Ultima navă de război cu navigație a Americii: USS Constellation din Războiul Civil din SUA 1854

Ultima navă de război cu navigație a Americii: USS Constellation din Războiul Civil din SUA 1854

Lui Joshua Hanlon i se alătură Brian Auer pentru un tur al ultimului vapor american construit vreodată: USS Constellation. Informații pentru vizitare pot fi găsite pe site-ul web Historic Ships in Baltimore: https://historicships.org/


36 thoughts on “Ultima navă de război cu navigație a Americii: USS Constellation din Războiul Civil din SUA 1854

  1. why dont they use sliding planks of wood instead (like a sliding door) of trying to guard the hatches from water with a TRAP?? At least have a retractable door/hatch lid THEN put a tarp over the whole hatch?? There surely was technology that would seal those hatches better than just a trap? Just an idea I would have suggested back then

  2. Not to nit pick but when. 32 pound ball comes through into a space it does more than punch a hole. More serious casualties were caused by splinters than the balls themselves.

  3. whoever wrote the script for this, had no idea what they were talking about.
    The USS Constitution was commissioned in 1897, it served in both the war of 1812, and the civil war…
    Claiming that this ship is the last one still afloat in the title, is disrespectful of the USS Constitution…

  4. I saw her a few years back. I got to help work the capstan to load a barrel onto her deck. Being able to roam her as freely as I did was really cool.

  5. The Constellation is a reconstruction of the original. The USS Constitution is older, still sailing, and still an actively commissioned ship in the US Navy. HMS Victory is older by some 50 years, although no longer sailing and preserved in drydock, still in commission, and actively serving as HQ of the Royal Navy home fleet.

  6. This ship belonged to the previous BLACK civilization. You are the inheritors, it would be nice if for once you would tell the truth. A sailing ship built for the Confederate War…yeah sure.

  7. You mean the US' last sailing ship the US is NOT America soon, America is three separate parts of the same continent that Canada is the LARGEST part of dwarfing the tiny US by over a thousand miles. Please use some basic education and basic geography and some respect to ALL the countries that make up the Americas, all of which out dat the US by more than several thousands of years. Show some respect

  8. I live 10 minute walk away. If you didn't mention was the original USS Constellation we're still ship seaworthy, but the navy needed less frigates and more swoop-of-war, so the original is taking the car and used to play with that one. Still retaining the originals French given nickname "The Yankee race horse" for her speed.

  9. They’ll release it AFTER they manage to rig the election and put another crooked Democrat in Office !! They need another Democrat in Office to completely cover it up and move on to more power and Communist Rule.

  10. The ship is made of white oak. White oak takes 200 years to mature. There’s only one place in the U.S. that supplies this wood. It’s a protected forest owned by the U.S. Navy. It’s in Southern Indiana.

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