00:00 Intro 00:49 Life Proof Boat Intro 03:23 Walk Through 05:56 Cabină 09:00 Dana În acest videoclip, trecem peste una dintre bărcile noastre preferate la Salonul Național Internațional de la Palm Beach 2024! Mulțumim foarte mult echipei de la Life Proof Boats pentru că ne-a condus într-un tur al acestei frumoase bărci! Vă rugăm să dați Like, Distribuie și Abonare! și să știi că ne place mereu să auzim de la tine în comentarii!!!! ::::: E-BOOK DISPONIBIL!!! ::::: Dacă aveți nevoie de ajutor pentru instalarea ACR-ului, consultați cartea noastră electronică, disponibilă pe site-ul nostru aici: https://perfectfitboating.com/all-products Avem, de asemenea, câteva cămăși cu adevărat grozave pe care le imprimăm pentru dvs. cu propriile noastre mâini!
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Am găsit cea mai bună barcă la Boat Show!! | Bărci de viață!!!

20 thoughts on “Am găsit cea mai bună barcă la Boat Show!! | Bărci de viață!!!”
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What’s the name of of the manufacture?
In some weather that front hatch/door would be getting pounded with waves idk if id feel comfortable with that cut in the bow like that…lifeboats are dope tho
That's a Safeboat…
How much ?
How much?.
That’s a nice boat.
About how much?
Is this the 35 Nomad?
Are this also made not aluminum? As a cheaper version
That aluminum and dark paint scheme gonna make you squeal in the Florida sun. That's a northern clime boat only.
Amazing. I watched them building Safeboats when that company was new. Around 1990 I think in South Seattle/Tukwilla and they are really cool.
The perfect boat does exist…. lol saving for it now
Whats the price of this???
It is always nice when you find a boating couple on youtube, where the guy is not twenty+ years older than his female partner
Waste of a boat
That was a great boat perfect fit should buy a boat like that nice video
I love it
Nice boat. $975K. A cool 1 million with tax.