Viitorul submarinului – Amenințări emergente, senzori și oceane transparente

Viitorul submarinului - Amenințări emergente, senzori și oceane transparente

În unele privințe, submarinele avansate sunt un fel de șef final în lumea războiului naval. Ascunse și bine înarmate, pentru multe națiuni, aceste platforme intensive în resurse au stat la baza strategiei navale și a descurajării nucleare de ani de zile. Investițiile în submarine și bazele industriale asociate acestora au fost în creștere în țări precum SUA și RPC de ani de zile și am văzut că noi puteri fie obțin, fie caută să obțină capacitatea submarinelor nucleare. Dar o mare parte din valoarea submarinului provine din presupunerea că scufundarea aduce ascuns. Și odată cu evoluțiile tehnologice noi sau prezise, ​​unii prevăd că în următorii ani sau decenii, această presupunere ar putea să nu mai fie adevărată. Așa că astăzi, ne uităm la submarine, la unele dintre tehnologiile care le-ar putea amenința și ne întrebăm ce le-ar putea aduce viitorul acestor vânători subacvatici. Patreon: Lectură/sursă relevantă: Bradbury, Bainbridge, ,Daniell, Anne-Marie Grisogono, Nabavi, Stuchbery, Vacca, Vella & Williams – Transparent Oceans? Sarcina viitoare de contradetecție SSBN poate fi de nedepășit Strategist pentru cele de mai sus Brixey-Williams – Prospects for game-changers in submarine- tehnologie de detectare The Future of the Undersea Deterrent: A Global Survey https://nsc.crawford.anu. Evan Lisman – Non-Acoustic Submarine Detection 2019 CRS – Programul de submarine cu rachete balistice de clasă Navy Columbia (SSBN-826): Context și probleme pentru Congres CSIS – Prima bătălie a următorului război https://csis- Andrew Davies – Submarine: Moore înseamnă mai puțin?/ -mean-less/ The Atlantic – Where the Whale Things Are Submarine vs nave de suprafață în jocuri de război https :// https :// Site-ul ICESat-2 -lasers Leader Squadron Wren & Squadron Leader May – Detectarea navelor scufundate folosind tehnici de teledetecție (1997 ADFJ) Raportare despre inovațiile chineze de detectare https:// Raportarea testului SLBM indian Submarine-launched-ballistic-missile-test-is-success Imagini, raportări și solicitări Wake Detection (incomplete) -radar-may-spot-submerged-submarines/?sh=584f4ee955d4 Articol recomandat de Guardian fi-învechit-și-vizibil-până în 2040 Navy Lookout – Uciderea submarinelor cu dronă USNI News – Flotele de drone echipate cu sonar ar putea fi cheia unui viitor război submarin Avertismente și comentarii: Se aplică toate avertismentele și comentariile normale. În special – aș dori să remarc, ca întotdeauna, că acest material a fost creat în scopuri de divertisment și nu este intenționat să fie o examinare completă sau cuprinzătoare a subiectului în cauză și nu ar trebui să se bazeze pe acesta pentru a informa decizii financiare sau alte decizii similare. Marcaje temporale: 00:00:00 — Cuvinte de deschidere 00:01:05 — Despre ce vorbesc? 00:01:34 — Despre ce nu vorbesc 00:01:50 — Istorie 00:11:49 — Ce face un submarin? 00:24:08 — Emutopia & Kiwiland 00:28:12 — Economia 00:34:42 — Vulnerabilități 00:50:03 — Contramăsuri și provocări 00:52:40 — Submarinul se luptă 00:53:34 — Dacă Not The Submarine 01:00:01 — Ce urmează? 01:01:51 — Actualizare canal


39 thoughts on “Viitorul submarinului – Amenințări emergente, senzori și oceane transparente

  1. I have tried to keep the number of bad jokes to a minimum – this is a serious deep dive.

    More seriously, this isn't the first time we've seen predictions of the submarine's upcoming demise, and thus far they've continued to dominate despite each technological change thrown at them. That said, there are a wide array of developments on the horizon, and they may force submarine forces the world over to adapt to survive or thrive.

    Hope you all enjoy, and I'll be back with you again next week

  2. “My troops are in position to begin searching the swamps for these rumored underwater villages. They will not stay hidden for long.” -OOM-9, TO NUTE GUNRAY (Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace)

  3. 17:33 Aren't there also "submarines" that are basically cement boxes with torpedoes sunk off shore.. I could swear i saw reports of some countries employing these with a diesel gen set, air pump and primitive sonar sets. very hard to detect as they return as ground effect and not as a vessel on modern systems.

