Vino alături de mine într-un tur al acestui Kando 110, un iaht compact de explorare livrat de șantierul naval turc Ava Yachts. Acest iaht are doar 110′, dar la 320 de tone brute pare un superyacht mult mai mare! În interior veți găsi 5 cabine spațioase cu o a șasea cabină bonus. Terraza este, de asemenea, un spațiu masiv comparabil cu iahturile de peste 130 de metri. Acest super iaht este echipat cu un sistem de alimentare Atlas shore, astfel încât să se poată conecta oriunde în lume. În cele din urmă, intervalul este extrem de impresionant la 6500 nm. Acest iaht este prezentat de Gilman Yachts din Fort Lauderdale: Acest canal nu ar fi posibil fără tine! Fiecare comentariu, like și distribuire ajută canalul să se dezvolte. Aboneaza-te daca iti place si te prindem data viitoare! Urmăriți următorul: Extra Yachts X99 FAST SuperYacht Tour: 36.000.000 € Baglietto T52 Hybrid SuperYacht : 143′ Canados Oceanic 143 Tri Deck SuperYacht: 143′ Canados Oceanic 143 Tri Deck SuperYacht. be/s100tdNGG7U Despre dependența de iahturi: Hei, eu sunt Tony. Vă mulțumim că ați verificat Yacht Addiction pe Youtube! Dacă îți plac iahturile, acesta este locul potrivit pentru tine! Noi tururi cu iahturi sunt disponibile în fiecare miercuri. Nu lucrez în industria iahturilor și nu am experiență în navigație. Sunt doar un tip obsedat de iahturi. Alăturați-vă mie în această călătorie în timp ce explorez cât mai multe bărci. Croaziere, traulere, superyacht-uri, pescuit sportiv și bărci cu pânze.. Vreau să le fac tur pe toate! Urmărește-mă pe instagram: My Gear: Camera – Backup Camera – Microfon – https://amzn. to/3CTkWkA Backup Mic – Gimbal – Card SD – Unele linkuri din descriere pot fi link-uri afiliate. Dacă achiziționați un produs cu link-urile pe care le furnizez, s-ar putea să primesc un mic comision. Nu există nicio taxă suplimentară pentru tine! Acest lucru mă ajută să continui canalul Yacht Addiction cu noi tururi în fiecare săptămână! SPECIFICAȚII: Preț: 8.900.000 USD Lungime: 110′ (33,53 m) Constructor: AvA Yachts Model: Kando 110 Categorie: Motor Yacht Lungimea: 25′ 7″ Pescaj maxim: 8′ 4″ Motoare: 2 Producător: Volvo Penta Model motor: D16MH Cai putere : 650 Tip de combustibil: Diesel Viteză maximă: 13,8 kt Viteză de croazieră: 10,4 kt Raza de acțiune: 6500 nm Capacitate combustibil: 12.680 galoni Capacitate Wtr: 1453 galoane Oaspeți: 12 Echipaj: 5 Locație: Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Statele Unite ale Americii Intro 0 Deck: 00 00:58 Salon principal 1:32 Sufragerie 2:08 Suita proprietarilor 2:53 Cabine pentru oaspeți 4:57 Bucătărie 7:25 Cabină bonus 7:56 Pod 9:20 Skylounge 11:04 Pod Puntea Pupa 12:05 Terraza soarelui 12: 28 Puntea din față 14:30 Zona echipajului 16:05 Sala motoare 18:43 Outro 21:12 #SuperYacht #ExplorerYacht #YachtTour
În interiorul unui iaht Explorer de 9.000.000 USD cu o autonomie INCREDIBILĂ | Kando 110 SuperYacht Tour

22 thoughts on “În interiorul unui iaht Explorer de 9.000.000 USD cu o autonomie INCREDIBILĂ | Kando 110 SuperYacht Tour”
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Man Tony as much as I love your channel dude please don’t lie for the sellers my gawwd you only saving them asking for $9,000,000.00 DOLLARS! I wouldn’t buy that crap my goodness Tony look at the market I can buy three yachts at that price that are faster and more luxurious! Dude I don’t mind paying for a yacht but I have to cover dock expenses at every marina and if the marina today is resort based then I pay more and you have membership fees and my whole estate on more than one CAY! for $9,000,000.00 That piece of shytt can’t get me there in style and on time! However they can thank you for the awesome delivery to any potential buyers! I would honestly buy a mti sv 50, with ten Yamaha 2025 waverunners, 3 or more golf cars, a smart drone, that mansion Jake Burkett is selling on YouTube that has more than 8 bedrooms 6 car garage 10 bathrooms and in gated community and if a private dock can be included on my property then u do the maths
Very nice for its size. I really like how the crew quarters were high standard.
Tony, great seeing you out in front of the camera! First time I think? Provides more of a connection with your viewers.
