De ce ar trebui eliminate aceste 10 sporturi olimpice

De ce ar trebui eliminate aceste 10 sporturi olimpice

Descoperiți primele 10 sporturi olimpice care ar trebui eliminate imediat de la Jocurile Olimpice. Ca acum, acestea pur și simplu nu aparțin. De la scrimă la trambulină, de la tenis de masă la navigație, află de ce aceste evenimente ar putea să nu merite un loc în Jocurile. Și prin s-ar putea să nu, vreau să spun cu siguranță că nu. Nu uitați să vă abonați pentru mai mult conținut distractiv ca acesta! 0:00 – Introducere 0:14 – Scrimă 1:04 – Tir cu arcul 1:40 – Tragere 2:30 – Handbal 3:16 – Pentatlon modern 4:12 – Midway 4:26 – Ecvestră 5:18 – Tenis de masă 6:17 – Trambulina 7:03 – Mersul pe curse 7:48 – Navigare 8:41 – Outro


45 thoughts on “De ce ar trebui eliminate aceste 10 sporturi olimpice

  1. For table tennis (specifically the 2nd part) I don’t agree with that because by that logic a sport like basketball should also be removed because the United States has won nearly every gold medal since it became an Olympic Sport even though it’s a globally popular game. Also table tennis is very entertaining to watch so I’d keep it an Olympic Sport

  2. I'm not sure the reason for excluding Table tennis is strong enough.

    Yes, there is a China dominance.
    But, there are many such sports where one country dominates, e. g. Diving, Basketball, etc. Even if you look at very popular events like swimming, about 50% of gold medals go to USA alone. Moreover, there have been one-nation sports which became globalized through Olympics, e. g. Field Hockey.

    So, the case against TT isn't that strong.

  3. A couple I agree with, most not. Even so the olympics isn't really about physicality all the time. Archery for example the target is 70m away, that requires skill, but not huge strength all the time. What is your opinion of Badminton as an Olympic sport?

  4. Yeah race walking is ridiculous, I mean if you want to go faster just run. Why go fast in the slowest possible way.

  5. Equestrian is the one event that definitely should be removed…
    There are so many problems with the event. Not only the horses are the actual competitors, it is also not uncommon that participants lost simply because their horses refused to act.

  6. Raccewalking is a sport that has worldwide participation and the medalist have come from a very wide range of countries I has it’s issues but it definitely should be an Olympic sport

  7. What an awful list lmao idk the videos you’ve seen on tik tok or wheatever but there are different types of trampolines. There’s also G- tramp which is prob what you saw. But it takes a lot of work and effort and skill to be at this level. I can also definitely say that those kids positions are definitely not as good as Olympic form.

  8. I have zero interest for Handball, however your point of few teams (only 12) make not much sense… Volley-ball, Basketball, Field hockey, Football (except mens at 16) are as well only get 12 entries.

  9. Dumb list. You clearly have no appreciation for other sports. What would you add to replace them, darts chess and tiddlywinks.

  10. I've got a pretty different list.

    1. Anything with a weight category – boxing, weightlifting etc.. Many sports favour various characteristics.. no lightweight shot putters or short basketballers.

    2. Most of the team events..too many qualifying games and too many competitors to house in the village for only a handful of medals (and most have their own world champs)

  11. Let me get this straight. If you don't like, or cannot understand a sport, then it should not be competed. I have a suggestion for you. If you don't like a sport, don't watch it.
    The opinions you express here are insulting and childish.

  12. I think you have the wrong taken on the olympics. It is supposed to be the amateur sports championships. The sports to get rid of are the sports that are lucrative enough to play as a legitimate career. Basketball and Soccer should be out as they have their own world cup events that nearly match the olympics.
    That being said, speed walking and sailing can certainly go (and youre right, darts should be added). In an ideal world, you watch people compete at something you could think 'that is doable while being very impressed by how the competitors do it.'

  13. One of my sailing coaches was the first female America. Sailor to win gold. They did not have the funds to campaign through Europe. They did not set aside hundreds of thousands of dollars for this event. They came in as the underdog and left as the champion. Another coach I have coached in the Olympics in Athens and London. Both are local legends here. If you think that sailing is also the nautical equivalent of motor sports I have two things to say. One it is not. We don’t have engines. And two you should watch SAILGP this is f1 on water. Sailing is one of the hardest sports in the world every tack wave and gust will be different in almost every other sport you can trust the venue not in mine. And I would y doing some research on sailing if you want to understand the Americas cup and sailGP better. Sailing is not an elitist royalty type thing. That’s golf. Sailing requires a strong mind and body. And as someone who has seen and done things in the sport, elites don’t put themselves in stupid situations like sailors. One time it was blowing highway speed and I went out with the team. I flipped and I god rescued but my boat was flushed under the Pier. The elite version of sailing is not hardcore it is being on a 100 ft long boat that you have no idea how to sail sipping an alcoholic beverage while someone you pay sails for you. Far from what I do. Please do research before naming something as elitist.

  14. Olympic sports should be limited to those that require athleticism: “Faster, higher stronger”. Snobbery about elite upper class issues is just snobbery. Anything involving weapons, third party power (horses) or ball games should be out. Events that involve aesthetic judgement (diving, gymnastics) are also suspect.

  15. All I know is that I'm stoked that Breakdancing is finally in the Olympics. We need more global dance-offs. Perhaps someday, instead of war, countries will resolve disputes through impartially judged dance-offs, and the entire world will look back at the 2024 Paris Olympics as the beginning of an unprecedented era of human peace. Or, just as likely, people will just look at the Breakdancing events and mock it mercilessly for being weird. Either way, we're getting something good out of it.

  16. Track and field, a bit of swimming, weighlifting, done. No sports with judges, no team sports, no sports that aren't a measure of athletic ability.

  17. Bro due to some physical issues 50km walk removed and now 35km walk relay, the judges will will check any foul made by athletes, please you know about racewalk… every sports has some uniqueness 🙏🙌🏻

  18. Diving where only China can win gold & silver. All other countries compete for bronze. Synchronized swimming is similar where Russia is eons ahead over other countries.

  19. I like how this guy called fencing elitist then continued to just say that the sport is dumb and other stupid stuff like that

  20. the one I 100% agree with is the shooting, and mostly agree with the modern pentathlon argument too… others like fencing and race walking I'd somewhat agree because I think they're boring 😂😂 edit: also somewhat agree with equestrian because of the stress the horses are submitted to, I feel so bad for them..

  21. This is one silly list. If rich people enjoy a sport it shouldn't be there? If a sport uses something that can be used in combat it shouldn't be there? If you have combined events it shouldn't be there? Then you unthinkingly use the word decathlon. LOL. Then after you are finished with that you want sports everyone has access to removed the return to the old gripe about rich people. The olympics are GLOBAL that includes elites, people who like to shoot things and people who own things and have privilege ….LIKE YOU.

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