatever journey you are on! You have an awesome family and great take on life! Much love ~Idaho~
Stop, take a breath and then sail. Weather in the south pacific dictate that you have to move or get out of the water for hurricane season. During that time go back to canada for your girl, return back to sail and be close to the boat build. Seriously you are my favorite sailing channel. So real I feel like Im with you! It will all work out in the end!
I’ll preface with I don’t know anything.
Why does the hatch need to have plexiglass? Maybe make it out a the entire hatch out of aluminum or fiberglass so there’s less points of potential failure. Is there actually value in visibility through them?
The spring and summer is beautiful in Canada, come home guys, help your adorable little daughter and charge up a bit. I love watching your stories wherever you are! Tons of hugs to Ashley, she definitely needs it!