În episodul de astăzi comparăm clasa de costum de pe MSC Yacht Club cu NCL Haven. Care merită? Ce primesti? În general, care linie este cea mai bună? Merită MSC Yacht-ul? NCL Haven merită? Să le comparăm pe cele două și să le descompunem. 24 de ore în Haven: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aC6OgkwvOsc&t=13s #nclhaven #mscyachtclub #NCL #MSC #norwegiancruise #suitecrise 0:00 Introducere 0:47 Mâncare 3:10 Băuturi 5:21 Spațiu 11:04 Beneficii 19:00 Experiență/ Preț –––––––––––––- ––––- Alăturați-vă acestui canal pentru a avea acces la avantaje: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnkztsMrwCAAkF9wXneQPmg/join ————————————— ————— Mărfuri găsite la: https://live-a-little-5.creator-spring.com/ Urmărește-ne pe Social Media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lindsayslivealittle/ Facebook: https ://www.facebook.com/lindsayslivealittle TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@live_a_little_travel Contactați-ne la: livealittlelindsays@gmail.com —————————————————— — Despre noi: suntem cei de la Lindsay, Emma, Jack și Poppy. (și uneori câinele nostru Mezi) Iubim călătoriile și scopul nostru este să luăm experiențele noastre pentru a vă ajuta să vă planificați următoarea călătorie. Indiferent dacă este o excursie mare o dată în viață sau o escapadă distractivă de weekend… vrem să ajutăm! Sper că vă bucurați de cât de mici experiențe vă pot ajuta să trăiți viața la maximum. Vino cu noi și ieși și trăiește puțin! DECLINAREA RESPONSABILITĂȚII: Linkurile incluse în această descriere pot fi link-uri afiliate. Dacă achiziționați un produs sau serviciu cu link-urile pe care le ofer, este posibil să primesc un mic comision. Nu există nicio taxă suplimentară pentru dvs. Vă mulțumim pentru susținerea canalului nostru.
Ce ar trebui să rezervați MSC Yacht Club sau NCL Haven?

43 thoughts on “Ce ar trebui să rezervați MSC Yacht Club sau NCL Haven?”
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I went on MSC Seascape Yacht Club a few months ago and I was told you get one hour a day in the thermal spa with sea days needing a reservation. I went almost everyday on my cruise. Maybe something changed since I went.
We’ve been in the Haven twice. Absolutely loved it. We are going to try Yacht club in September on the Meraviglia.
Just came back from a week on the Bliss in the Haven. Incredible experience and you all categorized it very well.Had our grandkids with us so never went to the top deck of the Haven cause of age restrictions. Haven experience was incredible. Appreciate your comparison cause my wife and I may try a 5 day cruise in MSC yacht Club and your insights are very helpful!! Thanks again.
I think I'd give MSC a shot! Good late night pizza is a bonus! WOOHOO! I love it when people get the giggles. Looks like Jack has seen it many times!
Love, Love, Love when you compare one cruise line with another. It is so very helpful.
I tried MSC YC because the price was right and I figured I might as well give it a shot.
Sadly, it was not my vibe. But it was a clarifying experience as it confirmed that Celebrity Retreat and Disney Concierge is where I belong. 
I’ve never sailed NCL, but helpful to hear your opinion!
Who has the best selection of IPA’s ?
The Yacht Club is up on our radar but so far we have only done the Haven and have always had a great experience
They can’t make margaritas?
Getaway has no retractable roof.
Great review. May have to give msc a try after all.
For the experience in general, can’t beat the Haven!
Americans love pizza, I have noticed. My husband is American and on our recent celebrity cruise, he kept talking about pizza and looking for it. This was an important point for you to mention that helps my future decision-making lol.
Appreciate your thoughts and comments on Yacht Club vs Haven. I wish you would have experienced Yacht Club for more than a 3 day cruise as I think your short cruise did not give you the opportunity to get a full YC experience. It's somewhat unfair to compare a 3 day experience with a 7 day experience.
