Știați că îngrijirea pielii este A DOUA cea mai mare pasiune a noastră în viață, imediat după pixeli? Deși poate părea neașteptat, este 100% adevărat. De aceea ne-am hotărât să formulăm D by Yacht (Jocuri de club) – rotația noastră unică pentru îngrijirea pielii fără prescripție medicală (și de la sol). Întreaga noastră linie este realizată meticulos dintr-un ingredient miraculos: murdăria. Așa e, ai auzit corect – murdărie! Dar nu orice murdărie obișnuită… Înțelegem că fiecare călătorie este unică, motiv pentru care oferim consultații de îngrijire a pielii cu nimeni altul decât stimatul nostru Dirtmatologist* Shovel Knight! Pur și simplu trimiteți-ne un e-mail cu toate preocupările dvs. de îngrijire a pielii și le vom aborda pe toate gratuit, îndrumându-vă în încercarea de a vă recupera strălucirea tinerească. Trimiteți-ne un e-mail la SkinCare@YachtClubGames.com *Dirtmatologul nostru intern nu a finalizat formarea cu o instituție academică acreditată. Sper că e rece. Vizitați postarea de pe blog: Mulțumiri speciale: https://www.yachtclubgames.com/blog/introducing-d-by-yacht-club-games Credite pentru cântec – Bring Me The Sky de Scott Buckley – lansat sub CC-BY 4.0. www.scottbuckley.com.au @ScottBuckley musicbyscottb
Vă prezentăm D by Yacht™ (Jocuri de club)
32 thoughts on “Vă prezentăm D by Yacht™ (Jocuri de club)”
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Ah, that's what the D stand for!
Coffee ☕☕☕
Mole Knight's skin care is now revealed 💪
RIP Kenji Eno.
Well they do say Mud Masks are great for your exfoliating
i loved touching di
“Well I’m better than dirt… MOST kinds of dirt. Not that fancy store-bought dirt loaded with all nutrients. I can’t compete with that stuff…”
I have no idea of what just happened, but I'm fine with that
Man!!! I saw new video om Yacht Club and i thought MINA!!!!!!!!!👀👀👀, and then this 😢
Introducing the D, huh
Good, but I and the people (probably) wants a Mole Knight campaign!
And by the way, thanks for creating such an amazing games, I played all Shovel Knight games and I really enjoyed playing them, even I'm making videos about it. (I'm not doing sponsor of my channel I'm just telling you thanks a lot for creating such piece of art 😀 )
Perfect for the super smash bros community
So does Shovel Knight collect the dirt himself or does he get help from an army of beetos?
Do you have a special skincare dirt for intimate areas? Perhaps something called “D’s Nuts”?
You do realize now we need a dirtmatologist Shovel Knight vs doctor mario now
So did anyone send a mail to the mail address? And what's the response?
I emailed the email
Mole Knight and Plague Knight approve of this
I emailed the doc for his recommendations:
Thank you for reaching out to our Dirtmatology office!
Your skincare concerns mean a great deal to us. We've passed on your message to our Dirtmatologist.
He should get back to you on April 1st with his recommendations.
Yacht Club Games
Yo! I emailed them and they genuinely emailed me back. Thanks! That made my day!
If I purchase the deluxe package are the ants and worms included?
Ngl I thought you guys would do a few more new games before a Shovel Knight sequel but I could get into this
We wanted 3D but we got a prequel
Made my week to get an email back in-character, y’all are funny 😂
Can’t wait on 2069 to play this on Nintendo Switch 69!
Shovel Knight as a dermatologist? If he gets the dirt from his world, can we keep any gems inside it?😂
D's nuts (i am wanted for 20 acts of larceny)
Shove Knight is not approved by the FDA.