Industria yachtingului este o opțiune alternativă pentru persoanele de ORICE vârstă sau mediu, pentru a-și reduce cheltuielile de trai și pentru a câștiga mulți bani în timp ce călătoresc prin lume cu stil. Este o muncă grea și ore lungi, dar dacă doriți să mergeți înainte în viață și să economisiți până la 100.000 de euro într-un singur an SAU doar căutați o modalitate de a călători și de a vedea lumea. Industria de yachting ar putea fi o opțiune pentru tine. În acest videoclip, vă voi ghida prin procesul de a intra în industria de yachting, de a vă pregăti pregătirea pentru iaht, de a obține un loc de muncă pe un iaht charter și de ce să faceți după aceea. Sper că acest lucru vă ajută pe toți! Vă rugăm să lăsați un comentariu sau o întrebare mai jos. O sa le raspund la TOATE.
Sfatul meu sincer despre cum să intri în industria de iahting

27 thoughts on “Sfatul meu sincer despre cum să intri în industria de iahting”
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Do tell! Excellent information. Congratulations on your journey. Best wishes.
Sent this to my son./ Thanks man.
…but no boob luge.
Fascinating. Sadly, still very limited opportunities for people of color and gays. Those are the facts.
I have a question you didn't answer Chase, how old is too old to start crewing, particularly for deckies and engineers?
That was a great collection of info!
I did a similar path post college,,, although it was 50 years ago
Lots of changes in the industry! But much still the same (my first job on a 90’ yawl paid $200 cash a month-and I managed to save money still
The industry offers exposure to so many different avenues of life options.
Endless possibilities!
(Just look at you!)
Good video. Our son took up this career, left college just before his 18th to start his first job in Greece on charter yachts, got loads of tickets then qualified as en engineer. Now at 22 he is working on a 90m super yacht currently in Palm Beach, loving it. At times I think chose the wrong career!
You should be in a classroom Chase LOL… Wonderful Yachting lesson honey!!!
Great info. Well presented. This should help a lot of people.
Great tutorial!
You’re going to have to send me some of these videos
This was the best yachting career prep video I've ever seen. Well done Chase.
Dang I'm sold! Only 15 years late! That was a great video and truly shows your professionalism.
Great advices – thanks a lot and good luck

Hey chase! Such an amazing informative video thank you so much for your help. I tried looking up the bluewater school in Fort Lauderdale but it says it’s temporarily closed, is that true?
Great video. You're a great speaker and a great teacher.
Great meeting you guys today at water island! Stoked to follow your journey! Safe travels & talk soon!
Best video I've watched on this topic!
Great advice, wish I was back graduated from college
Very informative, very positive energy and really uplifting and "you can do it". Awesome video, cheers !
Great video,I am currently starting my STCW and I hope I can land a job in the industry
Hi there, thank you for your video! I'm 39 yo women tho, am I too old for this work?
Yesssss here for the wiener dog appearance
Whats your opinion on getting into the industry in your late 20’s?
Great video. One thing you didn’t cover, what age range is viable for these jobs? Can a mid 50’s or early retiree get these jobs? Thanks
can a simple filipino boy like me who lives in the philippines with no prior yachting experience but have all the necessary trainings and certifications be hired directly to Europe?
i wanna try the money you make every month is life changing for us