Cel mai bun crucișător cu distanță lungă | Tur complet al Arksen 85 Explorer | Barcă cu motor și iahting

Cel mai bun crucișător cu distanță lungă | Tur complet al Arksen 85 Explorer | Barcă cu motor și iahting

Vrei să mergi cu mașina de la New York la Londra și înapoi, fără a fi nevoie să faci plinul? Hugo Andreae face un tur al acestui iaht de aventură suprem. Specificații Arksen 85 Explorer LOA: 89ft 7in (27.3m) GRAND: 23ft (6.99m) MOTOARE: 2 x Scania 350hp VITEZĂ PRINCIPALĂ: 14 noduri CAPACITATE COMBUSTIBIL: 18000l (4755.1 Gal) ► Deveniți acum un ABONAT GRATUIT pe pagina YouTube M – https ://www.youtube.com/user/ybwtv?sub_confirmation=1 ► Pentru cele mai recente recenzii, lansări de echipamente noi și știri din tur, vizitați site-ul nostru aici – http://www.mby.com ► Dă Like-ne pe Facebook: https ://www.facebook.com/motorboatandyachting ► Urmărește-ne pe Twitter: https://twitter.com/mbymagazine ► Urmărește-ne pe Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/motorboat_and_yachting/ ► Ce crezi? Spune-ne în comentariile de mai jos! ► Nu uitați să apăsați butonul de LIKE și să vă abonați dacă v-a plăcut 🙂 #MotorBoatYachting


32 thoughts on “Cel mai bun crucișător cu distanță lungă | Tur complet al Arksen 85 Explorer | Barcă cu motor și iahting

  1. the beeping noise is associated with the flashing light on the systems monitor. if you had taped on the alarm instead of running away – it would have stopped the beeping noise and you could see what the system fail was. You would have to be a sailor or at least someone who is accustomed to being at sea to know that. But you doing ok for a landlubber. you could also have tapped the alert button on the secondary salon helm system.

  2. The New Zealand Herald is the most politically motivated media in New Zealand, they hate Donald Trump they hate free speech they haven't reported what's happening in England although it's huge news it just shows how seriously they are controlled by globalists forces. They are not a media outlet their propaganda machine.

  3. Barco sensacional. Bonito, robusto, confortável e com um alcance de botar inveja em muitos barcos maiores. Parabéns pelo excelente vídeo. Ótima narrativa 🇧🇷


  5. A propos the terrible tragedy off the coast of Porticello, years ago, a FT newspaper supplement on luxury yachts said that these super/mega yachts are basically show ponies. In the design of them, seaworthiness takes a backseat to less important things. That's why those beasts mainly hang out in and around ports. Now this yacht, the Arksen 85 looks like the real deal. I want one.

  6. If this were "first in class of a major production run" i would be impressed and although clearly a very robust and put together global cruiser still remains a #one_off effort so far as i know of anyways. Norhaven and Bering are preparing to launching actual production runs of expedition vessels is my point and both prices and costs for operation continue to fall for these massive vessels as well practical use as transatlantic crossers more clear with the latter than the former as can be made as a motor sailer is made as relates to Nordhaven so yes incredible range but in theory of great practical value as the "mast" on motor sailer can be used as a "boom" in theory to load goods through a hatch in the forward hull. If modern boat building design would move "back to move forward" with this design and engineering an awful lot of wasted fluff in these holds could be dispensed with and practical effort be achieved with dockyard work now capable of. This is the spot on length and displacement tho for a modern day motor sailer absolutely 😊

  7. Hello Hugo, we are here at the Cannes Boat Show with our brand new VisionF 82 “SITARA” – an 82-foot motor catamaran – built completely of aluminum and with a very exceptional design. If you are interested in visiting the yacht, just get in touch with the owner, that's me. Maybe we can make an exciting video out of it.Regards,HG

  8. Boat has everything! The only odd thing I could nitpick about was laundry in the back of the lazarette on an 85 foot boat.

  9. Inside and much of the details are just very boring commercial type, it feels like IKEA, and you could make even IKEA look better. Honestly, it's not about lack of marble and luxury, but it's just very dull, I could easily find better designed and furnished normal middle class home.

    Clearly someone who buys something like this has money to get better interior design.

    Other than that, if I had money to buy and run this thing, I would totally get it. But interior is custom anyways, so I guess I just have to blame interior design company and owner who commissioned it.

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