calatoreste in Bali cu mine! Orice sprijin suplimentar este foarte apreciat pe măsură ce mă angajez în propria mea călătorie! vă mulțumesc pentru vizionare !! dragoste, jadyn Spotify meu: IG-ul meu: mea Canalul familiei mele: MY GEAR~ GoPro: mâner plutitor pentru GoPro: Cameră 3JVWaom: https://am over voice micron. to/43xAia4 MASCA MEA: FINS: costum de neopren: papuci: # teensailing #ocean #spearfishing #sailing #teensailor #boatlife #sailboat #adventure #caribbean #catamaran #travel
Am inima frântă și mă mut în Australia…

42 thoughts on “Am inima frântă și mă mut în Australia…”
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So you just leaked your mom's phone number and email at 8:21
your dad is lucky cuz your mom is hottttt….. just saying respectfully
MOM crying . Been there done that.
What a lovely, lovely family you have. Bon voyage
Have the most wonderful time.
I teared up watching the end especially when your little brother hugged you oh my god

Bali! Great choice. I have no doubt everyone will have an AMAZING time there! A bit bummed its in November (although probably the perfect time of year to go). Unfortunately working in the school system I was hoping for this summer…..Close to your parents age anyways and sounds like being in my 30’s I was too OLD! Lol…Hope you have an amazing time in Australia. I assume you are doing working holiday visa there? I would probably be there right now myself but once again- TOO OLD age cut off for that one was a year ago for me (35)
Wow thats so exciting and as a Kiwi I hope you will get the opportunity to travel to New Zealand. Feel like there has been a missed opportunity for J & dad parody reels- wasted talent. . Enjoy yr travels
She clearly has no idea what she want to do, the videos are over the place without a timeline. Her boy toy is gone, the girl toy is gone, now she’s going to Australia to “find herself” she has no idea what she wants clearly. Who gets a boyfriend then moved alone to Australia? She’s a mess
That ain’t right . For some reason I teared up during the ending .
I'm so excited that you are coming to my amazing and diverse country of Australia…hope you see alot of our different aspects from the deserts and the rainforests to the sea and our amazing coral reefs. Looking forward to your feed back on Auss…lots of love Naughty Nana Jude xxoo
Oh to be young and traveling again! So wonderful and enjoy every minute of it.
Onya 'J'….Welcome to Australia mate. Enjoy your stay with us all………
Exciting! when you get to Bali, look up "Bloo Lagoon Eco Village", created by an architect/mentor of mine, Tony Gwilliams, tell him jerry Wilhelm sent you, awsomeness!
Does Bryce have IG, YouTube etc…..
You're doing the right thing. You and Bryce will make a great team. Looking forward to your videos.
I dream of a day that I move to Australia. I live in Florida which is great but Australia has everything I want. I love overlanding & diving
If you want somewhere to stay in Australia let me know. Im close to Sydney
1.) You used my dive mask.
2.) I did not need to relive those tears saying goodbye to my girl.
3.) Your dad loves you more than you can ever possibly fathom.
Tear jerker for sure!

My birthday is November 5th! I’ll be 26 I’d love to come!
Can we have a "happy" vlog now?!?!?!?
Welcoming you to Australia mate.
You will be fine. You are a smart cookie. Enjoy and stay safe. /I'm sure you have heard that before .
My heart felt so heavy thinking of how you all must feel going separate ways but so glad Bryce will be joining you. I am sure you and your family will find a way to come together from time to time. Your family must be so proud of you. Stay safe and I look forward to living vicariously through you. You should check out Japan some time. It is so beautiful, safe, clean and inexpensive. You would have so much fun
Woo hoo to new adventures

Wow in what appliance does your mum cook her sourdough!? The crust looks a-m-a-z-I-n-g!! Would love to know thank you!!
Tears of Love are so sad, and yet the absolute best!!!!
2:32 is your dad doing a travelling business too?
the ending was really depicted as what you said in the start, omg
Crikey, we better get out the red carpet aye.
You kiddoes are gonna love touring Australia.
I toured Oz with my boyfriend at your age & he’s now my husband.
We live in Australia.
You will love the tropical parts of Oz.
The Whitsunday Islands is still one of my favourite stops.
You’re right where you need to be bby g
Jadyn I love you! And I want to kiss you
This is a sick idea, I’m from chicago and so tempting to do this
Yup, i’m crying.
Can’t wait to see your next adventures!!
Yep, that was a downright tear jerker! Safe travels!
Welcome Jadyn. Hope you find your way down to Tasmania. Watch out for drop bears.
Jaymo.. US Aussies would be very blessed to have both of you on our little island… Go make Dreams come true… If eva both of you are in in Victoria.. Give us a yell.. Ill take you out on something that doesnt require Wind .. but makes its own
on water… cheers bud.. tell your dad not to stress to much.. were not a bad bunch really… take care!.. ps just sent you a little "welcome" present on paypal.. cheers bud
Yes, you are such a ray of sunshine, a great video, well done, what a tough thing…leaving your loved ones and those that love you. You will do well in Australia. Best of luck.