Livrarea unui iaht frumos Rustler 33. Am furnizat doi marinari cu experiență și capacitate pentru a livra acest iaht uimitor la Beaulieu. Excursie uimitoare, navighează atât de bine! Proprietarul a fost încântat și a spus următoarele: „Absolut încântat că ați reușit să o livrați. Apreciez foarte mult că m-ați ținut la curent pe tot parcursul.”
Rustler 33 – O livrare de iaht de la Falmouth la Beaulieu

10 thoughts on “Rustler 33 – O livrare de iaht de la Falmouth la Beaulieu”
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To hear a 33' boat called a "day sailor" kind of threw me off. Then I saw the boat. Wow. Fast, beautiful, but a day sailor. Nice video, wish you guys would have had better weather.
Really enjoy these videos!
As a sailing novice doing RYA LVL 1,2,3, these videos are very informative! Thanks.
Nice yacht. Well done.
Beautiful boat!

Nice day sailer, but what a price !
It's a shame they don't make a "weekender/cruiser" version of this hull. I love the size and shape but would need some more accommodation for it to replace my twister.
It would be very interesting to show the route.
That is a sleek very sharp looking boat.
You guys doing a good job congrat fro Australia