Navigare în larg timp de 44 de zile: Pacific Mexic până în Canada 4300nm. 45 de minute de material RAW needitat

Navigare în larg timp de 44 de zile: Pacific Mexic până în Canada 4300nm.  45 de minute de material RAW needitat

Traseul Clipper. 44 de zile 4300nm. Uau, ce excursie. Nu am experimentat niciodată înalte atât de mari și scăzute. Acest videoclip ar fi putut dura ore și nu am adăugat intenționat voce off pentru a explica multe lucruri, nu ezitați să puneți întrebări, voi face tot posibilul să le răspund. Mulțumesc enorm lui Helly Hansen pentru sprijinirea acestei călătorii masive și pentru că a crezut în aventurile mele. Mulțumesc și mai mult tatălui meu, Farrell, pentru că mi-a fost alături în această călătorie. Veșnic recunoscător pentru amintiri! Găsește-mă pe Instagram: @fromsnowtosail și urmărește următoarea mea aventură, videoclipuri care vor veni în curând despre Echipa ORCA în cursa 2024 în Alaska. @r2akteamorca


25 thoughts on “Navigare în larg timp de 44 de zile: Pacific Mexic până în Canada 4300nm. 45 de minute de material RAW needitat

  1. Don’t know your dad’s background but I think he’d be a good man to have in a foxhole. He has a slow, methodical way that seems super comforting in stressful situations.

  2. To your Father Kaylene and sorry if I mistakingly deleted my comment and his Reply to my comment!:
    You must be Very Proud of Kaylene! You guys have taught her well on all fronts! Nice to see you're very much still in the game, that clipper ship route is not for the faint of heart! We're on our way home and considered the clipper ship route, but opted out thinking 30-40 days might be a tad much when a 3 day passage is so exhausting!😂……We could use that southerly blow today!

  3. Kayleen! Been SO looking forward to watching this and loved your “raw and real” sharing of it. So many of us wonder what it will be like so I absolutely loved what you shared – both the highs and lows!

    I’m wondering… after having done this crossing and the Hawaii crossing years back, do you prefer coastal (like the Mexico trip) or out in the big blue?

    Think you’ll do it again one day after R2K??

    Huge congrats again on such an awesome accomplishment! 😎⛵️

  4. Nice video. Good solution for the shroud doubling, if you had a dyneema line on board that would make a better temporary shroud as it stretches less. Fwiw swaged fittings do that sometimes, it is definitely a drawback, I would definitely be on the riggers case though, 1 year is ridiculous. Thanks for helping me decide…my next re rig is going to be dyneema, except for the fore and back stays.

  5. 🇨🇦 the smell of Canada 🇨🇦
    I left in 2015 currently in Thailand 🇹🇭
    Well done
    See ya in a few more years.
    Scott & Kat
    I produced a YouTube channel back in the day
    Off the Starboard Hull 👍

  6. GREAT! – Finally – someone gives us video without all the music and sound removed. This is the way it needs to be. Much better. Feels like we are right there wilh you. More of this type of video please!

  7. This was a GREAT film. Real sailing and real emotion. I wonder if I'd ever have the guts to do a 44-day passage? It seems like you got the best crew ever.

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