Ep 35: Navigați cu o singură mână din Azore în Brazilia

Ep 35: Navigați cu o singură mână din Azore în Brazilia

Navigam din Azore în Brazilia. Această croazieră cu vele este foarte provocatoare în ceea ce privește navigația meteo, deoarece navighez lângă Capul Verde în septembrie. Acesta este locul de naștere al uraganelor în acest moment. Informațiile bune despre vreme sunt esențiale pentru a evita vânturile puternice și furtunile. După aceea sunt în Zona de Convergență Intertropicală pentru aproximativ 9 grade de latitudine. Din fericire, nu trebuie să motor toată distanța, dar pot naviga din când în când cu vânturi mai slabe. Botezul meu ulterior la Ecuator este cu siguranță un punct culminant personal. Bucurați-vă de videoclip! www.mjambo.de Facebook: M Jambo Sailing Instagram: martin_jambo Tip Box: PayPal: @mjambosailing Carte: To the Horizon and Beyond Titlu german: „Bis zum Horizont und darüber hinaus” Traducere în engleză de Helen MacCormac ISBN-13: 979-8366220026 Link-uri: SUA: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BPGBSXMR Marea Britanie: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BPGBSXMR Germania: https://www.amazon.de/dp/B0BPGBSXMR Franța : https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B0BPGBSXMR Spania: https://www.amazon.es/dp/B0BPGBSXMR Italia: https://www.amazon.it/dp/B0BPGBSXMR Olanda: https:// www.amazon.nl/dp/B0BPGBSXMR Polonia: https://www.amazon.pl/dp/B0BPGBSXMR Suedia: https://www.amazon.se/dp/B0BPGBSXMR Japonia: https://www.amazon.co .jp/dp/B0BPGBSXMR Canada: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0BPGBSXMR Australia: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B0BPGBSXMR Link-uri de prieteni: https://www.yachtall. com/ https://www.boote-yachten.de/de/ https://www.happycharter.com/ https://www.jendrikodenwald.com/ https://www.trans-ocean.org/ https: //sailing-classics.com/


32 thoughts on “Ep 35: Navigați cu o singură mână din Azore în Brazilia

  1. Thank you for sharing! Nice to see a sailor on YT that take a more unorthodox route vs the"normal" Panama canal and out in the Pacific. This is a half year ago, so where are you plan to sail after South Africa?

  2. HI ohh, captain!! Tks for making videos in english! Your trip is absoluty spetacular as well your sailing adventures! I like it a lot! I have a sailboat in Angra dos Reis – Rio de Janeiro and never been in Fernando de Noronha by the sea….. It is a pity you did not come down south to know others wonderfull places in this lovely country. Who knows, next time! I hope so! You will love it!! Fair winds and best regards! JM SV Alouha – Angra dos Reis / Rio de Janeiro/Brasil

  3. I love your videos. The adventure you're on is awesome. However… I'm going to give two negative impressions. These are just my opinions. We don't know each other, so just a couple of comments from a stranger… First, I really don't like the music you put in your videos. I personally would rather not have any music in a sailing video, but sometimes, if you're really good at picking out music for a particular occasion, music can make things better. However, these moments are rare. I'd much rather have no music than music that overwhelms the moment. Second, boy you smile a lot. I feel like it's a big forced. If that's your personality, then great. But if you're trying to smile just to appear to be someone you're not, then I'd suggest not doing so. This is just me, but I like people when they really show who they really are. Sometimes they smile, sometimes they're depressed… Show us you. Anyway, these are just my opinions. If they bother you, then I'm sorry. You seem like a great person who I have no desire to "bring down."

    Thank you for your videos and fair winds.

  4. I guess the superstition of offering at the equator is BS. Lol. Let’s see. Awaiting the next post with great anticipation Martin! Love your videos.

  5. Martin, your adventures and videos are amazing. As a coastal sailor myself, I fully appreciate the scale of the challenges and the achievement. Bavaria should be paying you a lot of money! Bavaria 34 Holiday taking on the world and making it look easy! #amazingsailour 😊

  6. Great video! We are presently sailing in Salvador, Brazil, contemplating a return passage to Mindelo, Cabo Verde. Wir bedamken uns fuer die Auskunft.

  7. Die Jambo ist ja nun leider gesunken…. Immer wieder die alten Videos hochladen find ich nicht so gut. Wann kommt entlich die Jambo 2.0….. und Du gehst wieder auf neue Reisen???? Natürlich sind die alten Videos wunderschön… Aber es wird langsam Zeit neues zu erforschen…… Grönland wäre doch mal ne gute Idee???? So wie X Sail, es machen……. Mega interessant und es wurde dir sicherlich auch gefallen.😉

  8. I'm glad to see that you spent some time in the most beautiful little city in the world! Yes I'm a bit bias since I was born there. (now living in California) I bet you spent some time at Peter's !
    Have a wonderful and safe trip my friend!

  9. Sorry you didn't stay longer in Brazil. Maybe fate would have been different. So very happy you survived your ordeal. I can't wait for your new adventures! Godspeed Martin!

  10. Why is your English play list in reverse order? We want to binge watch all the videos in order from the first to the last but they start with the last one and will not play in correct order. Can you create a play list starting at episode 1 and then 2 and then 3 etc.

  11. My 2nd video of his now. I don't think I'm gonna subscribe. I want to see AND HEAR the ocean & vicariously experience the journey with him. But this video is too much music, too much face, face & more face. That's not why people like me click on these types of videos.

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