Bine ați venit la un alt reflector YachtWay! De data aceasta, YachtWay vă duce într-un tur preliminar al unui Vanquish VQ115 – un super iaht de 115 picioare. Alăturați-vă nouă în timp ce explorăm designul luxos, caracteristicile de ultimă oră și performanța de neegalat care fac din VQ115 o adevărată capodoperă pe apă. Indiferent dacă sunteți un pasionat de iahturi experimentat sau un privitor pentru prima dată, nu veți dori să ratați acest aspect exclusivist asupra uneia dintre cele mai impresionante vase din lume. Iahtul tău. Calea ta. YachtWay. Bun venit în viitorul cumpărării de iahturi. Doriți să cumpărați un iaht Vanquish? Faceți clic aici: Urmărește Instagramul nostru pentru a nu rata niciun conținut exclusiv: #FindYours pe — cea mai avansată platformă de yachting din lume care te conectează cu dealerii de iahturi prin interfață de utilizator modernă. 00:00 Introducere 00:42 Spatele iahtului 03:15 Pupa punte și zonă de luat masa 05:27 În spatele ușilor de sticlă 06:03 Zona de divertisment 07:33 Stația de cârma 10:00 Sub punte 12:30 Cabină pentru oaspeți 13:40 Cabana VIP 16:40 Sala media 17:13 Cabana proprietarului 19:50 Concluzii
Super Yacht suprem de 115 ft? Vanquish VQ115 – Uimitor!

34 thoughts on “Super Yacht suprem de 115 ft? Vanquish VQ115 – Uimitor!”
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The interior of this boat looks like the set of a Scifi movie. Too cold and clinical for my tastes. I guess I'll have to buy another super yacht.
Amazing is all i can say !
The exterior of the yacht is quite eye catching with its lines and blue, black and light teak wood color. The interior is a minimalist dream but unfortunately with its sharp corners and matte blue and white surfaces makes it look and feel like they went to IKEA for design ideas. This gives the yacht a sterile atmosphere and not inviting. Very poor layout.
Cheap Ikea interior. Pass.
Very nice yacht, the interior would not be my choice… of colors and materials..
Exterior looks great interior looks terrible
it's like living in a huge LG fridge!!!
What a stunning design, I love the saloon colours,below deck,not so much, looks like some kind of sci-fi space ship from the 2000 to 2010.
Insane beauty
Gorgeous exterior, looks like a hospital inside. What a shame.
If i were white, i'd have a much better chance at owning or buying a yacht like this in my lifetime. Amazing and Magnificent design and engineering. I've never been on any yacht but they've i've always noticed them. A blessing for a poor mans eyes. Manifest this into my life and charter for a week with friends/family.
Quanto De Largura E Comprimento Tens este Yachts ?
The table is a pentagon, not a hexagon.
Worst walk through I've ever seen
Interior interior not good so sensitive.Some other color qould be much better..just my opinion
Aseptic as a hospital
Take a drink every time he says "kind of"! (transcript counts 30 of em!)
What is the starting price of one of these boats?
sorry, the interior looks like it was designed by Ikea , no life!
the exterior looks great. The interior i'm in between saying is a Korean kareokee or a 'high end minimalistic motel'
Beautiful yacht and a great layout but the colour scheme you would need to wear sunglasses every time you entered it, it definitely needs some colour on the inside it’s like looking into a fridge I’ve been in surgeries that aren’t this bright
Everything is proper. Proper prope. That fridge looks like Liebherr. That's proper. Love the blue theme. Usually Vanquish does garish colors that look like a douchebag designed it
Brighter whiter than heaven
A boat of this size should have levels!! We fell in love w the VQ58 at 2022 FLIBS, but for 115'…I'm going to need a tri-level!!!
I like the Spaceship look and those hinges at 4:38.
You wouldn’t want to have sunscreen on. All that beautiful white furniture would be ruined in the matter of weeks. Basically not very practical, especially for charters. Obviously a designers wet dream.
I really like the presentation and professionalism of this presenter.
115ft and a living space way smaller than one under 100ft….