Wow, stunning!!
this has got to be one of my favorites, along with the one that had the top window between the VIP suite, and the forward area i was looking for at some point… had.a really nice profile as well, really sleek, and sporty, and of course, was worth it just for that window… this one, i think with the other one are my favorite two i've seen so far…
this one has this really nice "family home" feel to it, really nice floors throughout, … again, i have nothing to do with so many bedrooms, but if i did, that one would probably be at the very top of my list… the crew area is also very, very nice… i think one of the nicest crow areas I've seen so far as well, i think some of them it's just way too cramped, noisy and too big a leap between the crew, and guest areas… if i wanted to have a crewed yacht, with many people sleeping onboard, … and of course, had $9M to shell on such a thing, the price is very right for that "yacht", it has an extraordinary range, … definitely would look into buying that particular one… again, if i had a use for so many fridges, and beds, … but if i did, this one isn't "perfect", but it's pretty darn close, i'm not even sure what i would improve upon, … by far the best one i've seen in that size/style…
i like looking at them, but this, and the other one with the window are the only two i might actually consider purchasing if i had that kind of money to put on that… really nice ship, my compliments to the owner… not sure what role he had to play in what i saw, but it's a really, really nice ship… i hope it brought him all the pleasure, and memories he sought to get from it… i can truly see the value in this one…
… from the Portuguese bridge, and some views from the outside, this ship is massive! in french, ships of that size are called « bâtiments », as in « bâtiment de mer » ("sea building"), and this one truly has that feel… very, very impressive ship, must be heartbreaking to the owner to consider parting from it, and i offer him my heartfelt sentiments if he reads this, and again, i hope it brought him what he sought, and dreamed of, and hopefully many more dreams…
really, really nice yacht! thanks for the visit, and to the owner for letting you film onboard…
might've been a bit cold to whoever asked you if you were done with the crew area, though… maybe they caught you off-guard, but i think most people imagine a spliced video, and not a continuous shot like you do, and that's probably why they don't think about it when trying to address you… just a comment, i don't think you mean it, … just, you know… sayin'…
5 crew and one bathroom, what were they thinking
Very nice. The range was phenomenal. Nice whirlpool, too. My issue with Explorer yachts is the speed. I would have to think long and hard before I bought this boat.
Not only is the volume of this vessel impressive, but the range is amazing. There are a lot bigger boats that can't match the range. She looks like she could handle a big sea too. I'm impressed with the quality of the crew quarters finish. They are likely to be on board longer than the guests and I think they are entitled to a reasonable standard. I suspect that the "Captains cabin" behind the bridge might actually be a watchkeepers berth. That would explain the absence of facilities. The decoration, lighting and general quality of the guest areas are magnificent.
Berthing wise, they didn't think much of the crew & Captain. How is the crew to watch TV when it's behind them . Only 1 head & shower for them, none in the Captains quarters, for me, that's a big negative. Otherwise, the ship seemed nice, Nice presentation

Yeah, good to actually see you!
just beautiful. Thank you Tony
I watch a lot of sports, is there a TV in the main salon
Enjoyed that one , as you say the size is deceptive, that range is stunning a proper go round the world boat , thanks
Prefiero un astandoa echo en España
That was the dumb waiter tony
You had me until I saw a small galley and no bathroom in the captain's cabin. Who designs a yacht with no bathroom for the Captin?
WHY is amazon using a mentally disabled person to to flog their product?……….. vile
Tony, first I have to say thank you for making an sharing this video for us to see. Second, what a beautiful yacht this is, i mainly Love to see it has an elevator in it. I'm a disabled veteran and I couldn't have a boat if it has stairs in it but with an elevator I wouldn't be forced to stay on one level like I am currently in my home. The wood work an bedrooms on this yacht are very beautiful but i wonder if the hallways are wide enough for a wheelchair to maneuver for one location to another on it. I love it to be able to know that more builders are adding elevators to their yachts now for us disabled individuals and this also could come in handy for women who are pregnant so they don't have to walk stairs and adding more stress on their legs going up or down taking a risk for having a accident if they fall. Plus one of the biggest things ive noticed during the tour, every room they added fire extinguishers and not little skinny ones but the nice size ones and alarm pulls in all the main areas, I Loved that even more than I seen there was an elevator in the yacht. That engine room an crew area along with the cabin in the bow where the captain stays, all those ares are so much bigger than all or atleast most of the yachts in that length range, i am truly impressed and I give this yacht 5 out of 5 stars especially with 6500 nm range. Yes i do prefer the full displacement yachts over the faster ones that burn and waste fuel. You should enjoy your time with the family and friends and enjoy life. Isn't that what everyone wants from having time to share your life with the ones you live before they grow up and out of your life. Awesome and beautiful yacht. One day i hope I am healthy enough to have a yacht like this with a elevator with wide hallways to fit a wheelchair in them. Great video buddy. Thank you again buddy, this made my day.
Great tour!!! Does that elevator give access to the sun deck?
Link to the yacht builder?
Nice yacht, but really seems weird to have a captain's cabin off the bridge with no ensuite? That makes no sense at all, strange decision there…