I want to go on an MSC cruise now.

I’ve been in the Haven best drinks ever.
Doing yacht club in 2weeks….
We like our fancy cocktails
Hope we aren’t disappointed!
We've done Yacht Club twice now (last year and two months ago) and will pick YC over Haven every time from now.
Yes, the experience wasn't as "bougie" as Haven, but, if you lower your expections accordingly for what you get with the price difference, we think YC is a no-brainer.
I’m getting interested in the Explora I ……. that is a new cruise ship in the luxury division of MSC. It competes with other luxury cruise lines like Regent and Silversea….. so instead of a luxury space tucked inside a premium cruise line like NCL, the Explora is all suites and all included with no off limit ship within a ship areas. Any thoughts on Explora Journeys? I’m just trying to find out more information and I was wondering if you had ever considered it
Thank you!!
What about Celebrity Retreat vs NCL Haven vs MSC Yacht. What ship do you prefer??
You missed out one of the greatest benefits in Yacht Club (I don't know, if the Haven offers that as well): Priority boarding and disembarkement on every port. If your doing an excursion or just want to go into town, you meet with your butler in the lounge and he brings you directly out of the ship to your bus or outside the port building, passing by every queue. That's just great and very relaxing (although I felt a bit guilty some times, when we passed long queues and were just seated into the next shuttle bus before anyone else…).
you cant even get a coffee in the haven lounge
Stayed in NCL owner suite. No thermal spa included
Great review we have done both as well and agree with every point one thing about the suite pool area on breakaway class is even though it is indoors it is kind of like a fish bowl where you feel like you can be “People watched” not only by the people surrounding (which is normal) but the feeling that the people in the rooms surrounding the pool area can be watching you as well. A few people mentioned that as well while we were on board as far as that being a thing that bothered them. Did not stop us but I guess people that may feel self conscious could have a concern there.
I told my wife that I would never do MSC, but based on your review and the reviews of others, I booked a week on Yacht Club.
Thx for the thoeough review. I've done 4 cruises, 1st on Carnival, other 3 on NCL. I had plans to do Haven on a future NCL booking, but it seems like the MSC YC is way better. Decisions decisions
I'm concerned about the number of teens and younger on NCL Haven. Any comments would be appreciated
We have done the Haven several times and Yacht club several times. Yacht Club is so much better, Haven is boring, same food everyday, no outside bar like the One pool deck and I totally disagree with the food being better in the Haven. As far as overall experience, Yacht club wins hands down. Not sure if this has changed but Haven has no priority boarding unit you get thru security, which means you have to wait on line and then go into the haven waiting area. Yacht Club has a separate area to board only for yacht Club and you bypass all the lines, same getting off.
Having experienced both the Yacht Club and the Haven on several ships, the Yacht Club is by far superior. NCL is really penny pinching their Haven guests.
Just price compared for Mar 25… NCL 7700 vs MSC 3700 … 4k more on NCL to get much less… not worth it.
We sail primarily NCL and except for our 1st two back in 2004 always pampered and spoiled in the Haven. Last year we opted to sail MSC hoping for a similar experience. We loved the MSC Meraviglia. Loved the Yacht Club Restaurant, the Top Sail Lounge, etc. We found the food to be geared more to the Europeans rather than American cuisine which I enjoyed but not so much my wife. If I forgo the major functional issues (A/C & hot tub) with our Duplex Suite and the fact that the only time after day one we received any service from our butler was on Ocean Cay, huge disappointment, we truly enjoyed our cruise. Comparing MSC Yacht Club and NCL Haven should be limited to the larger and newer NCL ships. e.g. NCL Joy. Most of the older and smaller ships do not even have a dedicated Haven area and are limited to only the perks e.g. NCL Dawn. I did, however, very much appreciate your well discussed opinions and comments video. Thank you
Which MSC ship is this?
First MSC booking in YC after sapphire in Haven…. time will tell which is better. Found out they charge for pizza in room but when saving 35%+ I can live with that
Such a great video! Thanks.