  4. In terms of submarine deals, AUKUS was a massive mistake.

    Australia should've exited the deal and France should be brought back in. Because any defense procurement deal that passes up the chance to create FUKUS is just… wrong…

  5. Regardless of the means of destruction, all threats of annihilation rely on credible psychopathology and willingness to kill the planet, we've hung around this MAD-NESS for longer than Nuclear Weapons existed. This is not even unbelievably stupid. We have no hope, no reason to live with this knowledge.

  6. Before I've even started watching the video…

    … People argue submarines are about to become easily detectable.

    To which I say… Really?

    More detectable than surface ships?

    Didn't think so….

  7. If light at certain wavelengths provide a good modality for detecting underwater threats, couldn't it also be a form of directed underwater communication? A MADL for underwater communication of sorts, if you will. Probably very range limited, but interesting to think about

  8. More please!
    Perun, please do go ahead with your suggestion and create a follow up… Subs are fascinating tech and would be great to learn about current fleets and what is coming next.

  9. For those interested, Drachinifel has a video about the US torpedo problems ("Failure is like onions"), but if you're here you have probably already watched that video a couple times already. 😉

  10. I froth these videos. I am new to your channel (recent subscriber) but I absolutely love how you originally started as a gaming streamer.

    Legit had no idea until I scrolled down through like 2 years of your videos.

  11. I also wouldn't be surprised to see high sensitivity gravimetry using the same sort of quantum interferometry tech as the new magnetometers playing a role in submarine detection.

    Would love to see a part 2.

  12. I'm just wondering why we haven't seen supercavitating underwater drone carriers with a skeleton human crew supported by AI yet.

    SSBN's are fun and all, but also extremely expensive to operate and without much purpose beyond mutually assured destruction. Submersible drone carriers could support a vast array of operations from reconnaissance to supply runs to surgical strikes at a moments notice. Like an air drop out of nowhere in DayZ.

  13. Well, never say never. But, never. ASW capbilities mainly exists to give some comfort to surface crews that they are protected, while they really are not. A sub knows hours ahead that something is hunting for it than the something knows the sub is there, so it has plenty of time to sneak away.

  14. That was great, as usual. Thanks, specifically, for antecipating my concerns regarding the implications of improved submarine-detection for second-strike nuclear-deterrence systems. You never disappoint.

  15. One thing I don't remember being discussed is the effect of thermal layers in the ocean, and how that affects transmission of sound waves, eg sonar. Maybe LIDAR can be skewed or screwed by the dissimilarity of temperatures. 6 years in SubLantFleet Fire Control and I'd like to give a 5 stars for a decent review of submarine warfare.

  16. Unless we get to a point where space travel is possible or governments start thinking about putting secret permanent underwater military bases or missle sites 20:10 I don't ever see the submarine becoming obsolete. If I had my own country and could only pick one type of hardware to use for my navy I would always pick the submarine. The stealth, speed, firepower, endurance, and ability to move assault teams. Nothing compares to a nuclear sub.
    Great video as always keep up the great work sir. We all really appreciate your efforts !!!

  17. Sorry, but I only see LIDAR as applicable in relatively shallow waters, 200 – 300 metres or less, much less in more turgid seas like say the UK Coast of the North or Irish sea for example.

    Why? Because while it may be a laser system it is still light based, and attenuation is an issue. There is absolutely no way anyone will be able to convince me that a LIDAR system will be able to detect a submarine even in clear water at say 600 metres for one very simple reason. 600 metres is 400 metres deeper than the 'Photic' Zone assuming clear water. Let me be frank here, if the laser system is THAT powerful you may as well be using it as a weapon, not a sensor.

    As a system it may well be valuable for detecting and attacking submarines that are fairly shallow, but all a submarine has to do to avoid LIDAR is go deep.

    There is a REASON deep sea exploration, including communications is all umbilical based, because water attenuates electromagnetic waves of all kinds, and that is assuming the water column is homogenous. And that right there is the issue, it is not. Thermoclines form at multiple and often wildly variable depths depending on the area (or not at all in some shallow and well mixed seas), and the boundary layer of a Thermocline plays holy hell with any electromagnetic detection system including both RADAR and LIDAR as well as SONAR.

  18. It seems that the most likely viable military infrastructure is a rational portfolio of diverse alternatives that can best mitigate the risk that any weapon platform might be rendered obsolete by breakthrough technology. Small investors in this context will always be much more vulnerable, especially if they are deeply committed to particularly long term projects. I assume that agility is becoming increasingly critical to security.

  19. Perun, if this is true, why are the Russians having the Ukrainians make so many of their surface ships submergable?

  20. Isn't a big part of how compact Soviet submarine nuckear reactors that they just weren't as heavily shielded as their American and NATO counterparts?

  21. I think I am de-evolving. I found this submarine stuff to be really interesting. I usually shop for Hello Kitty and designer handbags.

  22. As i start to watch, all i gotta say is: I'd love a rundown on the submarine fleets around the world. That'd be a great watch!

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