Orca atacă un iaht în largul coastelor spaniole

Orca atacă un iaht în largul coastelor spaniole

O ambarcațiune de 50 de picioare în apele marocane a cerut ajutor autorităților spaniole în weekend, după ce o orcă a lovit nava, provocând avaria cârmei și o scurgere.


34 thoughts on “Orca atacă un iaht în largul coastelor spaniole

  1. Yeah, animals are pist! All that heavy metal being sprayed in the skies is landing in the water. 🙄 Its covering the mountains of the world so that climbers cannot consume the snow on em.
    Sun simulator is up there too right now. Check out the US patent for it. Looks just like it! ☀️

  2. What do people expect, there are floating toilets everywhere in the ocean, spilling their filth into these orcas habitat . I am sure they are aware that these boats are polluting their habitat.😮😅🇨🇦🕊️

  3. First, this story is a year old. Second, that's Gibraltar, NOT Mallorca. Third, they have sunk three BOATS since 2020. No ships have been harmed.

    I realize things are thawing out up in Maine. Didn't know that included brains at this "news channel".😂

  4. The orcas are known to do this and no one is listening to what they're trying to say!!! do we really need that yacht out in the water when we're having so many issues with our water? Do we really need billionaires wasting their money in such a way when we have starving people everywhere and displacement of so many human beings? Should we be polluting that water with yachts and much much more? Are those people on those yachts doing something to aggravate the orca. I say investigate all the yachts and know exactly what the hell they're doing out there. That carbon footprint is definitely huge right now bigger than a server been and we have lost so much in the sea but no one is listening

  5. Everyone thinking it's retaliation for something we did when it could just be a Hobbie of theirs. I mean they've been known to kill larger whales for fun.

  6. Why has nobody mentioned the most obvious reason for this… “they’re probably attacking ships because they know it is boats or ships removing their food supply/source. They’re angry there isn’t any food resources left for them. Humans and boats take their food it’s simple! You can’t tell me they’re not intelligent enough to figure this out. Depleting our oceans of its resources, will effect every creature. Largest predators in the oceans will feel it the most and quickest!!!

  7. WELL, the orca whales are trying to get our attention. Seriously, WHAT HAS INCREASED OFF the shores of Spain, Morocco and the Canary Islands? Look it up, Oil Exploration & are they doing "sound blasting" as well to find this oil, rupturing cetacean ear drums in the process of killing them, because LOADS of Hydrocarbon has been found in those coastal ocean areas. How harmful is this, enough to disrupt ecosystems and marine life: Why are hydrocarbons bad for water? Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
    PAHs are toxic and have been associated with a range of adverse effects, including causing cancer or mutation of genetic material. They are also known to accumulate in aquatic life, leading to potential impacts on aquatic ecosystems.Dec 11, 2023

  8. People are rooting for the orcas not realizing when man gets tired of losing ships then the next ships to cross that strait will be whaling ships.

  9. Mother Nature has told you caucus mountains ⛰️ central Asian caves and Scotland fingal caves people to say out of God's oceans . You are not Sun or Ocean people, so deal with Mother Nature

  10. Well considering a Whale was just killed by a ship a few days ago, this is not surprising. Their communications tech is probably better than ours.

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