Am urmărit asta doar azi mai devreme, așa că pot oferi câteva detalii despre episod. Maggie Clegg este enervată că Lucille și-a găsit un loc de muncă falsificând o referință de la Maggie. Bineînțeles. Nu știu dacă a fost o greșeală în 1980, Martin Cheveski a rămas cu Elsie o vreme. A fost menit să fie Paul și au greșit numele?. Cum Linda a avut doar un fiu, cred. O problemă cu spectacolele de lungă durată Bănuiesc. Diferitele echipe de producție nu verifică întotdeauna numele personajelor văzute foarte puțin. Oricum, episod decent.
Strada Coronation-8 martie 1972.

7 thoughts on “Strada Coronation-8 martie 1972.”
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Morrissey on the edge of his seat, taking notes.
Cheers! X
Brilliant, thanks for sharing
I always assumed Linda had two children; one Paul and the other Martin. I remember the episodes when Martin came to stay. I do wish that the writers would do proper research. They may forget, but we the viewers don't. It always annoyed me the way the writers decided to change Maggie's son Gordon, to Betty's son that she adopted out to Maggie. If that was so, then the conversation with Bet Lynch in this episode would not have taken place. Another case of dumb writers who don't bother to research.
Pat Phoenix memorabilia is what i was given 20 years ago, it`s a A4 sized book.
21:52 A brave decision by the director to cut straight from 16mm to OB video – lampshaded by Stan calling after Lucille. I wonder how many viewers of the time noticed? Apparently, there are still people to this day who never noticed the picture difference between film and video. I have to say, even as child I did – but I just assumed that was what "outside" and "inside" looked like when on TV.