We are both DCL "Platinum" (wife is Marriott Titanium) and we did our first non-DCL cruise in a decade on NCL last Fall. Non-Haven. It was good, not great.
We are trying another NCL on the Getaway this Fall. Yes Haven, as price diff for the Balcony wasnt too large. After booking, now learning about MSC Yacht . . . hmm.
Neither of us drink. I am devoted to Diet Dr Pepper and wife loves her gourmet laté's. NCL loves the upcharges (Disney has very few), so we'll see what is truly "included" and what their Butler can really do.
I think we'll know by the middle of the cruise whether we book NCL's new announced Canada<=>Philly route or investigate MSC and our transferrable status. I will report back.
I’ve never done either but definitely starting to look at both!
You guys asked about the benefits in higher suites – As much as they don't really advertise it, they definitely offer better amenities in the highest suites on MSC (Royal or Owners). On my last cruise, my butler showed me a few perks that would make other YC passengers give me the "I hate you" look. I'll skip the fact that these suites are around 1000sqft and the balcony area is insane. I'll just focus on a few added benefits.
First they took me to a private cabana that was always reserved just for this suite and introduced me to a private bartender that only serves these two suites while we are in that area.
Then they had a private Golf cart that was just for these two suites, right outside the ship. It would take us to and from the island, where we didn't have to wait in a line with other YC members.
In my suite, they had 10 full-size bottles of premium alcohol (not the mini bar nonsense that everyone else gets) plus another 10 bottles of mineral/premium water.
I could order from the main dining room from my suite, again a perk I was told was only available for Owners & Royal. And every day I came into my cabin to a huge basket of fruit.
There were a few other amazing details I'll skip for now but probably the best story I got was when I went a bit late to their YC Breakfast Dining…
I don't remember why but their Breakfast, in the main dining, ended at 10am and I was there 45min late (I'll blame this on the stocked bar I raided the night before)…In front of me was a couple that was having a really bad argument with the attendant there, who kept telling them how sorry he was but the Breakfast has been closed for 45min. They were getting really irate when I noticed the Maitre'd come out from the dining room. He began to explain to them that there is no way for them to come inside as the breakfast has been closed for some time now and there are no exceptions…As they were yelling obscenities at him, he noticed that I was standing behind them focused on my phone. At which point he shouted out "Mr K! Are you looking to have breakfast in the dining room this morning?"…I told him, "Yeah, if it's not a problem". He replied "Absolutely, right this way sir", and proceeded to open the locked door for me to walk in…The lady from the couple that was in front of me shouted out "what in the f was that?" and the Maitre'd responded "Oh, he's VIP"…Perhaps YMMV on some of these, especially the last one but this trip was definitely another level of YC, I had no idea existed.
Someone later explained to me how this works on MSC with a simple quote – "All MSC Yacht Clubbers are equal, but some MSC Yacht Clubbers are more equal than others".
Ever since we sailed an facing suite with NCL years ago, thats the only way we go now. Its a walk to get to the haven, but we dont mind it for the HUGE wrap around balcony we get.
I think this was a great summary of the two products. Honestly both are super nice in our experience and anyone would be fortunate to sail on either. We have future bookings on both. I personally find the room variety on the Haven nice and gives you flexibility especially if you’re traveling with little ones the extra space is nice.
Great video comparing the two. We've always wondered about the upgraded areas on both cruise lines. As you know, we're kinda Celebrity snobs, but this definitely give us something to think about. Keep up the good work you two (three with Poppie).
Just a comment about spa access. There is a sauna and cold room on the Haven deck with the infinity pool that is open to all Haven guests regardless of suite level. Prima class lounges are large and as noted the bartenders are just fantastic.
Lately (2024) NCL has been taking benefits away. Have you done any videos with comparisons recently? Examples include dropping the P+ for drink packages and the Spa rooms (gives access to the thermal spa). Has MSC dropped similar benefits?
We're looking for a minimal kids experience. Are there a lot of kids in the MSC Yacht Club areas since they are not age restricted?