Bine ați venit la What Yacht To Do, un documentar grozav în buclă. Astăzi, Rev și Sam au plecat de la Mentor Harbour Yachting Club din Mentor, Ohio, pe T Erie și au aterizat la Son Rise Marina din Sandusky, Ohio. Am plănuit să fim aici timp de o lună și apoi să punem Here’s To Us în Winter Storage. În mod șocant, am ajuns să vindem barca pe care o aveam timp de 5 ani și am finalizat Marea Bucla de două ori. Zi fericită/trista. Suntem în croazieră în jurul Marii Buclei Americii și am selectat un Carver 504 din 1999 numit Here’s To Us!! ca barca noastră Great Loop. Sunt atât de multe în planificarea Great Loop și vă împărtășim fiecare călătorie. Bun venit la bord! Iată câteva resurse pe care le-am folosit pentru călătorie: Și celelalte cursuri ale noastre Great Loop aici: Am început Marea buclă pe 15 mai 2019 și ne-am încheiat călătoria Gold Loop pe 30 august 2020. Puteți vedea întreaga noastră călătorie aici: Am început a doua noastră călătorie buclă pe 2 septembrie 2020 și ne puteți urmări traseul aici: Înscrieți-vă la buletinul nostru informativ la pentru a rămâne în contact și primiți sfaturi și trucuri și aflați despre resurse pentru propria ta aventură Great Loop. Dacă ați învățat de la noi și doriți să ne susțineți munca, luați în considerare să donați aici:
Great Loop # 272 Mentor, Ohio până la Sandusky, Ohio | Ce iaht de făcut

30 thoughts on “Great Loop # 272 Mentor, Ohio până la Sandusky, Ohio | Ce iaht de făcut”
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We are going to rewatch All your videos again! Going to miss our favorite loopers!!…
"Here's to YOU" 
You two are awesome. Thanks for all of the adventures and continuing to help people on the Great Loop.
Say it's not so! Really enjoyed both of your loops. I always looked forward to your next video. Going to miss you guys.
Aww I will definitely miss the here`s to us! Stay safe Rev and Sam!

MHYC brings back memories. Been there many times growing up.
Be sure to get on our newsletter list at: or
We send you a free Great Loop Overview as well as some helpful boating goodies! Sam & Rev
End of an era !!!!
Thanks for taking us along on you adventure. We will miss you.

We’ve used liquid soap with some success on the rails and rubber to stop squeaks.
Wonderful job you two!! Your loops have been so great for us to see and enjoy through your videos. So true – one door closes, another opens!

Thank you for sharing your Great Loop adventures with us. It was fun seeing the marinas and anchorages you visited and comparing them to our Great Loop experience. It was an honor to have met the two of you at Geneva on the Lake (Lake Erie) several years ago. Congratulations on your next adventure. John & Pam off of M/V Jo-Ela (Cleveland, Ohio).
Well I'm in shock, obviously didn't see this coming. Have been watching you guys from the start, you will be mist. I remember walking away from our boat that we had for 17 years, the one 4 kids grew up on, and lots of great memories. I'm sure you guys feel much the same. Thank you for all the great adventures always calm cool and collective you two were an example for many, good luck.
Still catching up on the video catalogue. Really enjoyed all I have seen so far. Congratulations on a quick sale and moving on to the next endeavor.
Thanks again for all of your videos and education. I have lived my dream through your videos, and am grateful for your lessons and tour. I wish you fair winds and calm seas on your future adventures.
Good Luck to you! We kept our boat at Bay Point @ Sandusky for years!
Always enjoyed your videos. Thanks for all the hard work making them and your advice.
Thank you both for so many great videos. I thoroughly enjoyed them.
I have mixed emotions about “the end”. I was really looking forward to your Great Lakes series this time
Anyway…. All the best to you both!
Bittersweet for sure!
I have a boat house just done 1st. street from Sonrise marina. Welcome to Sandusky.
Your videos were great! Kind of sad to see the boat go. Guess you can't keep doing the loop forever though.
Thank you Rev and Sam for the ride along experience. It’s been fun tagging along with you both! May your journey not end with the sale of your “Yacht to do”. Will your next adventure be based out of your home port? Be safe in your travels and into your new adventures!
Thanks so much for sharing like you do! Your video's have been very helpful to us. We're only 7 months into our 1st loop and are at the point of such a comfort level with the boathome. I can't imagine anything else yet. That has to be such a bittersweet moment, letting your boat go. We will keep catching up with your videos

Thanks for taking us along for the ride and best of luck with the Academy! Also wanted to point out there's another Lady Liberty at the north end of Yacht Club island in my home town of New Smyrna Beach, FL. MM 847.
Bittersweet obviously. You guys are quite an inspiration, and while it's unlikely my wife and I will ever get to do the loop, I've lived a bit vicariously through you guys. As someone who also has a channel, I want to acknowledge the significant sacrifice you both made to bring us along on your adventures. All the setting up of cameras, filming, editing, rendering, uploading, and posting to YouTube from my perspective was well worth it for subscribers like me. Thanks for all of it. And thanks for now turning your attention to helping others. Cheers!
as the next adventure begins! Rather rapid, but often that is how the next right course happens.
I can't thank you both enough for the privilege of the shared TWO Great Loop Journey. I wish you both the best. Started in Texas, where is the new Home Base those six boxes
ended up? Like a gd PCS continued lifestyle. Glad your nautical focus remains.
Taking advantage of connections left too. Again, Wishing you both the best while personally thankful I got to come again.
Take care, di
A new adventure begins. So glad to have met you in Buffalo. Many of us have lived vicariously through your adventures. Thank you.
Love the Myrtle Beach area. Back when I was building time for my Commercial Pilot Certificate, me a few buddies would rent a Cessna 172 RG and fly down on Friday afternoon and back on Sunday evening. We had a blast doing that! When you passed the Huron River you should have blown the horn and I would have waved lol. Hoping you are still boating.
You need bigger fender balls in a situation like that.
Omg tell that girl to stop talking already… Jeez shut the hell up. You might have a lot more subscribers if she did…js
A little more than three years ago, as we were searching for our first boat, we happened across this nice couple on YouTube who were documenting their journey around something called America's Great Loop on the "Here's to Us." They were funny, charming, inspiring, and, best of all, real. After catching up on their videos, we would wait impatiently for Sam and Rev's new videos to be released on Saturday mornings. Moreover, this Great Loop thing was new to use but looked and sounded very intriguing. We knew then that the Great Loop had to be in our future.
Fast forward to now, we are on our second boat, which we plan to be our loop boat. And who would have thunk that I would actually have the pleasure of speaking with Sam when he helped me find an insurance broker for our new boat. We have watched every video at least twice, we have purchased all of the Great Loop Academy courses, and we feel much more ready to take on this adventure because of you two. We're still a couple of years away but we're using this time to prepare ourselves and our boat for the journey.
Thank you for sharing all of your journeys, including all the ups, downs and sideways, and all of the lessons. Following along has been a blast! Best wishes from Frank and Sue on Tutto Bene.